Cape Lion/Nexon Game
Cape Lion | Season 2 | KF3 | Nexon Game | Stage Play | Gallery |
Cape Lion appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Clan of the Kings of a Hundred Beasts.
She has hot blooded personality but she knows what she's doing and doesn't like person who lives as they like without thinking about the consequence. Recently she has interests in sport called soccer.
Yo, I'm Cape Lion. If there is Barbary Lion in the north, there is Cape Lion in the south... ... Uhm, well, Me and her have famous rivalry. But then, I'm stronger than her you know? While living as you please, becoming stronger. Having fun while living is my motto. You also want to try playing with me?
Barbary Lion
She has great rivalry against Barbary Lion. She acknowledges the said person as rival but also states that she's better than Barbary Lion.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
ケープライオンだ。今日こそライバルであるバリと決着をつける | I'm Cape Lion. Today I will settle my dispute against my rival Bary |
Battle Cry
まっ、肩慣らしにちょうどいいかな | Well, It just right for a warm up I think |
泣いちゃでも知らねぇぞ | I don't take any responsibility if you cry |
準備体操は完了って、もう本番も終わったのか | Warm-up exercise finish, the real fight is already over? |
Level Up
こんだっけ強くなれば、バリにも勝ってる。そ、そんなマイ相手ならどれだけ楽か。ったく、バリという壁は分厚いな | If I can become strong like this, I can win even against Bary |
Wild Release
いい感じになった。だが、まだ終わりじゃない。更なる高みを目指すんだ! | It feels good. But, it's not over yet. I will aim for a new high |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | お前たちとの旅は楽しいな。めったにできない経験もできるしさ | The journey with all of you is fun. Not only that I can also experience something that usually can't |
Line 2 | よお、ケープライオンだぜ。オレを連れて行くのか?よし、期待にこたえてみせるぜ | Yo, it's me Cape Lion. You're going to take me along? Alright, I will answer your expectation |
Line 3 | バーバリライオン?ライバルとして認めてやってもいい。だがオレのほうが強いぜ | Barbary lion? I acknowledge her as my rival. But I'm stronger than her |
Line 4 | 根性だけは誰にも負けないぜ。自由に生きるには覚悟がいるんだ | There's no one can defeat me in determination. You need to have resolution to live freely |
Line 5 | さて、ちょっとその辺でも走り込んでこようかな。力が有り余ってるもんでね | Now, maybe I'm going to have long run training over there. That's because I've excess energy |
Line 6 | 下手の横好きかもしれないが、最近サッカー?ってスポーツがお気に入りなんだ | Maybe I'm not good with it but lately I'm kinda into a sport called soccer? |
Line 7 | オレの強さに惚れたのか?「 」!おいおい、じゃあ見せ場は全部オレが頂くぜ! | Are you fell in love with my power? Oi, oi, [protagonist], then I will show you everything I have! |