Sika Deer/Nexon Game
Sika Deer | Anime | Festival | KF3 | Nexon Game | Gallery |
Sika Deer appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Kemo Courageous Spears Chivalric Order.
She's very energetic. According to her, her special ability is having lot of interest. She's really good at making friends. Her hobby is doing sport but right now she's really interested in shopping.
Ah, what, what? What are you eating? Ehe, I have great interest in what people eat or what people bring alongside them and unconsciously start a conversation. That's why, I can become friends with other immediately.
Role in the Plot
Thylacine's Character Quest
During Thylacine's quest, Sika Deer avoids her so that she can later surprise her with a flower bouquet. She nearly exposes the plan when she sees Koala and attempts to ask her for pap, but successfully hides in time to return with a bouquet for Thylacine.
Roe Deer
She is Roe Deer's best friend, but because of Roe Deer's slow speed, Sika Deer is usually already going else while leaving Roe Deer behind.
Japanese Boar
Japanese Boar sometimes catches butterflies with her. She calls Sika Deer with a honorific 殿 (-dono).
Tibetan Antelope
Tibetan Antelope thinks Sika Deer is a handful kid.
Moose adores her tenacity, and states that she also needs to be vigorous like her.
Sika Deer and Thylacine have a positive relationship, and she says that Thylacine frequently shows her fun moves, likely referring to Thylacine's use of body language in communication, since Thylacine has trouble speaking. She gives Thylacine a flower bouquet as appreciation for her friendship.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
そこのあなた、面白い物持ってるね。よーし、ニホンジカと友達になりましょう! | You there, you have interesting thing right? Alright, let's be friend with Sika Deer! |
Battle Cry
あっちな面白そうな物が... | The very interesting thing is... |
必殺! | Certain death! |
は!?今度はあっちに面白そうな物が... ダッシュ! | Hah!? This time the very interesting thing... Dash! |
Level Up
パワフルになったよ〜 | I have become powerful~ |
Wild Release
この解放感いいね。とってもとってもありがとう! | This feeling of freedom is good. Thank you, thank you very much |
Home Screen Lines
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Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 会いに来てくれたんだっ、今日は最高の一日になるのは間違いないね! | {{{enhomeline1}}} |
Line 2 | 特技はなんにでも興味を持つこと!どんな才能をもっているかやってみなきゃわからないよね! | {{{enhomeline2}}} |
Line 3 | 趣味?スポーツとか興味あるけど、今はショッピングかな?したことないけど | {{{enhomeline3}}} |
Line 4 | シカのみんなは私よりも控えめな子が多いよ!って、私が積極的すぎるだけなのかな? | {{{enhomeline4}}} |
Line 5 | いつも構ってくれてありがとう。わたしもいっぱい構ってあげるね! | {{{enhomeline5}}} |
Line 6 | ね~、ね~。さっきからなにやっているの?それ、面白い?私にも教えて、教えて~! | {{{enhomeline6}}} |
Line 7 | 「 」さん、おせんべいくださいなっ!ありがとう!お礼に肩たたきしてあげる! | {{{enhomeline7}}} |