American Bison/Nexon Game
American Bison | |||
Friend Data | |||
Nickname | Mary
| ||
Group | "Powerful Girls Alliance" ![]() | ||
Voice | Nonaka Ai 野中藍 | ||
Game Data | |||
Attribute | Cool
| ||
Attack Type | Mid-Range ![]() | ||
Size | Large ![]() | ||
Nocturnal | No
| ||
Skill | High Lance Thrust
| ||
ID | 00077 |
American Bison | Festival | Pavilion | KF3 | Nexon Game | Gallery |
An American Bison friend named Mary appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Powerful Girls Alliance.
Everyone called her airhead. She's hotheaded but not as much as Aurochs.
I'm American Bison Mary. If anything maybe "Buffalo" sounds more familiar to everyone? If it's come to battle, I'll wield this spear and fight. But, I'm glad that brown bear and gray wolf are on my side. Because I know their strength
Brown Bear and Gray Wolf
She acknowledges Brown Bear and Gray Wolf's power and is glad they're on the same team and not the opposite
She thinks Aurochs is a hotheaded and advises her to eating something that rich in iron content
She often hurt herself and make Markhor can't have piece of mind
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
アメリカバイソンのメリィだ。愛称はかわいいが戦いとなれば別だ。よろしく頼む | I'm Mary the American Bison. My nickname is cute but when it comes to fighting it's very different. Thank you in advance |
Battle Cry
そう簡単にいけると思うなよ! | Don't thinking that It'll going to be easy! |
決めさせてもらう! | Let me decide it! |
まぁ、こんなものだな | Well, it's something like this |
Level Up
確かな力を感じるぞ | I feel reliable power |
Wild Release
今よりも高みにいける喜びを噛み締めないとな | I must taste the sweets of being able to go to the higher place than I am even now |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | たまに、天然と呼ばれるのだが……天然とはなんだ? | Sometimes, I'm being called airhead but... ... what an airhead anyway? |
Line 2 | 今日も戦いはあるのか?なら私に任せてくれ | Today too, is there any fight? Then, let me take care of it |
Line 3 | 相手の出方を窺い、それに合わせた戦い方ができると自負している | I'm priding myself in guessing opponent approach and able to use fighting method accordingly |
Line 4 | オーロックスは少し血の気が多い。だからもっと鉄分を取ったほうがいいな | Aurochs is a bit too hot-blooded. That's why it's better for her to intake iron content more |
Line 5 | 何もない平原なら私の力が十分に引き出せるぞ | If it's in plains without anything, I can let out enough power |
Line 6 | あなたと一緒ならもっと上手く戦える気がする。いつもありがとう | If I'm together with you, I feel like I can fight more smoothly. Thank you always |
Line 7 | こんな私にも愛情を向けてくれるとは……。「 」の期待に応えられるよう全力で戦おう! | Even this me is suitable to love... ... I will fight with all my power to answer [protagonist] expectation |