Japari Library:Maintenance Report

From Japari Library, the Kemono Friends Wiki
Revision as of 02:04, 20 March 2018 by Mistiryshak (talk | contribs)
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Things To Do: Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",".
Click on the image for any category to be taken to a random page in the category!
Broken File Links
Broken File Links
Missing Content
Missing Content
Needs Appearance
Needs Appearance
Needs Audio
Needs Audio
Needs Editing
Needs Editing
Needs HQ Image
Needs Higher Quality Image
Needs Images
Needs Image
Needs Japanese
Needs Japanese

Needs RL Pic
Needs RL Pic

Priority Articles
Priority Articles
Disputed Articles
Disputed Articles

Welcome to the Maintenance Report of Japari Library! This page contains a directory to all of our maintenance categories (hereby referred to as tags), along with a list of how many pages have had the tag applied to them. It also includes guides on what exactly each tag means, and what steps you can take to help improve the Library using the report. To reach any of the tags mentioned on this page, click on the image corresponding to the tag found on the above table. Empty tags will not be shown.

This report should not be used as a style guide or as a starting point for first-time editing. For those, please reference our Getting Started page, which will tell you all you need to know concerning the layout of the wiki and how to begin working as an editor. Additionally, the report has no information regarding pages that need to be created, as categories can only be applied to existing pages. Lastly, the report only knows what it's been told - so if nothing seems to fit you, don't worry! Adding any of our maintenance tags to pages you feel need them will automatically add them into the report; allowing someone who can make this change to do so. It's a necessary and important step in the process, and with the Library currently boasting 1700+ pages, it becomes more and more important for our editors to properly tag things that need a touch-up.

For information regarding templates, technical improvements, or major changes to the wiki's structure, please join our Discord server and present your thoughts in the #japari-wiki channel. The maintenance report mainly serves to improve articles that do not fall under a special namespace, the pages that the majority of our casual users will be browsing. As such, the back end is not considered in the report.

For all tags, the application of a tag is up to the user's judgement. If one feels that the tag does not actually apply, they may remove it. If possible, in such cases, attempt to see if the original tag applicant can be contacted to explain why the tag was applied. Tags may be applied at any level, from minor (paragraph or less) to major (total rewrite) edits, but those who add tags should attempt to see if the edit is within their capability before applying them. If a tag is applied to signal for a minor edit, please use the edit summary to describe the issue to help our editors quickly identify the problem.

Maintenance Templates

Icon chara 0087 04.png This article is missing major content.
Reason: Example
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.

The usage of our maintenance templates helps our users tag pages more effectively. Templates can be used with the following code:

{{template name|reason for usage}}

As an example, the above template uses:


It should be noted that the reason for inclusion is not required. However, for pages where the required changes may not be immediately obvious, it is recommended that editors which add a maintenance template add a reason so that future editors know what to fix. The templates should be used within the section that requires the change - however, if the entire article requires editing or there is only one section, these templates are to be placed at the top of the page. Additionally, once an editor has fixed the issue, the template should be removed in order to update the report.

Usage of the template automatically adds the tag to a page. The category need not be added manually if a template is in use. Not all tags have templates.

Writing Tags

Missing Content
Icon chara 0087 04.png This article is missing major content.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.


This tag, marked with Uchikoma, currently has 1,057 page(s). Pages tagged as having missing content are often incomplete in some form. While many examples include missing sections such as the lack of a plot role or personality section on an anime subpage, missing content can also apply to summaries that feel like they fail to summarize an event or character properly. For example, this tag would apply if a summary of North American Beaver's plot role in the anime left out her appearance in Episode 12 - Amusement Park, but not if it left out a small detail such as a scene where she idly gnaws on wood for a brief moment. However, by the same vein, if one were to leave out that Asian Small-Clawed Otter is met on a slide, that would qualify as missing content. It is up to the editor to determine if content is missing.

This tag and Needs Editing can be used together, but only if the missing content and the reason for the Needs Editing tag are separate.

This tag should not be used in conjunction with any tag that covers the topic more effectively (i.e. use Needs RL Info rather than Missing Content, and do not use both).

Needs Appearance

This tag, marked with Tarpan, currently has 38 page(s). While the tag mainly applies to Friend pages such as Kyushu Owl, it can be used anywhere that a physical description of something is required - for example, Mirai. Examples of such things are rare, however.

Please refer to Getting Started for a guide on how to write these sections.

Needs Editing
Icon chara 0012 04.png This article's quality can be improved. It may not conform to our style or editing policies.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.


This tag is marked with the Library's mascot, Kyushu Owl, and currently has 76 page(s). This tag is used for pages which are complete in terms of information, but are lacking in the way of presentation or readability. In some cases, the tag may even be used to signal that a page requires a complete rewrite from the ground up - though in most cases, this is reserved for Priority Articles.

Needs Editing should not be applied to small-scale edits such as single sentences, spelling errors, or broken links. All of these things can be fixed with the same amount of effort as tagging the page.

Needs Japanese
Icon chara 0149 04.png This article could benefit from Japanese text.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.


Marked with Yamata No Orochi and currently tagged on 266 page(s), this tag comes into play if information such as a stage play actor's name is absent, or if an article is supposed to have a translation, but the Japanese text is not present to translate. Ir can also be used in cases where a translation is available, but the article would be improved or completed by the inclusion of the original Japanese text. This tag is used to allow those with access to the original text know that their contribution is required. Editors should refrain from attempting to fix articles tagged with this unless they have the text on hand and it has been verified that the text is correct.

Needs RL Info

A tag represented by Peach Panther with 79 page(s) currently marked. Similarly to Needs Appearances, this tag only applies to Friend pages.

Please refer to Getting Started for a guide on how to write these sections.

Needs Translation
Icon chara 0141 04.png This article could benefit from a translation.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.


This tag, represented with Skyfish and currently containing 1,969 page(s), is a specialized tag that should only be tackled by editors with knowledge in Japanese to English translation. Usually, these pages already contain the original Japanese text, and require translation work in order to make the text understandable to our English-speaking readers.

If the Japanese text is absent in an article that requires a translation, the Needs Japanese tag should be used instead.

Priority Articles
Icon chara 0322 04.png This is a priority article. It is highly encouraged to improve this article.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.


Priority Articles, represented with Serval and currently containing 14 page(s), are the most important things on the entire wiki at that point in time. Priority Articles may require a full rewrite from the ground up - the text may be wildly out of date, incorrect, or even nonexistent. This tag is usually also applied to pages that are works in progress or pages that require major changes to structure. The last potential cause for a Priority Article is recency - if an important news piece broke out (i.e. Anime Season 2 trailer) then a massive influx of readers would cause an article (i.e. Kemono Friends (2017 Anime)) to be designated Priority until the article is deemed to be in need of no further editing.

Veteran editors should attempt to check Priority Articles every so often when they visit the maintenance report.

File Tags

Pages with broken file links

This tag, represented by Cerval, currently contains 52 page(s). This tag is automatically applied by the wiki, and it usually exists because the article using FriendBuilder lacks an image in the first place or because an editor did not notice the image used was not valid. Typically, all this requires is an image upload or a fix to the file name. In other cases, audio or video file names may be invalid.

Needs Audio
Icon chara 0042 04.png This article could benefit from an audio file.
You can help Japari Library by uploading the file, or by discussing the issue.


Marked with Crested Ibis and currently hosting 502 page(s), this tag generally means that the page is supposed to have an audio file somewhere. If it already has one, then it means something about the audio file needs to placed onto the textual portion of the page.

Needs Higher Quality Image
Icon chara 0265 04.png An image on this article could be improved.
You can help Japari Library by uploading the file, or by discussing the issue.


Represented by Thylacine and hosting 51 page(s), this tag refers to images which exist, but are in a low quality and need replaced as soon as a higher quality version is available. Oftentimes, this tag is entirely reliant on whether or not such a source exists, and an article tagged with Needs Higher Quality Image may need to be tagged as such for an extended period of time until this becomes available. This tag is also applied if an image is too small or lacks transparency.

Needs Images
Icon chara 0045 04.png This article could benefit from an image.
You can help Japari Library by uploading the file, or by discussing the issue.


Represented by a mysterious person and currently containing 37 page(s), this tag serves a similar purpose to Broken File Links, but is used when the images already on the page are working. Since broken file links is automatically applied by the wiki whenever it detects that the markup used to print a specific image is invalid, this tag is used when an image should be present or the article could be improved by including additional images, but all file links currently in use are fully functioning.

This tag can be used in conjunction with any other image tag so long as the image that requires a reupload is separate from the image that Needs Images is asking to be uploaded. Please do not conflate this tag and similar tags such as Needs Higher Quality Image and Needs New Image Crop - those tags are for creating better versions of existing images, while this tag is for images that don't exist yet. While it can be tempting to use either/or, their functions are different, so please make sure to make note of the distinction to keep the Maintenance Report running smoothly!

Needs New Image Crop

This tag, represented by Bergman's Bear and hosting 0 page(s), is used when the crop of an image is unsatisfactory. This can mean a variety of things - a part of the image's subject could be cut off, or the crop is too large and has too much content unrelated to the subject. An image editor should be used to provide the new crop, and, if applicable, it must not remove the transparency in the image.

Needs RL Pic

An extension of Needs RL Info represented by Tsuchinoko and hosting 0 page(s). The tag indicates that the Real Life section of a Friend page lacks a picture.

Only use this tag if the Needs RL Info tag is missing and the Real Life section is complete. Additionally, avoid grabbing any picture from Google, and ensure that it is licensed properly. To find out how to ensure an image is properly licensed for use on the Library, visit our Discord and ask our Librarians in #japari-wiki.