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Character Data
AKA Rods
Romaji Sukaifisshu
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name ?
Distribution ?
Diet ?
Avg. Lifespan ?
Read More Rod (optical phenomenon)
Conservation Uma label.png
Skyfish Pavilion KF3​ (V2)​ Nexon Game Gallery

The Skyfish is a type of Friend that appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


Skyfish has short white hair that appears translucent at the fringe and around the sides. She has yellow hairclips on either side of her head, and streamer-like strands of hair on either side that fade from white to aqua to green. Above these are white and pale blue frilled adornments. Parts of these also appear translucent, as her long aqua and yellow ribbon on her dress is partially visible through one. She has a frilly, upturned collar and crossed aqua laces on the dress, which splits to reveal a pale blue and purple layer underneath. The edges of the top layer are a pale blue. Her eyes are pale brown, with a white and aqua ring around where the pupils would be. Her tail is pale blue, aqua and green, and resembles some interpretations of the rods themselves.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role

Minor Appearances

Kemono Friends Picross

Skyfish appears in a puzzle of Kemono Friends Picross where the player can obtain a picture of the friend by solving a puzzle.

In Real Life

An artist's interpretation of a cryptic Skyfish.

A skyfish is not a scientifically proven animal in the real world; rather, it is a phenomena that some people have attributed to a living thing. In 1994, José Escamilla presented evidence of skyfish as a video recording he made while looking for UFOs. In it, a small rod-like item can be seen flying past the camera, which José claimed to be an alien species. Since then, the topic of skyfish, or simply 'rods', has been debated about, with evidence and theories presented on both the believer's and the skeptic's sides.

Believers of the skyfish claim that they are insects or aliens that can move at speeds that can't be detected by human eyes. The advancements in camera technology over the years have made it possible for skyfish to be captured and observed with something that doesn't have the constraints of biological eyes. People have since theorised that skyfish are insects, aliens, UFOs, or lightning rods.

Skeptics believe that the appearance of skyfish in photography is due to an optical illusion caused by normal insects flying past a camera at high speeds, causing a blurred 'rod' effect. A surveillance camera in Tonghua Zhenguo Pharmaceutical Company in Tonghua City had recordings of skyfish, so scientists set up a net around the camera to try to catch them. At the end of the experiment, the net had moths and other flying insects caught within it, thus giving evidence that skyfish are simply an optical illusion based on regular insects.


  • Despite their debated existence, the skyfish can appear in games and media as a real animal. For example, they can be fished in Final Fantasy 14, where they're described as "from a distance, the skyfish appears to be no more than a simple rod outfitted with three sets of transparent wings." This is likely a nod to the real life phenomenon.


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