Steller's Sea Cow/Nexon Game

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Steller's Sea Cow

Steller's Sea CowOld.png

Friend Data
Nickname Stella
Group "Water Girls" Water Girls.png
Voice Miyū Tsuji 辻美優
Game Data
Attribute Cool
Attack Type Short-Range Short Range.png
Size Large NexonLarge.png
Nocturnal No
Skill Big Support Wave
ID 00344
Steller's Sea Cow KF3 Nexon Game

A Steller's Sea Cow friend named Stella appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of Water Girls.


She idolizes Mediterranean Monk Seal and now she's in the middle of searching an instrumental music that will fit with Mediterranean Monk Seal singing. Her dream is spreading Mediterranean Monk Seal song.


Up until now I'm floating on top of the water. it's because I'm happy by just doing that. But I met with Moy-Moy-san, hearing her singing and I become want to spread this person song to everyone. Before I know, it's already become my dream. Would you mind to achieve that small dream together?


Mediterranean Monk Seal

She's Mediterranean Monk Seal biggest fan and always come to her show because Mediterranean Monk Seal only singing a song one time. She hopes that she could record Mediterranean Monk Seal singing. She's propagate Moy-Moy san's show to everyone in the park.


Friend Stats
Maximum HP: 7,375 Maximum ATK: 4,636
Movement: 80 Attack Speed: 34
Knockback: 55 Anti-Knockback: 67
Reach: 40 Damage Per Second (Single Target): 1,576
Skill Charge Speed: 2.56 Maximum Targets: 3
Advantageous Terrain: NexonWaterfront.png Disadvantageous Terrain: NexonSandySoil.png

Voice Lines

Line Japanese English

ステラーカイギュウです。モイモイさんの歌をパーク中に広めますよ I'm Steller's Sea Cow. I'm propagate Moy-Moy-san's song to the park
Battle Cry

いつまでも受け身ではいられないようです Looks like I can't stay passive forever

落ち着きなさい! Calm yourself!

あなたたちにも、モイモイさんの歌を聞かせてあげたかった I want to have all of you heard Moy-Moy-san's song
Level Up

夢に、少し近づけた気がします I feel like I'm getting closer to my dream for a bit
Wild Release

夢に、大きく近づくことができたと思います I think I can get closer to my dream significantly

Home Screen Lines

Icon chara 0141 04.png This article could benefit from a translation.
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Line Japanese English
Line 1 今日も参りましょう、歌を広めるために {{{enhomeline1}}}
Line 2 モイモイさんとその歌に出会ったことが、私の運命を変えました。そう断言できます {{{enhomeline2}}}
Line 3 モイモイさんの歌に合う楽器か何かはないかと、いつも探しているんです。見つかりませんけど…… {{{enhomeline3}}}
Line 4 モイモイさんの歌は、一回きりです。聞き逃せません……録音とかできたらいいんですけどね {{{enhomeline4}}}
Line 5 水を愛するウォーターガールズのメンバーになら、モイモイさんの歌はすぐに通じると思います {{{enhomeline5}}}
Line 6 ちっぽけな私の夢、あなたは手伝ってくれている。……幸せ者ですね、私は {{{enhomeline6}}}
Line 7 「 」さんは、モイモイさんを応援する仲間……でしたが、いつの間にか私は…… {{{enhomeline7}}}


Water Girls Water Girls.png
Asian Small-Clawed OtterBaikal SealBearded SealCalifornia Sea LionDugongEmperor PenguinEurasian OtterGentoo PenguinHarp SealHooded SealHumboldt PenguinJapanese River OtterJinmengyoMediterranean Monk SealNorthern Fur SealNorthern Sea OtterPlatypusRinged SealSouthern Rockhopper PenguinSouthern Sea OtterSteller Sea LionSteller's Sea CowWalrus
Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)
Major Characters
CellvalMiraiServalTowaCellien QueenStar BeastsSilver FoxCaracalCrested IbisLuluWhite RhinocerosArai-sanFennec Fox
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Malayan TapirMaltese TigerMandrillManed WolfMarbled CatMargayMarkhorMasai LionMasked Palm CivetMediterranean Monk SealMeerkatMexican WolfMongolian WolfMooseMountain GoatMountain HareMountain TapirMule DeerMuskoxNarwhalNilgaiNorth American BeaverNorthern Fur SealNorthern Sea OtterNumbatOcelotOkapiPademelonPale FoxPère David's DeerPink Fairy ArmadilloPlains ZebraPlatypusPolar BearPronghornPrzewalski's HorsePumaQuaggaRaccoonRaccoon DogRed KangarooRed PandaReindeerReticulated GiraffeRhim GazelleRing-Tailed LemurRinged SealRoe DeerRothschild's GiraffeRyukyu Boar
Saber-Toothed TigerSableSable AntelopeSaiga AntelopeSand CatScaly-Tailed PossumSchomburgk's DeerServalSheepShort-Beaked Common DolphinSiberian ChipmunkSiberian TigerSika DeerSilky AnteaterSilver FoxSivatheriumSnow LeopardSnow SheepSouth African GiraffeSouth China TigerSouthern PudúSouthern Sea OtterSouthern TamanduaSpectacled BearSpectacled Hare-WallabySpotted HyenaSpringbokSquirrel GliderSteller's Sea CowSteller Sea LionStoatStriped SkunkSulawesi Bear CuscusSumatran RhinocerosSun BearSuri AlpacaTakinTarpanTasmanian DevilThomson's GazelleThylacineTibetan AntelopeTibetan Sand FoxTopiTransvaal LionTundra WolfVenezuelan Red HowlerVicuñaWalrusWater DeerWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Spotted SkunkWhite-Eared OpossumWhite LionWhite RhinocerosWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWoolly MammothYezo Sika Deer
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African Rock PythonAlligator Snapping TurtleAmazon Tree BoaAmerican AlligatorBlack MambaBoomslangCoastal TaipanEmerald Tree BoaEuropean RatsnakeFrilled LizardGalápagos TortoiseGharialIndian Star TortoiseKing CobraKomodo DragonLeopard TortoiseOkinawan HabuPanther ChameleonRed-Eared SliderRed-Footed TortoiseSaltwater CrocodileSatanic Leaf-Tailed GeckoSpectacled Caiman
AxolotlHellbenderJapanese Giant SalamanderNorthern Dwarf Siren
ByakkoCellvalDanzaburou-DanukiGenbuInugami GyoubuJinmengyoKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)Nine-Tailed FoxOinari-samaPeach PantherSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSkyfishSuzakuTsuchinokoYamata No OrochiYatagarasu
DororoGiroroHAW-206KeroroKururuLogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTamamaUchikoma