Springbok/Nexon Game
Springbok | Pavilion | Nexon Game | Gallery |
Springbok appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order.
She thinks she has good intuition because her guess is always correct.
I'm Reebok the Springbok. Together with Puhon we are part of "Horn Chaser". I think pursuing someone is my job. Because I can jump high, I can find my target thanks to that. Also making the good use of the height, I can also doing jump attack. This is the best of my ability. Just because I'm a deer, doesn't mean that I'm docile.
Puhon is her partner and best friend. Puhon is always surprised at Springbok jumping ability. Springbok states that she often received helped from Puhon and because of that she respects the said person.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
リボック見参!ジャンプ力を活かした追跡が得意なんだ。よろしくね | Reebok greeting you! I'm good at making the best use of my jumping ability for pursuit. Nice to meet you |
Battle Cry
追跡の障害発見。ジャンプ力で切り抜けるよ | I found hindrance in my pursuit. I will overcome it by jumping |
このジャンプ力があれば! | If there is only this jump! |
ぴょんっと乗り越えられたね。追跡を再開しようよ | We cross it over with nimble jump. Let's restart our chase |
Level Up
もっと高く、正確にジャンプできるようになったみたいだよ | It seems I have become able jumping higher and with more accuracy |
Wild Release
ジャンプ力が大きくアップしたみたいだね。よーし、新たな追跡ターゲットは何だい | Looks like mu jumping ability is up on a grand scale. Alright, what is the new target for the chase? |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 今日もよろしく!準備体操は歩きながらやるよ | Today too please take care of me! Let's have the warming up while we walk |
Line 2 | 暇なときどうしてる?私はね……ジャンプの練習、と見せかけて!ごろごろしてるかなあ | How do you pass time when you're free? You see, what I'm doing is... ... pretending to do jump training! Maybe just doing nothing |
Line 3 | 当てずっぽうが結構当たるほうなんだ。勘がいいのかな? | I'm the type of person who's good at guessing. I wonder if I have good intuition? |
Line 4 | プホンの脚力にはいつも助けられてる。尊敬するパートナーだよ | Puhon's leg power always help me. She's the partner I respect |
Line 5 | 私とプホンは追跡者『ホーンチェイサー』なんだ。追跡依頼、待ってるよ! | Me and Puhon are part of chaser group called "Horn Chaser". We'll wait for your chasing request! |
Line 6 | 私がリーダーでいいの?私、思いつきで行動しがちだけど、みんな付いてきてくれるかなあ | Is it okay for me to be the leader? I often act on impulse; I wonder if everyone will come follow me? |
Line 7 | 「 」さん、あなたのハートに追いつけるまで、私は追い続けるよ!逃がさないから! | [protagonist]-san, until I'm able to catch up to your heart, I will continue chasing you! I'm not going to let you run away! |