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Character Data
Romaji Rairyū
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Cryptid Data
Classification Legendary Creature
Origin Japanese
F.R.A. Unknown
Based On Dragon
Read More An article on Raijū, including the regional depiction Rairyū is based on
Conservation Uma label.png
Rairyū KF3

Rairyū is a mythological Friend which first appeared in a Twitter post announcing a collaboration with the Miyoshi Mononoke Museum in Japan which pertains to various yōkai.


Rairyū has violet hair with white side bangs, small yellow ears, and yellow eyes. She wears a fluffy white scarf that has a pulled-out tuft at the center, no undershirt but a loose mauve vest covering her breasts, sides and lower back, the vest being held up by a black strap around her neck, mauve fishnet pattern long sleeve shrug with long claw-hooks at the hands, a white cloth wrapping at her midriff, a white skirt with tears and holes around the hem, mauve purple fishnet print socks with holes in them, a large mauve scaled tail, and black heeled boots with white toe caps.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, playable character

UMA Friends
Beast King Friends
AliyanBeast King ElephantBeast King GiraffeBeast King GorillaBeast King HippopotamusBeast King LionBeast King MongooseBeast King Old World VultureBeast King OstrichBeast King WildebeestBeast King Zebra
Cryptid Friends
JinmengyoPeach PantherSkyfishTsuchinoko
Ghost in the Shell Friends
HAW-206LogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTachikoma Type-HTachikoma Type-SUchikoma
Mythological Friends CerberusMerlion
Chinese Myths Black DragonBlue DragonByakkoGenbuKirinRed DragonSeiryuSun WukongSuzakuWhite DragonYellow Dragon
Japanese Myths ByakudaDanzaburou-DanukiGoshingyu-samaInugami GyoubuKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)KinshachiMakamiNine-Tailed FoxNueOinari-samaRaijūRairyūSanmoto GorōzaemonShisa LeftyShisa RightTsukuyomi-No-ShinshiYamata No OrochiYatagarasu
Osamu Tezuka Friends Hi-no-ToriUnico
Jungle Emperor CocoLeoTommy
Parco Friends
Sgt. Frog Friends
Alisa SoutherncrossDororoGiroroKeroroKururuNatsumi HinataTamama
Miscellaneous UMA Friends
Chibi KumamonCrunchyroll-HimeDebiru-samaDraco CentaurosGachapinGodzillaHello Kitty ServalHello Mimmy ServalHigejiiHigumamonJack-o'-LanternManeki NekoMukkuRabbit YukineShiserval LeftyShiserval RightWhite Ezo Red FoxWitch