Japanese Bush Warbler/Nexon Game
Japanese Bush Warbler | Nexon Game |
Japanese Bush Warbler appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of the Carefree Floaters' Club.
She loves quiet places because it's could make her concentrate more. Her hobby is making haiku and she makes comic haiku also.
Her feeling towards the protagonist is written in this haiku:「主へと 敬う心 とめどなく」"To you, this feeling of respect, never end"
Her romance haiku is written in this haiku:「想い人 探し求めて 春の夢」"Loved one, I'm looking for, the spring dream"
The other one is written in this haiku: 「趣味趣向 人生潤う 泉かな」"Hobby and idea, flourish life, maybe it's spring"
I'm Japanese Bush Warbler. Bustling place is good but, I like quiet place. When the day is clear, while flying I chirping hokekyo, when it's rainy, using bamboo grass as replacement for umbrella, let's make haiku. "At dawn, Understand each other heart, Maybe It's a friend"
Role in the Plot
She appears in 6th chapter participates in Sky Race teams up with Green Pheasant and Japanese Cormorant. When they're encountered giant Cellien, Green Pheasant asked Japanese Cormorant to change course in which she dismiss it stating that she follows the absolute rule of doing one thing at a time.
Crested Ibis
She has a good relationship with Crested Ibis, although she can't handle her singing.
Northern White-Faced Owl
She interacts with Konoha-chan professor, when she asks her to make a haiku. Although Professor Konoha ended up making self loving Haiku.
Green Pheasant
She teamed up with Green Pheasant during the Sky Race
Japanese Cormorant
She teamed up with Japanese Cormorant during the Sky Race
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
私はウグイス。俳句などたしなんでおります。良ければ一句、お詠みいたしましょうかな | I'm Japanese Bush Warbler. I'm like things like haiku. If you do not mind let's make one, let's reading it out |
Battle Cry
戦闘とは騒がしことですの | Fighting is a noisy business |
どれ、それでは一句 | Which one? Well then let's do one |
「静寂は、何にも勝る、趣向かな」うふ、書いてて良かったですな〜 | "silence is, superior to everything, maybe it's an idea". Ufu, I'm glad that I wrote it |
Level Up
「強くなり、活躍しけり、誰よりも」今の嬉しさを詠ませていただきました | "becoming strong, play an active role, more than anyone". I read my happiness just now |
Wild Release
能力を更に引き出してくれるとは、これで静かなところにじっとしているばかりではいられませんな | Furthermore helping me to withdraw my full power, with this, I could not just idling forever in the quite places |
Home Screen Lines
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Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 私に会いにきてくださるとは、婿しいことですな。本日もゆるりとまいりましょう | {{{enhomeline1}}} |
Line 2 | 物静かな場所であれば、誰の声も聞こえないくらい集中できますな | {{{enhomeline2}}} |
Line 3 | 今しがた一句浮かびましたぞ。「趣味趣向人生潤う泉かな」句とはよいものですね | {{{enhomeline3}}} |
Line 4 | トキ様とは仲がよいのですが。その……あの歌声だけはどうにも苦手ですなぁ…… | {{{enhomeline4}}} |
Line 5 | 「主へと敬う心とめどなく」貴殿への想いを余すことなく、この句に込めましたぞ | {{{enhomeline5}}} |
Line 6 | 川柳を詠むこともありますな。形式にとらわれず心を込めることが重要なのですよ | {{{enhomeline6}}} |
Line 7 | 「想い人、探し求めて春の夢」はあ……慕情の句は、難しいものですなあ、「 」様 | {{{enhomeline7}}} |