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Cabin in the Savanna

Cabin in the SavannaQuest.jpg

Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number Tutorial-1
Friends Least Weasel

Tutorial-1 is a Main Story Quest stage in Kemono Friends Kingdom. It's official name is Cabin in the Savanna.


With the help of Weasel, Chevrotain, Lucky Beast, and Haruka, Jinri is warm and dry. In the meatnime, Haruka explains more about the Kingdom, what Friends are, and where to go next.


Our journey leads us deep into the savanna, where we find a cabin and are greeted by Haruka. She claims to be a tour of the Kingdom and holds all the answers we seek. She even knows that I'm human.

Character English
Haruka How is it, has your body warmed up?
Jinri Thank you, Haruka-san. Thanks to you, my clothes are dry, and I feel much warmer.
Haruka Right, that's wonderful.
Haruka Anyways... earlier you said you can't remember anything at all before drowning?
Jinri Yes......who I am, why I'm here......can't remember anything......
Haruka That's tough......it'd be nice if we knew where you came from.
Haruka This place is known as Kingdom. Have you heard of it?
Lucky-Beast I've already explained.
Haruka Right, thank you, Lucky Beast.
Haruka Just like Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san, this place has all kinds of Friends who all live in this consolidated zoo.
Haruka As for me, I either look after Friends, or I guide visitors...
Haruka Um......If I say I'm a park guide, can you understand?
Jinri I kind of understand......but I keep hearing you all say "Friends"......who's that?
Haruka How do I put it, a Friend is......
??? (Ahh! The cup!)
??? (Chevrotain what's wrong with you, I said I was handing you the cup!)
??? (Eh! What do I do! My hand slipped~!)
Haruka What's with the noise in the kitchen?
Jinri I heard it too. / Sounds like Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san talking.
Haruka Weasel-san, Chevrotain-san, what is it?
Weasel & Chevrotain (Um......!)
Haruka Lucky Beast, what happened?
Lucky-Beast The hot tea finished brewing.
Haruka Then what?
Lucky Beast Weasel and Chevrotain dropped a cup full of hot tea on the floor, so it fell and broke.
Haruka That's what I thought.
Haruka Let Lucky Beast clean up, and come this way. I'm going to explain what Friends are to this child.
Weasel & Chevrotain Sorry----!
Chevrotain Um, I just wanted to help out Lucky Beast...
Weasel Jinri looked so cold, and we wanted to make a cup of tea......but Chevrotain just had to drop it on the floor...
Chevrotain Eh!? I'm to blame? Is it not because Weasel-chan is of two minds? Her eyes were focused elsewhere while handing me the cup~
Weasel Really, I already told you that I was handing it over! Chevrotain, it's not right that you didn't listen to what I said~!
Chevrotain I'm not wrong!
Weasel If you say so, I'm not wrong either!
Haruka Hey! you two, arguing is......?
Weasel & Chevrotain ......Not allowed!!
Haruka You see, just like Weasel and Chevrotain, "Friends" can understand and speak human language.
Haruka They use two legs to walk and can brew tea......they can even drop a cup on the floor!
Weasel Haruka, are you serious~we made up, so stop teasing us.
Haruka Haha, sorry, sorry.
Haruka But, you should pay attention, they have animal ears and tails, correct?
Jinri Yes, I'm stunned! / It's inconceivable, why is that?
Haruka The truth is, they used to be animals.
Haruka Due to Sandstar's influence, their appearance changes drastically to that of a human, which is what you see as a "Friend."
Jinri I don't understand in the slightest...... / ......Sandstar?
Haruka Eh, the details aren't clear to me either......in short, Friends are animals in human form, that you should be able to understand, right?
Haruka Not only looks, they retain their traits, special skills, and abilities from the animal they used to be.
Jinri I can't believe it! / Eh! Does Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san have any special skills?
Haruka Weasel-san is part of the Mustelidae family. Don't look at her petite figure, her jump is powerful.
Haruka Weasel is called "world's smallest carnivore" and has a strong personality. So it's easy for her to start fights with others.
