Common Cuckoo/Nexon Game

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Common Cuckoo

Common CuckooOriginal.png

Friend Data
Group "Carefree Floaters' Club" NexonRelaxingFloatersClub.png
Voice Lynn
Game Data
Attribute Passion
Attack Type Long-Range Long Range.png
Size Medium NexonMedium.png
Nocturnal No
Skill Aura of Pleading to Stay the Night
ID 00243
Common Cuckoo Nexon Game

Common Cuckoo appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Carefree Floaters' Club.


She becomes sleepy rather easily. She likes staying at other places and sometimes without the concern from the owner. It seems she has good sociable manners, she never got refused by other when she asks to stay at their place. The one she likes when staying at other places is doing a girls talk.


I often go staying at other bird friends residence. Even if I go without an appointment, everyone will let me staying at their place right? Because I can get along with other easily, I'm being called good at make a living. Whose house will I going to today?


Friend Stats
Maximum HP: 1,999 Maximum ATK: 2,548
Movement: 81 Attack Speed: 35
Knockback: 32 Anti-Knockback: 30
Reach: 230 Damage Per Second (Single Target): 891
Skill Charge Speed: 2.94 Maximum Targets: 3
Advantageous Terrain: NexonSky.png Disadvantageous Terrain: NexonPlains.png

Voice Lines

Line Japanese English

カッコウです。今日はどこに泊まりましょうか I'm Common Cuckoo. Today where will we going to stay?
Battle Cry

あの敵は、泊めてくれそうにもありませんね That enemy, looks like they will not let me stay at their place

私からお願いがあります。 There is something I want to ask you

なんとかなりました。皆さんのおかげです  Somehow we are managed to do it. It's thanks to everyone
Level Up

なんだか強くなった気がします Somehow I feel getting stronger
Wild Release

とっても強くなった気がします。アポなしで行っても泊めてもらえそうな I feel I have become so strong. I feel like I can go and stay at other's place without appointment

Home Screen Lines

Line Japanese English
Line 1 いつも眠くてぼんやりしちゃいます。今から誰かのうちにお泊りして眠れないでしょうか I'm always sleepy and absentminded. I intend to go to someone's house for stay now; I wonder if I can sleep?
Line 2 今日もよろしくおねがいします。さあ、誰のところに泊まりにいきましょうか? Today too please take care of me. Now, should we stay the night on someone's place?
Line 3 お泊り先でのガールズトーク。とっても楽しくて時間が経つのを忘れちゃいます Doing girls talk in the place where I stay. It's so fun that I'm forget time flies
Line 4 森は得意ですよ。目も冴えて、全力が出せるって感じです I'm good at the forest. I'm wide-awake and I feel like I'm able to use all my power
Line 5 私、人当たりがいいらしいです。だから今までお泊り断られたことないんですよね It seems I'm a sociable person. That's why until now I never get rejected when I'm stay in their place
Line 6 次はあなたのおうちにお邪魔してもいいですか?トーク、盛り上げますから Next one can I intrude to your home? I will enliven the talk
Line 7 「 」さんのお家にお泊りにいけるのはいつになるのやら。大丈夫、待てますよ、私 I wonder when I can stay a night in [protagonist]-san's house? But it's okay, I will wait.

Carefree Floaters' Club NexonRelaxingFloatersClub.png
Acorn WoodpeckerBarn OwlCampo FlickerChukar PartridgeCommon CuckooEurasian Eagle-OwlForest OwletGoldcrestGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater HoneyguideGreen PheasantJapanese Bush WarblerKyushu OwlLarge-Billed CrowMarvelous SpatuletailMedium Tree FinchNorthern White-Faced OwlRed JunglefowlResplendent QuetzalRock DoveRock PtarmiganShoebillSpectacled OwlSuperb LyrebirdYatagarasu
Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)
Major Characters
CellvalMiraiServalTowaCellien QueenStar BeastsSilver FoxCaracalCrested IbisLuluWhite RhinocerosArai-sanFennec Fox
Minor Characters
Rabi-RabiBlack RhinocerosMargayOinari-sama
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Saber-Toothed TigerSableSable AntelopeSaiga AntelopeSand CatScaly-Tailed PossumSchomburgk's DeerServalSheepShort-Beaked Common DolphinSiberian ChipmunkSiberian TigerSika DeerSilky AnteaterSilver FoxSivatheriumSnow LeopardSnow SheepSouth African GiraffeSouth China TigerSouthern PudúSouthern Sea OtterSouthern TamanduaSpectacled BearSpectacled Hare-WallabySpotted HyenaSpringbokSquirrel GliderSteller's Sea CowSteller Sea LionStoatStriped SkunkSulawesi Bear CuscusSumatran RhinocerosSun BearSuri AlpacaTakinTarpanTasmanian DevilThomson's GazelleThylacineTibetan AntelopeTibetan Sand FoxTopiTransvaal LionTundra WolfVenezuelan Red HowlerVicuñaWalrusWater DeerWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Spotted SkunkWhite-Eared OpossumWhite LionWhite RhinocerosWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWoolly MammothYezo Sika Deer
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DororoGiroroHAW-206KeroroKururuLogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTamamaUchikoma