Least Weasel/Kingdom

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Least Weasel
Least WeaselKingdom.png
Least WeaselKingdomAwakened.png
Friend Data
Voice 竹达彩奈 Taketatsu Ayana
Radiance KFKSplendor.png Splendor
Role KFK Attacker.png Assaulter
Attack Type Single-Target Melee
Implemented May 31, 2022 (Launch)
ID # 21
Least Weasel KF3 Kingdom Gallery

“I'm [Least] Weasel, I'm from the Ice Castle, and I love adventures! You'll get to experience so many new things when you go on adventures, so that's why I bring Chevrotain along to all sorts of places! Some say that I'm arrogant, but no! I listen to Sister Stoat! She is my idol! Apart from learning how to look good like her, I still have lots to learn from her!”
Least Weasel's Friend Info page, "Self-Introduction"

Least Weasel is a Friend that appears in Kemono Friends Kingdom and serves as one of its two deuteragonists, alongside Chevrotain. In the English release of the game, she is simply referred to as Weasel.


“I love adventures!”
Least Weasel's Friend Info page

An eager and energetic Friend, Least Weasel is as brave as they come and loves to go on adventures, though she can also be a bit reckless in doing so. Don't underestimate her because of her size! She's a ferocious fighter and has a warrior's hearty appetite; her small figure hides a bottomless pit of a stomach.

“Weasel might look cute, but she is ferocious in battle!”
Least Weasel's Friend Info page, "Personality"


Japanese English
? I am [Least] Weasel. I might be small, but I'm strong! If you run into any trouble, let me take care of it!


KFKChevrotainCombo.png Chevrotain

Least Weasel and Chevrotain are very close friends, rarely seen apart; some Friends even identify Least Weasel as "a friend of Chevrotain" when describing her to others. They have their arguments and spats, which is natural given their totally polar-opposite personalities, but they seem to always make up in the end and get back to having fun. The two are hunting for shiny stones together when they encounter Jinri, and both join her journey after they together rescue her from drowning in the Silent River.

KFKPlayer.png Jinri

When Jinri finds herself drowning in the waters of the Silent River, it is Least Weasel who plunges into the depths and pulls her onto shore. After some misadventures in which Jinri repays the life debt, Least Weasel and Chevrotain join the mysterious girl on her quest of self-discovery. The two develop a bond of trust and respect along their travels, and seem to have become good friends.

KFKStoatCombo.png Stoat

Stoat and Least Weasel consider one another sisters, with Stoat being the elder sibling figure to Least Weasel; as with various other Friends who have sibling relationships, it is unclear if they are genetically related or a found family. While she can find Stoat's short temper to be intimidating, Least Weasel also highly looks up to her sister's cool demeanor and strength and seeks to learn as much as she can from her.


Friend Stats
Base Max Base Max
HP 846 5331 PATK 218 1375
PDEF 167 966 SATK 65 377
SDEF 169 976 Speed 41 41
Breakthrough1.png Breakthrough2.png Breakthrough3.png Breakthrough4.png Breakthrough5.png
Little Ferocity

When facing a Cellien that is larger than self, deals 25% more damage.

Kemono Miracle Level +3 COMBO Effect +28% Self Radiant Advantage Multiplier +20% This Is Nothing!

When there are Celliens larger than self in combat, all Friends gain a +7% damage bonus at the end of a round for 2 rounds, stacking up to 3 times.

Radiant Effect
Awaken Tier 1: Self Radiant Advantage Bonus +2.6%

Awaken Tier 2: Self Radiant Advantage Bonus +10.2%

Strike, Everyone!
[Least] Weasel summons a group of little snowmen and charges at Celliens to bury them in snow and deals PDMG equal to 1328% PATK to an enemy unit.

If the target has over 30% HP, follows up with damage equal to 100% Catapult ATK one time.

Do Not Underestimate Me
Do Not Underestimate This Move
If the Catapult lands a hit, [Least] Weasel's ego gets inflated. For this round, [Least] Weasel has +450 ATK. [Least] Weasel's Miracle makes the targets take 123% more damage from Catapult Attacks for 2 rounds. N/A
Nature Skill Light of Friendship Lv.1/2
House of Earth Production Rate +1%/+1.5%. +0.3%/+0.5% more when Chevrotain is also present.
Combo First Companions
KFKLeastWeaselCombo.png KFKChevrotainCombo.png

Least Weasel, Chevrotain

All Friends' ATK +5% for 7 rounds. [Assault] and [Heal] Friends gain extra +20% ATK for 7 rounds.


“[Least] Weasel might look cute, but she is ferocious in battle!”
Least Weasel's Friend Info page, "Personality"

Being granted to players for free upon starting the game, KFKLeastWeaselCombo.png Least Weasel serves as a formidable KFKLaunchDmgUp.png KFK Attacker.png Catapult Assault Friend for new and mid-game players alike. Her high power relative to early levels and bombastic attitude can help players to blow through the start of the main story and put up a fight in early Raid battles, but she falls off somewhat as a player approaches the late game and higher-difficulty Raids. Additionally, while she does put pressure on other Catapult Assault Friends due to her ease of acquisition, she herself is under team-builder pressure from another freely-obtained Friend: KFKServalCombo.png Serval.

  • While at first KFKLeastWeaselCombo.png Least Weasel's very existence can make fellow five-star KFKReticulatedGiraffeCombo.png Reticulated Giraffe and four-star KFKOryxCombo.png Arabian Oryx—the two other KFKLaunchDmgUp.png KFK Attacker.png Catapult Assault Friends equal to or lower than Least Weasel's rarity—seem difficult to justify, these two have an advantage in that their COMBO partners are much easier to acquire than Least Weasel's partner KFKChevrotainCombo.png Chevrotain, who is a five-star that must be acquired through the gacha (though this is also true of Reticulated Giraffe herself). The ATK buffs granted by their COMBO Skills can grant them an edge over a partnerless Least Weasel, if a player would prefer to use them for any reason.
    • That being said, Least Weasel and Reticulated Giraffe are themselves a formidable pair. The Perfect Relay Race Album Type and Least Weasels's second Habit, KFKLeastWeaselH2.png Do Not Underestimate This Move, can both buff the Catapult ATK damage of the next Friend to enter combat, allowing Reticulated Giraffe to follow up with colossal damage thanks to her ability to deliver repeated Catapult ATK blows. Additionally, Reticulated Giraffe's COMBO partner, KFKGrayWolfCombo.png Gray Wolf, is generally a very good early to mid-game KFK Buffer.png Support Friend for Catapult teams, adding to the value of bringing the pair along.
  • KFKLeastWeaselCombo.png Least Weasel is notably not the only powerful unit acquired for free by new players. KFKServalCombo.png Serval and her COMBO partner, KFKHippopotamusCombo.png Hippopotamus, can also be acquired very shortly upon starting the game. Serval can be received from a beginner's gacha pull—one can obtain either her or the dramatically weaker KFKWhiteRhinoCombo.png White Rhinoceros, so resetting for Serval is sometimes strongly suggested—and Hippopotamus can be obtained through a series of special missions for new players. This super-powered pair has far greater damage potential than Least Weasel and Chevrotain do, but in situations where both Least Weasel and Serval fit into a team structure, they can be a potent and fun-to-use duo when Least Weasel is used to beef up Serval's attack power.
    • In high-level Raid battles, Least Weasel is rarely if ever seen, as team-building pressure is intense and Serval will always be the priority for their shared role.



JinriHarukaLeast WeaselChevrotain
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Brilliance KFKBrilliance.png Splendor KFKSplendor.png Wonder KFKWonder.png
KFK Weakener.png
Sand Cat North American BeaverRed JunglefowlShoebill Arctic WolfJaguar
KFK Tank.png
African Bush ElephantRed-Eared Slider AurochsBlack RhinocerosHippopotamusSaltwater Crocodile Gentoo PenguinMooseWestern Lowland Gorilla
KFK Healer.png
Blue WhaleGiant PandaPassenger PigeonWild Bactrian Camel ChevrotainMouflonSuri Alpaca Arctic HareAxolotlRaccoonRoyal Penguin
KFK Buffer.png
King CobraPanther ChameleonSilver FoxStoat Chinese White DolphinEurasian Eagle-OwlGray WolfPlains Zebra CaracalEmperor PenguinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHumboldt PenguinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
KFK Attacker.png
Fennec FoxTsuchinoko Arabian OryxLeast WeaselReticulated GiraffeServal Indian PeafowlJapanese Black BearLionMountain HareScarlet MacawSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
KFK AOE Assaulter.png
Group Assaulter
Ezo Red Fox Greater LophorinaNorthern White-Faced OwlWestern ParotiaWhite Rhinoceros Crested IbisGolden Eagle
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
African Rock PythonAsian Small-Clawed OtterCommon OstrichCommon Vampire BatDomestic PigEuropean HareJinmengyoKing CheetahKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowNarwhalNew Zealand Giant PenguinOkinawan HabuOrcaSaber-Toothed TigerSiberian TigerWoolly Mammoth