Weasel Leave hunting to me! Even if the Cerulean is several times bigger than me, I'm confident I can defeat it!
Haruka Chevrotain-san, even though she looks like a deer, the chevrotain actually belongs to a separate evolutionary path.
Haruka Chevrotain is timid, bad at hunting. But she's good at sensing the scent of enemies, so her ability is----fleeing.
Jinri ......Fleeing?!
Chevrotain I'm small, weak, and don't really like fighting......
Haruka Strangely, Chevrotain-san can submerge in water for a long time to hide from enemies.
Haruka Few mammals can do such a thing, Chevrotain-san, is amazing!
Chevrotain Eh, I'm amazing? Being praised makes me so happy~
Haruka In short, living in Kingdom are animals with all kinds of abilities.
Haruka Friends skilled in flying, Friends skilled in swimming, Friends that run fast......with enough time, you'll run into them sooner or later.
Jinri Eh! Excellent! I'm excited to meet all kinds of animal friends!
Chevrotain W-What's that sound! It scared me!
Haruka Ah, it's the timer going off. Looks like Lucky Beast has finished brewing the hot tea.
Lucky-Beast This is ginger tea with honey. Guest, please have tea.
Jinri Thank you, Lucky Beast......
Lucky-Beast You're welcome.
Jinri Wait, if I'm not seeing this wrong, there are two Lucky Beasts in the room!?
Haruka Hahaha, right, I also haven't introduced you to the Lucky Beast yet!
Haruka The Lucky Beast that led the way for everyone is usually on patrol duty.
Haruka Thank you for saving everyone from the Cerulean, Lucky Beast.
Lucky-Beast No problem, you're welcome.
Haruka The Lucky Beast that carried the tea over is skilled at cooking, cleaning, chores like that.
Weasel & Chevrotain Amazing!
Haruka Compared to me, the Lucky Beast is much more capable.
Haruka Thank you for looking after me all this time, Lucky Beast.
Lucky-Beast Not worth mentioning.
Jinri So, Kingdom has all kinds of Lucky Beasts in operation, is that right?
Haruka That's how it is.
Chevrotain Over in the savanna, Lucky Beast spoke to Jinri.
Weasel Haruka, what kind of animal is Jinri anyway?
Chevrotain This child can't swim and runs very slowly~
Weasel No tail, no horns either, really a strange animal.
Haruka Oh dear, were you all not paying attention?
Weasel Pay attention to what?
Chevrotain Could it be!
Haruka This child......
Haruka ......is human.
Weasel & Chevrotain Human?!
Chevrotain Somehow, I always thought this kid might be human~!
Haruka Amazing, Chevrotain-san, how did you know?
Chevrotain Because, this child talked with Lucky Beast~
Chevrotain The only one who can make Lucky Beast talk is Haruka-san!
Haruka Very attentive.
Haruka It's because Chevrotain-san is so vigilant that she observes so carefully.
Chevrotain Hehe~
Haruka But......it feels so long since I've seen a human......
Jinri Really?
Haruka Mm, talking to you gives me a kind of nostalgic feeling.
Haruka But there's one thing I can't understand. From the start, Weasel and others have been calling you Jinri.
Haruka Since you don't remember anything, why can you remember your name?
Jinri Because a name's written here...... (pulls out backpack)
Weasel Oh what, some stuff fell out!
Jinri Handkerchief, pen, book......and this card......should all be my things.
Haruka Let me see?
Haruka I see, the card really does say Jinri on top.
Jinri Yes.
Haruka (contemplating) This card looks familiar......like I've seen it somewhere......Kingdom Pass!
Jinri Haruka-san, you've seen the Kingdom Pass before?!
Haruka Mhm, every visitor to Kingdom receives one.
Haruka Jinri......is a pretty good name.
Haruka It's a clue with regards to your lost memory.
Weasel It feels very cool!
Chevrotain It'd be nice to have more clues in the future!
Weasel Jinri~!!
Chevrotain Hehe, hearing me call her name, Jinri smiled~!
Weasel Hold on, I'm pretty sure she smiled from hearing me say her name!?
Chevrotain It was me, it was me first~!
Weasel It was me who said it!
Haruka Oh dear you two, we agreed not to......?
Weasel & Chevrotain ......Fight!
Haruka That's better ~
Jinri Pf......hahaha~
Weasel ......A laugh.
Chevrotain Jinri laughed~
Weasel W-what's there to laugh about!
