Mountain Hare/Kingdom

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Mountain Hare
Mountain HareKingdom.png
Mountain HareKingdomAwakened.png
Friend Data
Voice 山口立花子
Yamaguchi Tachibana
Radiance KFKWonder.png Wonder
Role KFK Attacker.png Assaulter
Attack Type Single-Target Melee
Implemented August 17, 2023
ID # 96
Mountain Hare Manga KF3 Kingdom Nexon Game Gallery

Mountain Hare is a Friend that appears in Kemono Friends Kingdom.


Japanese English
? Hello, I am Mountain Hare. I grew up in the North, so the cold doesn't bother me at all.


Friend Stats
Base Max Base Max
HP 1253 7965 PATK 96 572
PDEF 240 1433 SATK 320 2043
SDEF 250 1492 Speed 69 69
Breakthrough1.png Breakthrough2.png Breakthrough3.png Breakthrough4.png Breakthrough5.png
Lucky Rabbit

When Mountain Hare gets Leaves, there is a chance (this chance equals the number of [Rabbit Friends] on the team times 25%) to get +5 more Leaves. This can activate up to 3 times every round.

Kemono Miracle Level +3 COMBO Effect +35% Self Radiant Advantage Multiplier +25% Never Yield!

Miracle Basic DMG +10%. This damage is further increased by +3% every round when Powering Up.

Radiant Effect
Awaken Tier 1: Self Radiant Advantage Bonus +3%

Awaken Tier 2: Self Radiant Advantage Bonus +12%

Operation Rabbit Hole
Mountain Hare digs 2 Rabbit Holes nearby herself and a random Cellien. Then, she stands watch at the entrance and starts Powering Up to instantly get 35 Leaves. At the end of a round, +5 Leaves. Each Leaf increases the Miracle DMG Multiplier by +36%.

Awaken Tier 1/2: Gains [Sense of Security] nearby the Rabbit Hole. At the end of a round, gets +2/+4 Leaves and reduces the next damage taken by 10%.

Using the Miracle again summons a giant snowball and deals SDMG equal to 110% SATK to an enemy unit.

Misleading Scent
Rabbit Holes
Dreaming in a Cave
Enemies nearby the Rabbit Hole have -15% ATK. This effect cannot stack. Using a Miracle generates a Rabbit Hole, and [Sense of Security] grants +50% Leaves. Upon passing through a Rabbit Hole, +7 Leaves, but this is available one time every 2 rounds.
Nature Skill Visitor of the Snowy Realm Lv.1/2
House of Earth Production Rate +1%/+1.5%
Combo Snowy Season
KFKMountainHareCombo.png KFKArcticHareCombo.png

Mountain Hare, Arctic Hare

All Friends gain ATK increase for 3 rounds, which doubles each round to up to +32%.
Special Attributes
KFK Power Up.pngPowering Up: Stops attacking. Gains +70% RES for 7 rounds. At the end of each round, Miracle DMG Multiplier is increased, but RES -20%.


JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
Main Story QuestsEvent QuestsResource QuestsMiracle QuestsAwakening QuestsSandstone Hill QuestsInvestigation QuestsSubway Quests
AlbumsCellienKingdomKingsLucky BeastParkPark StoryPartyPatrol PlaneShop
User Guides
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List of AlbumsList of Kingdom's CelliensList of Limited-Run Events
Brilliance KFKBrilliance.png Splendor KFKSplendor.png Wonder KFKWonder.png
KFK Weakener.png
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
KFK Tank.png
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
KFK Healer.png
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
KFK Buffer.png
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
KFK Attacker.png
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
KFK AOE Assaulter.png
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth