Common Chimpanzee/Nexon Game
Common Chimpanzee | Nexon Game |
A Common Chimpanzee friend named Sheila appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game.
Common Chimpanzee tends to a bit full of herself. Despite this, she is shown to be highly intelligent and contain great ingenuity. Her hobby is creating new inventions, such as the "Friends-Searching Device", "Friends-Compatibility Device" and "Knuckle War-kun No. 1". In her spare time, she challenges her brain by playing with a Rubix cube.
Look, observe what Sheila the Common Chimpanzee has invented now! Rock, wood, fruit, seeds - anything at all, I combine them skillfully so that I shall make a great invention! This time, my creation is an automatic walking robot made from wood: "Knuckle War-kun no.1" Incredible, it walks on four legs in place of Sheila! The purpose…? ... It’'s fine, I will think about that later.
Silver Fox
She became interested in Silver Fox after heard that that she was smart.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
チンパンジーのシーラよ。シーラの発明品を見たら、すごすぎてきっと驚くわよ | I'm Sheila the Common Chimpanzee. If you see Sheila's inventions, you will be shocked at how amazing they are! |
Battle Cry
シーラの発明品をお披露目するときが来たよね | It's time to unveil Sheila's invention! |
すっごいの行くわよ | I'm going to go for a big one! |
もっと改良の余地ありだったわね | There was room for improvement. |
Level Up
またまた、頭が良くなったようね。次は、どんな発明品を開発しようかしら | Once again, I'm getting smarter. Now let's see what inventions I can come up with next. |
Wild Release
恐るべし天才の頭脳。知識はどこまでも果てしなくちゃ蓄積されてるよね | The brain of a genius. Knowledge is endless. |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 天才は飲むものにもこだわるの。知的な飲み物はホルスタインが作ってるミルクで決まりね | Geniuses are particular about what they drink. And for an intelligent drink, Holstein's milk is the drink of choice. |
Line 2 | たくさん発明品を作って、ここにいるみんなを楽させてあげたいの | I want to make lots of inventions and make everyone here feel at ease. |
Line 3 | ごきげんよう … … あっ、話しかけるから折角のアイデアを忘れちゃったじゃない | Good day to you ... Oh, I forgot my idea because you were talking to me! |
Line 4 | これ、ルービックキューブ。時間があるときはいつも、これで頭の体操をしてるのよ | This is a Rubik's Cube. Whenever I have time, I use it to exercise my mind. |
Line 5 | 素敵な開発環境を与えてくれて嬉しいな。お礼に発明品『友達見つかるんるん』をあげるわ | I'm glad you gave me a nice development environment. In return, I'll give you my invention "Friend-Searching Device". |
Line 6 | ギンギツネ? ああ、頭がいいみたいだけど、私とどっちが天才かしら? 興味あるわ | Silver Fox? Yeah, she seems smart, but which one of us is a genius, me or her? I'm curious. |
Line 7 | シーラの新発明『フレンズ相性テスター』よ「 」。さっそく実験してみましょう! | It's Sheila's new invention, the "Friends-Compatibility Tester". Let's start the experiment! |