Pronghorn/Nexon Game
Pronghorn | Season 2 | Pavilion | KF3 | Nexon Game | Gallery |
A Pronghorn friend named Puhon appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order.
She is one of the member of "Horn Chaser" along with Springbok. When she doesn't have anything to do, she usually do muscle training so her leg doesn't lose it power. she speaks in 3rd person.
My name is Puhon the Pronghorn. Along with Springbok we introduce ourselves as "Horn Chaser". Puhon is being called the pursuer. The target Puhon aim at she will never let it get away! Because Puhon have confidence in long distance run, No matter how far apart with the target, Puhon will chase it tenaciously. Vowing to this important ribbon tie, Puhon will persevere until the end. Once Puhon get her teeth into something, she will never let it go.
She is Springbok's partner duos in "Horn Chaser" and also her best friend. She always amazed at how high her partner jumping.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
プホン参上!で、誰を追跡する? あれ、しないの? | Puhon appeared! So, who will we chase today? Eh, you're not doing it? |
Battle Cry
追跡の障害発見。この走りは止めさせないよ | Puhon found obstacle in her chase. It will not stop this run |
狙った獲物は逃さない | The thing Puhon want to aim, Puhon will not let it getting away |
よーし、戦闘終了。じゃ、追跡再開だね | Alright, battle is over. Now, let's restart the chase |
Level Up
もっと長く、スピードを落とさず走れるようになったと思うよ | Puhon think she can run far away without slowing her speed |
Wild Release
体力がついたみたい。さ、今度は何を追跡しようか | Looks like Puhon physical strength increased. Now, what thing we should chase this time |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 準備体操は完了、いつでもがっつり走れるよ | Warm-up exercise finish; Puhon can run with all her strength anytime |
Line 2 | 特にすることがないときは筋トレして、脚力が落ちないようにしているんだ | When there's nothing to do, Puhon do physical training so that her leg strength will not deteriorate |
Line 3 | 追跡は、地道にじっくり進めるのがコツだね。そうすればうっかりミスも防げると思うよ | The know-how for a chase is that you slowly and steadily advance. If you do that, Puhon think that you can prevent careless miss |
Line 4 | リボックのジャンプ力にはいつも驚かされるよ。最高の相棒だね | Puhon always surprised by Reebok's jumping ability. She's the best partner |
Line 5 | プホンとリボックは『ホーンチェイサー』っていう追跡者をやってるんだ。何か追う? | Puhon and Reebok are work as pursuers with the name of "Horn Chaser". Should we chase something? |
Line 6 | プホンがリーダーなんだね?追跡も冒険も足が第一!地道にがんばるよ | Puhon is the leader right? In chasing or adventure, leg is the most important! Puhon will continuously do her best |
Line 7 | 「 」さんはプホンのハートを追うホーンチェイサーだね。簡単には追いつかせないよ♪ | [protagonist]-san is a horn chaser that chase Puhon heart huh. Puhon will not let you catch up to her easily♪ |
- Mariko Kouda goes on to voice Moose in the 2017 Anime.