Red-Footed Tortoise/Nexon Game
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Red-Footed Tortoise | Nexon Game |
Red-Footed Tortoise appeared as a minor character during the original Kemono Friends mobile game. She is also a member of Team I'll Bite You.
She has chevalier attitudes and talk much about sincerity. Her dream is to sleep in hammock.
I'm a member of tortoise vigilante corps, Red-Footed Tortoise. Alongside with my partner the Indian-Star Tortoise, we protecting the weak. The thing I want to protect most is [ sincerity ]. If I can protect it, then it will become my shield of happiness.
Indian Star Tortoise
Indian Star Tortoise is her partner in tortoise vigilante corps.
Voice Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
リクガメ甲羅自警団、アカアシガメだ! 私は弱きを助け、真心を守りたい | I'm Red-Footed Tortoise of the tortoise vigilante corps! I'm helping the weak, and I want to protect sincerity |
Battle Cry
皆を守る盾となろう | Let's become shield that protect everyone |
これは守護するための攻撃だ! | This attack is to protect! |
真心を守り切ることができたと思う | I think I'm succeed in protecting sincerity |
Level Up
この身はより固く、矜持になった | This body will harden and became pride |
Wild Release
私はあなたの段階に進むことができたように思うんだ。これからも真心を守り続けると誓おう! | I think I'm succeed in advancing into your level. From now on too, let's vow to continue protecting sincerity |
Home Screen Lines
Line | Japanese | English |
Line 1 | 『真心を守る』……古くさい信念かもしれない。けれど貴殿は笑ったりしないのだな。感謝したい | "Protecting sincerity"... ... maybe it's a trite belief. But, you're not laughing at me. I want to thank you |
Line 2 | 『真心』……いい言葉だと思わないか?いくら強くても心が伴っていなければ駄目だと私は思う | "Sincerity"... ... It's a nice word don't you think? I think no matter how strong you are, it's no good if you don't accompany it with heart |
Line 3 | 貴殿と旅に出ることができて光栄だ | Can go traveling together with you is my honor |
Line 4 | リクガメ自警団の仲間であるインドホシガメと共に、私は弱き者たちを守っているんだ | Together with Indian Star Tortoise which also my friends in tortoise vigilante corps, I'm protecting weak person |
Line 5 | 森林は私の拠点だ。任せてくれ。……だが、砂地だけは苦手でな。覚えておいてくれると嬉しい | Jungle is my strong point. Leave it to me... ... But, only with sandy soil I'm weak. If you remember it I will be happy |
Line 6 | 実はハンモックで寝るのが夢なのだ……装備が重いので試したことはないが…… | The truth is, sleeping in a hammock is my dream... ... Because my equipment is heavy, I never try it though... ... |
Line 7 | 「 」殿、貴殿は私の盾で守り切って見せるぞ!真心に親愛の情を重ねてな | [player name]-dono, I will protect you using my shield! I will put love into sincerity |