Jinri I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm! I-it's only that I felt Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san are so cute, so I couldn't help myself......
Chevrotain Eeee, I'm all embarrassed.
Weasel I-I'm not cute, I'm awesome!
Haruka Great, everyone's back in good spirits. Jinri, how do you feel now?
Jinri I feel much better now, thanks to everyone's care.
Haruka Quickly drink the hot tea, the tea Lucky Beast brewed just for you is getting cold.
Jinri Then I'll be polite.
Jinri ......(Gulp, gulp) This tea water is sweet, so delicious!
Haruka You're all lucky, Lucky Beast's tea making skills are superior to mine.
Lucky Beast No, not that good. I only take 3 grams of tea leaves and empty it in 160 milliliters of hot water.
Haruka So......Jinri being a human has been figured out, but the problem now is that the child lost all her memories.
Jinri Yes, I can't remember anything......
Haruka Perhaps the king will know what events happened around the castle and Jinri's unfortunate history.
Jinri Castle......King......?
Haruka The castle is where the king lives.
Haruka This vast kingdom has quite a few castles, and in every castle lives a king.
Haruka By the way, we're in the "Savanna Area". From here the closest is "Jungle Castle".
Haruka Ah, right, from the balcony's telescope, you can see the outline of the castle.
Weasel Telescope......is that this thing?
Haruka Correct. Via the telescope, you can see far away places.
Chevrotain I think I can see the thing......uneven, high rocks......
Haruka Sorry! Not that castle.
Haruka For "Jungle Castle", it's this direction.
Weasel Woah, that tree is tall and big! Amazing!
Weasel So what's the king of the rainforest like anyways!
Chevrotain Looking everywhere, all I see is a mess of trees.
Chevrotain Where exactly is the king?
Weasel Seems like I spotted the king! So magnificent!
Weasel ......What's that?! That's not the king!.......it's rushing towards this way!
Haruka Everyone get out of the way! That's a Cerulean!
Chevrotain Ahhh! Those guys look real weird.
Haruka That's because for some reason, these Ceruleans were born fused. Their bodies are a fusion of leaves, sticks, earth, and even remnants left by humanity.
Haruka In fact, these guys don't have any self-will. They only wander aimlessly around Kingdom, attacing everywhere and bringing chaos.
Chevrotain The Friends who can't beat them, they get eaten......
Weasel We're not food for Ceruleans, seriously!
Haruka Fused Ceruleans may be scary, but we have a way to respond......
Jinri The patrol plane! It can be used to defeat Ceruleans! / I can operate the patrol plane to help everyone......
Haruka Huh, you guys know about the patrol plane?
Weasel At the riverbed, Jinri used the patrol plane to strike the Ceruleans with a "whoosh"!
Haruka Since you all understand, there's no time to loose, so let's go deal with this Cerulean right away.
Weasel Great, another patrol plane ride! I can't wait any longer!

Battle Stages

Battle Summary
Friends who share a bond can trigger their COMBO and enjoy additional bonuses on the battlefield, but how can we make them collaborate?

Cerulean(s) First 3-Star Clear Rewards Ordinary Rewards Specialty Drops
Strange Birds and the Giant Tree (Boss) Stargems (50), Half a Bun (3) N/A N/A

JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
Main Story QuestsEvent QuestsResource QuestsMiracle QuestsAwakening QuestsSandstone Hill QuestsInvestigation QuestsSubway Quests
AlbumsCellienKingdomKingsLucky BeastParkPark StoryPartyPatrol PlaneShop
User Guides
Beginner's GuideBoss CelliensComments Mini-GameInstallation GuideCombat Mechanics BreakdownAdvanced PlayUpdate History
List of AlbumsList of Kingdom's CelliensList of Limited-Run Events
Brilliance KFKBrilliance.png Splendor KFKSplendor.png Wonder KFKWonder.png
KFK Weakener.png
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
KFK Tank.png
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
KFK Healer.png
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
KFK Buffer.png
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
KFK Attacker.png
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
KFK AOE Assaulter.png
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth