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Character Data
Romaji Goshingyū-sama
Debut Kemono Friends 3
Cryptid Data
Classification Kami
Origin Japanese
F.R.A. Kemono Friends 3
Based On Ox
Read More Goshingyu (Wikipedia JA)
Conservation Uma label.png
Goshingyu-sama KF3 Gallery

Goshingyu-sama is a type of mythical Friend that appeared on Twitter for the Year of the Ox, and would go on to debut in Kemono Friends 3.


Goshingyu-sama is a Friend with brown skin, yellow eyes with horizontal, ovular pupils—a common trait for bovid Friends—and black hair with gray side-bangs, with yellow ends. The black hair and gray side-bangs together create a shape reminiscent of a bull's head, with the black central bang evoking a snout. She wears her long black hair in a high ponytail; the hair splays out into eight fronds, each tipped in a yellow gradient akin to her bangs. She has black ears with gray fur, akin to the ears of an ox, as well as a pair of golden-yellow horns atop her head; her left horn has been cleanly cut about halfway up, while the right horn is fully intact and displays a gray gradient at its tip. She also sports an ox's tail at her rear.

Goshingyu-sama wears a long-sleeved grey blazer with a peaked-style lapel, with its sleeves rolled up and ending in blue cuffs with teal, white, and gold accent stripes. The blazer has a left-side breast pocket, and three gray bows run down the front of the garment. She wears a black dress shirt under this, accented with a red and white tie composed of three diamond-shaped segments; the tie is seemingly worn messily, with the tail end being visible and the blade not being tucked under the blazer. The colors of this tie likely represent the red-and-white headbands worn by some Goshingyū statues. She sports a short, black, knife-pleated skirt, black ankle socks somewhat similar to split-toed tabi, a ruffle-edged red garment around her right thigh, and short-strapped gold sandals with thick soles and a cleft in the front of the toe and back of the heel, evoking a bull's cloven hooves. Goshingyu-sama also sports a pair of black, form-fitting fingerless gloves running up the length of her arms, a blue ribbon of a similar style to her sleeve cuffs tying her ponytail up—notably, the ribbon's ends splay akin to a whale's tail—and, at the base of the ponytail, she wears a three-segmented blue, teal, white, and gold headpiece, each segment being shaped somewhat like a shark's tooth and pointing up.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, obtainable


A Goshingyū statue in Dazaifu Tenmangū Shrine, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Photo by 水車, 2021.

Goshingyū (御神牛, or ごしんぎゅう) statues are statues of bulls which are found at Tenmangū (天満宮, or てんまんぐう) shrines, dedicated to the deified Japanese scholar Sugawara no Michizane (菅原 道真, or すがわら の みちざね). The statues, typically made of stone or metal, are placed at Sugawara no Michizane due to the close connection he is said to have had to cattle; having been born on the Midsummer Day of the Ox (effectively, June 25th) in 845, which was the Year of the Ox, Sugawara no Michizane is said to have loved the animals deeply. He also passed away on what was effectively February 25th, 903, which is said to have been the pre-spring Day of the Ox. When Sugawara no Michizane died, he requested his body be pulled by an oxcart and buried where the bull came to rest; for this reason, Goshingyū statues most always depict cattle that are laying down, just as the ox who pulled the oxcart of Sugawara no Michizane's body did as he was buried beside it.

Goshingyū statues are said to be guardians, and are associated with the same wisdom attributed to Sugawara no Michizane. It is said that petting the statue in a place where one ails on their own body will grant health, and that rubbing the head of the statue will grant wisdom. The three Goshingyū statues found at the Tenmangū shrine in the city of Dazaifu, in the Fukuoka Prefecture, wear headbands of twisted red-and-white rope; these are likely shimenawa, lengths of hemp rope used for purification in Shinto rituals and at sites valued by Shinto practitioners.


Friend Trivia

  • Goshingyu-sama's segmented tie resembles the shape of shide, paper streamers used in Shinto rituals for purification and demarcation. Shide can often be found tied onto shimenawa, like the ones the Goshingyū statues in Dazaifu wear, further suggesting this link.

Origin Trivia

  • Though likely sheer coincidence, the shimenawa worn by the Goshingyū statues of the Dazaifu Tenmangū shrine somewhat resemble hachimaki, flat red-and-white headbands often worn as a symbol of great effort; notably, students who are studying hard may be seen or depicted wearing hachimaki, so the fact that a statue associated with wisdom is also adorned with a red-and-white headband is of some interest.


UMA Friends
Beast King Friends
AliyanBeast King ElephantBeast King GiraffeBeast King GorillaBeast King HippopotamusBeast King LionBeast King MongooseBeast King Old World VultureBeast King OstrichBeast King WildebeestBeast King Zebra
Cryptid Friends
JinmengyoPeach PantherSkyfishTsuchinoko
Ghost in the Shell Friends
HAW-206LogikomaTachikoma Type-ATachikoma Type-BTachikoma Type-CTachikoma Type-HTachikoma Type-SUchikoma
Mythological Friends CerberusMerlion
Chinese Myths Black DragonBlue DragonByakkoGenbuKirinRed DragonSeiryuSun WukongSuzakuWhite Dragon
Japanese Myths Danzaburou-DanukiGoshingyu-samaInugami GyoubuKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)KinshachiMakamiNine-Tailed FoxNueOinari-samaRaijūRairyūSanmoto GorōzaemonShisa LeftyShisa RightTsukuyomi-No-ShinshiYamata No OrochiYatagarasu
Osamu Tezuka Friends Hi-no-ToriUnico
Jungle Emperor CocoLeoTommy
Parco Friends
Sgt. Frog Friends
Alisa SoutherncrossDororoGiroroKeroroKururuNatsumi HinataTamama
Miscellaneous UMA Friends
Chibi KumamonCrunchyroll-HimeDebiru-samaDraco CentaurosGachapinGodzillaHello Kitty ServalHello Mimmy ServalHigejiiHigumamonJack-o'-LanternMukkuRabbit YukineShiserval LeftyShiserval RightWhite Ezo Red FoxWitch
Mammal Friends
Giant AnteaterNorthern TamanduaSilky AnteaterSouthern Tamandua
Brown Long-Eared BatCommon Vampire BatDaito Fruit BatFraternal MyotisHilgendorf's Tube-Nosed BatHonduran White Bat
Bergman's BearBrown BearEzo Brown BearGiant PandaGrizzly BearJapanese Black BearKodiak BearPolar BearSpectacled BearSun Bear
Bovids American BisonArabian OryxBantengBlack WildebeestBlackbuckBlue WildebeestBuffaloCommon ElandGannan YakGaurHimalayan TahrImpalaMountain GoatMuskoxNilgaiRhim GazelleSable AntelopeSaiga AntelopeSpringbokTakinThomson's GazelleTibetan AntelopeTopi
Cattle AurochsGoshingyu-samaGuernsey CattleHolstein Friesian CattleJersey Cattle
Goat Alpine IbexMarkhorNubian Ibex
Sheep Dall SheepMouflonSheepSnow Sheep
DromedaryGuanacoHuacaya AlpacaSuri AlpacaVicuñaWild Bactrian Camel
Canids African Golden WolfAfrican Wild DogBlack-Backed JackalCoyoteDanzaburou-DanukiDholeDire WolfGolden JackalInugami GyoubuManed WolfRaccoon Dog
Foxes Bat-Eared FoxCulpeoGray FoxIsland FoxNine-Tailed FoxOinari-sama
True Foxes Arctic FoxEzo Red FoxFennec FoxKit FoxPale FoxRed FoxRüppell's FoxSilver FoxTibetan Sand FoxWhite Ezo Red Fox
Wolves Arctic WolfDingoEastern WolfGray WolfHokkaido WolfIndian WolfItalian WolfJapanese WolfMakamiMexican WolfMongolian WolfNew Guinea Singing DogTundra Wolf
Dogs CerberusDomestic DogDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)Ryukyu KenSiberian Husky
Blue WhaleChinese White DolphinCommerson's DolphinCommon Bottlenose DolphinNarwhalOrcaPacific White-Sided DolphinShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Axis DeerMooseMule DeerPère David's DeerReindeerRoe DeerSchomburgk's DeerSika DeerSouthern PudúWater DeerWhite ReindeerYezo Sika Deer
African Bush ElephantAfrican Forest ElephantBorneo ElephantIndian ElephantSumatran ElephantWoolly Mammoth
Equids Chestnut HorseDonkeyHipparionPrzewalski's HorseSeal Brown HorseTarpanWhite Horse
Zebras Chapman's ZebraGrévy's ZebraMountain ZebraPlains ZebraQuagga
Felids Saber-Toothed Tiger
Felines Asian Golden CatBlack ServalBobcatCanada LynxCaracalCheetahCougarDomestic CatEurasian LynxFlat-Headed CatGeoffroy's CatIberian LynxIriomote CatJaguarundiJungle CatKing CheetahMarbled CatMargayOcelotPallas's CatSand CatServalTsushima Leopard CatWhite Serval
Pantherines Black LeopardClouded LeopardLeopardPeach PantherSnow Leopard
Jaguars Arizonan JaguarBlack JaguarJaguar
Lions Barbary LionCape LionEuropean Cave LionLionMasai LionTransvaal LionWhite Lion
Tigers Bengal TigerByakkoGolden TigerMaltese TigerSiberian TigerSouth China TigerSumatran TigerWhite Tiger
Angolan GiraffeKordofan GiraffeMasai GiraffeOkapiReticulated GiraffeRothschild's GiraffeSivatheriumSouth African Giraffe
Domestic Rabbit
Hares Arctic HareEuropean HareEzo Mountain HareJapanese HareMountain HareSnowshoe HareTsukuyomi-No-Shinshi
Australian DevilCommon Brushtail PossumCommon Ringtail PossumCommon WombatEastern QuollGreater BilbyGreater GliderKoalaNumbatPademelonRed KangarooScaly-Tailed PossumSpectacled Hare-WallabySquirrel GliderSulawesi Bear CuscusTasmanian DevilTasmanian TigerThylacineWhite-Eared Opossum
Mustelids Honey BadgerJapanese BadgerJapanese MartenLeast WeaselSableStoatWolverine
Otters Asian Small-Clawed OtterEurasian OtterGiant OtterJapanese River OtterNorthern Sea OtterSouthern Sea Otter
Buru BabirusaDesert WarthogDomestic PigGiant Forest HogJapanese BoarRyukyu Boar
Baikal SealBearded SealCalifornia Sea LionHarp SealHooded SealMediterranean Monk SealNorthern Fur SealRinged SealSteller Sea LionWalrus
Aye-AyeBlack-And-White Ruffed LemurBornean OrangutanBrown Greater GalagoCommon ChimpanzeeDe Brazza's MonkeyGolden Lion TamarinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyHamadryas BaboonIndriJapanese MacaqueKabanMandrillPatas MonkeyRing-Tailed LemurSlow LorisSun WukongVenezuelan Red HowlerWestern Lowland Gorilla
Black RhinocerosIndian RhinocerosParaceratheriumSumatran RhinocerosWhite Rhinoceros
Alpine MarmotBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrazilian PorcupineCapybaraCommon DeguCoypuCrested PorcupineEurasian BeaverGambian Pouched RatJapanese SquirrelKyūshū Flying SquirrelLong-Tailed ChinchillaNorth American BeaverSiberian Chipmunk
Linnaeus's Two-Toed SlothMegatheriumPale-Throated Sloth
DugongSteller's Sea CowWest Indian Manatee
Baird's TapirMalayan TapirMountain TapirSouth American Tapir
BinturongLarge-Spotted GenetMasked Palm Civet
Miscellaneous Mammals
AardvarkAardwolfBinturongBush HyraxChevrotainCollared PeccaryCrab-Eating RaccoonFossaGiant ArmadilloGiant PangolinHippopotamusHippopotamus GorgopsHyracotheriumMeerkatPink Fairy ArmadilloPlatypusPronghornRaccoonRed PandaRingtailSpotted HyenaStriped SkunkTemminck's PangolinWestern Spotted Skunk