Giant Forest Hog/Nexon Game
Giant Forest Hog | Festival | Pavilion | Nexon Game |
Giant Forest Hog appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Powerful Girls Alliance.
Giant Forest Hog is a noble warrior through and through- she is equal parts mighty and polite, and thoroughly dedicated to the warrior arts. Though quite a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, she is a pacifist at heart, avoiding conflict if at all she can. In her spare time, she enjoys meditation and playing in the sand. She uses それがし (soregashi)- an archaic pronoun once used by samurai of old- to refer to herself.
I am Giant Forest Hog. Start with respect and end with respect, I believe that politeness is the mainstream of martial arts. I continue my devotion so I will not neglect my everyday training. But, I will say this: I like peace, you know? If it's possible, I want peace to never end, and to spend my days laying down on top of the sand.
Japanese Boar and Ryukyu Boar
Giant Forest Boar travels with Japanese Boar and Ryukyu Boar, and seems to be something of a mentor figure to them. When Japanese Boar lose her confidence or tries to run away, it's Giant Forest Boar who will rally her with a speech of encouragement. Though she tries hard to teach Japanese Boar the ways of a warrior, it seems to frequently fall deaf on the ears of her rambunctious pupil, who is prone to forgetting Giant Forest Boar's teachings no matter how many scoldings are delivered.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
それがしはモリイノシシ。武道は礼を始まり、礼に終わる。礼節をもって、貴殿と付き合っていく所存だ | I'm Giant Forest Hog. Martial arts is begin with respect and end with respect. I'm intend to keep you company by politeness |
Battle Cry
それがしは平和を好むが、襲ってくるというのであれば、やむなしである | I prefer peace but if they come attacking, I have no choice |
我が流派の技、受けよ! | Take! My style technique |
話し合えば、争わずに済んだであろうに。愚かな戦いであった | If we could talk together, it can over without a fight. What a foolish battle |
Level Up
レベルアップで喜んでなどいられぬ。常に精進あるのみだ | There's no need to be happy when levelling up. Constant devotion is the only way |
Wild Release
新たな力に開眼したようだ。これからも武の神髄を貴殿にお見せすることができるだろう | Looks like my new power awakens. From now on too I could show you this warrior essence |
Home Screen Lines
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Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 礼節を重んじるという某の考えを理解してくれて感謝する | {{{enhomeline1}}} |
Line 2 | 某は礼儀を重んじるが、真剣勝負ではこの限りではない。砂塵を使ってでも勝利を納めよう | {{{enhomeline2}}} |
Line 3 | 貴殿に力を貸すことはやぶさかではない。某でよければいくらでも尽力いたそう | {{{enhomeline3}}} |
Line 4 | ……精神集中の為に瞑想中だ。なにか用がない限り、そっとしていてもらえないだろうか? | {{{enhomeline4}}} |
Line 5 | 戦いや武道のことは忘れて、ただ砂遊びをする……。今日くらいはよいだろう | {{{enhomeline5}}} |
Line 6 | ニホンイノシシ氏には日頃から礼儀を正せと説いてるが、なかなか聞いてくれない、困ったものだ | {{{enhomeline6}}} |
Line 7 | 「 」氏よ、貴殿の活躍には目を見張る。このまま、某と仲間たちを導いてくれ | {{{enhomeline7}}} |