Chinese White Dolphin/Kingdom

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Chinese White Dolphin
Chinese White DolphinKingdom.png
Chinese White DolphinKingdomAwakened.png
Friend Data
Voice 堤雪菜 Tsutsumi Yukina
Radiance KFKSplendor.png Splendor
Role KFK Buffer.png Support
Attack Type Single-Target Ranged
Implemented August 31, 2023
ID # 69
Chinese White Dolphin Manga Festival​ (Costume)​ Pavilion KF3 Kingdom Nexon Game Gallery

Chinese White Dolphin is a Friend that appears in Kemono Friends Kingdom.


Japanese English
? I am Chinese White Dolphin. Ah, are you tired? Hhh, I can sense a lot of things from ultrasonic wave.


Friend Stats
Base Max Base Max
HP 1116 7152 PATK 86 515
PDEF 232 1384 SATK 288 1852
SDEF 232 1384 Speed 56 56
Breakthrough1.png Breakthrough2.png Breakthrough3.png Breakthrough4.png Breakthrough5.png
Echo Localization

All Friends on the team hitting the core increases DMG by +150%. Chinese White Dolphin using Miracle offers a 50% chance to make the target show its core, lasting for 1 round.

Kemono Miracle Level +3 Same-Radiance Teammate Friends' DMG +10% Same-Radiance Teammate Friends' DMG +6% Wave Shock

All Friends on the team hitting the core increases DMG by +400%. Chinese White Dolphin using Miracle offers a 100% chance to make the target show its core, lasting for 1 round.

Radiant Effect
Awaken Tier 1: Same-Radiance Teammate Friends' DMG +1%

Awaken Tier 2: Same-Radiance Teammate Friends' DMG +4%

Blessing from Tides
Chinese White Dolphin maneuvers the tides, dealing SDMG equal to 520% SATK and giving blessing to the next Friend to the combat to increase its [Catapult] DMG by +872% and Crit Rate by +92%, lasting for 1 round.

Awaken Tier 2: The next Friend to the combat ot this Friend will also acquire blessing, which is halved.

Awaken Tier 1/2: If the next one/two Friends to the combat hit the target, they will disperse target’s 1 buff.

Ocean Purification
Deep Sea Resonance
Miracle increases [Catapult] DMG of the next Friend enter combat by +155% Using Miracle to remove 2 debuffs of all Friends. Miracle increases [Catapult] DMG of the next Friend enter combat by +196% and Crit Rate by +20%. The next Friend to this one will not acquire blessing.
Nature Skill Pink Heart Lv.1/2
House of Water Production Rate +1%/+1.5%
Combo N/A

Chinese White Dolphin does not have any Combo partners.

This Friend does not have a Combo partner, and thus does not provide any form of Combo effect.
Special Attributes
KFK Bubbles.pngThis Friend is immune to KFK Drowning.pngDrowning when underwater.

KFK Crit Rate Up.pngThis Friend can apply Crit Rate UP.


  • Chinese White Dolphin is one of the best Support Friends in the game, with a kit allowing her to function highly effectively on any team structure and against a variety of opponents. She truly shines on Catapult teams, as she specializes in boosting Catapult ATK damage, but her unique Crit-rate boosting ability means she is a staple on teams of all archetypes.
  • Her lack of a Combo partner is unfortunate, as the extra boost would make her even more powerful than she already is, but her upsides are enough to warrant her use regardless.
  • Chinese White Dolphin functions well as a user of the Shining Assist Album, but her strength means she can make up for the absence of Shining Assist's huge buff while running an Album such as Throw of Fate or Trials of the Forest if the team would benefit from their effects.



JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
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User Guides
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Brilliance KFKBrilliance.png Splendor KFKSplendor.png Wonder KFKWonder.png
KFK Weakener.png
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
KFK Tank.png
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
KFK Healer.png
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
KFK Buffer.png
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
KFK Attacker.png
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
KFK AOE Assaulter.png
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth