Superb Lyrebird/Nexon Game
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Superb Lyrebird | Nexon Game |
Superb Lyrebird appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Carefree Floaters' Club.
She has an ambition for making a legend about her performance. She can imitates the sound of an alien. Before she's doing training, she always wrote down the program first and it takes a long time in which sometimes she gets frustrated.
Legendary performer. That's me! The legend has land! A gorgeous dance that shows charm! Also, voice percussion! You will see with your own eyes many performances, and You will become the witness for the moment of the century! Now, enjoy it to your heart's content!
Siberian Tiger
She intends to asks Siberian Tiger to teach her magic trick
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
伝説のパフォーマー、コトドリが今ここに上陸。素敵なショウをいっぱいお見せするよー | Legendary performer, Now Super Lyrebird has land here. I will show you lot of lovely show |
Battle Cry
バトルでも私の多彩の技をお見せするねー | Even in battle I will show you my great variety of technique |
レッツパフォーマンス! | Let's do performance! |
ショウはこれにて閉幕。どう? 満足できた? | With this the show over. How about that? Did you satisfied? |
Level Up
伝説でい続けるためには、努力を怠らないんだよ。どんどんレベルアップするからね | To continue on the legend, I'm keep my self from slacking off. I will level up rapidly |
Wild Release
パーフォマンス能力の更なる開花。語り継がれる伝説がまた一つ増えるときが来たんだね | The blooming of the further performance ability. Again the time for another new legend to be passed down has time |
Home Screen Lines
![]() |
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Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 今日も一緒に行動しようー!あ、でもでも、私のネタを盗んじゃ駄目だよお? | {{{enhomeline1}}} |
Line 2 | う~ん、練習するのと、プログラム構成を考えているだけで一日が潰れちゃうよぉ、時間がほしい~ | {{{enhomeline2}}} |
Line 3 | 伝説のパフォーマーの18番は声真似だよぉ。宇宙人の声真似だってできちゃうよぉ! | {{{enhomeline3}}} |
Line 4 | アムールトラさんには手品を教えてもらわないとぉ。色んな技術を極めなくちゃねぇ | {{{enhomeline4}}} |
Line 5 | 筋がいいねえ。一緒にパフォーマンスユニットを組んで、みんなを驚かせようよぉ! | {{{enhomeline5}}} |
Line 6 | 今くらいまで上達するのに何度も舌を噛んだよぉ。努力なくして有名にはなれないからねぇ | {{{enhomeline6}}} |
Line 7 | 私と「 」のパフォーマンスユニットは絶好調!さあ、今日も練習しようね! | {{{enhomeline7}}} |