Italian Wolf's Character Quest

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Italian Wolf


Quest Data
Quest Type Character
Quest Number 82
Friends Italian Wolf, Gray Wolf, Coyote, Japanese Wolf, Serval

Italian Wolf's Character Quest is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game centered around Italian Wolf. It takes place in the An'in Region, and revolves around an early moment in the Wolf Federation's history, before Gray Wolf was considered the official leader.




Character English Japanese
SCENE: An'in Region (Outside Lodge) -
Serval Hey, Italian Wolf, why do you look up to Gray Wolf? Was there anything that lead to that? {{{jp2}}}
Italian Wolf Ufufu, you want to hear about that? The reason I adore big sis… … That’s… … from when me and big sis weren't close friends. We conducted a meeting at the Wolf House... {{{jp3}}}
Serval E-eh? The story's already starting?... I can’t hear it. {{{jp4}}}
Italian Wolf I’m embarrassed… … At the time, I was a bit, um, mentally immature, or, uhm… … I had a tendency to flare up and lash out against my surroundings… … {{{jp5}}}
FLASHBACK: (Scene change to Wolf House) -
Gray Wolf Everyone, thank you all for gathering here. I’m sorry if it’s a bit rushed, but I have a proposal. Lately, the number of Ceruleans has increased. In order for us wolves to communicate among ourselves better, I was wondering if we could coordinate the meanings of our howls. {{{jp7}}}
Italian Wolf Eeh? I don’t think that’s important. {{{jp8}}}
Gray Wolf Well, don’t say that. I've prepared some options, so would you take a look for a bit? {{{jp9}}}
Italian Wolf (Gray Wolf-san is acting high and mighty… … Does she want to become the leader?) {{{jp10}}}
Japanese Wolf I think that’s good! Practicing howling with everyone looks fun! {{{jp11}}}
Coyote Yeah, howling in a chorus together will be more exciting with more people. {{{jp12}}}
Japanese Wolf Yes! It looks like everyone can become one group! {{{jp13}}}
Italian Wolf Wha… …! I won't do something bothersome like that! I’m fine by myself! {{{jp14}}}
Gray Wolf W-wait… … Italian Wolf. {{{jp15}}}
SCENE: (Scene change to a forest in the An'in Region) -
Italian Wolf Jeez, Gray Wolf-san! Doing whatever she pleases… …! Hn… …!? A Cerulean in a place like this!? Fine! I'll show you that I’m fine even by myself! {{{jp17}}}
Italian Wolf It’s become dark… … With this outcome, maybe it would have been better if I had stayed at the Wolf House… … {{{jp19}}}
Ceruleans ! !
Italian Wolf !? There's still Ceruleans left!? Haah, haa… … S-somehow, I've repulsed them, but… … It looks like my leg's been injured… … {{{jp21}}}
??? *howl… …!* {{{jp22}}}
Italian Wolf That's Gray Wolf-san's howl?... If I'm correct, that means… … “where are you”… … I-I can do it by myself. Do you think someone would reply to that!?... Ow! That hurts?!... … The wound from earlier is pretty bad. I have to get out of the forest quickly… … {{{jp23}}}
Ceruleans ! !
Italian Wolf Kyaaa! {{{jp25}}}
Italian Wolf Uh… … my leg got worse because of the fighting… … …! There's more Ceruleans over there!? Uuh! It’s hurt!... … I can’t walk… …! I-I must get away, somehow… …! Haah, haah… … My clothes got dirty because of the mud… … Why is this happening to me… … {{{jp27}}}
Ceruleans ! !
Italian Wolf It can’t be!? Again! Uh!? I-I can’t fight with this leg… … {{{jp29}}}
??? *howl* {{{jp30}}}
Italian Wolf (Gray Wolf-san! She's still searching for me… …? B-but now I can’t show my face… …!) {{{jp31}}}
Ceruleans ! !
Italian Wolf !?... … Uh. *howl!* {{{jp33}}}
??? *… … running!* {{{jp34}}}
Gray Wolf Italian Wolf!? I've finally found you! {{{jp35}}}
Italian Wolf G-Gray Wolf-san… … Your clothes are all battered. Could it be that you kept looking for me… …? {{{jp36}}}
Gray Wolf I just fell down a bit. Don’t worry, I will save you now… … Now, Cerulean, you've caused a lot of trouble, huh? {{{jp37}}}
Cerulean ! !
Gray Wolf I will not allow you to touch my friend even one more time! {{{jp39}}}
Italian Wolf (She really came for me… … she came so fast… …) {{{jp40}}}
Gray Wolf Fuh… … I defeated all of the enemies. {{{jp42}}}
Japanese Wolf Ah! They're here! Jeez, don’t run ahead alone! {{{jp43}}}
Coyote I know she was missing, but don't go looking for Italian Wolf alone. I’ll worry, you know? {{{jp44}}}
Gray Wolf I’m sorry. But things ended well, so it’s okay, right? Hey, Italian Wolf? {{{jp45}}}
Italian Wolf … … Uhm, uhm (I’m the one in the wrong here… … Surely, she's going to scold me harshly… …) {{{jp46}}}
Gray Wolf A bad wound, huh… … Come on, get on my back. {{{jp47}}}
Italian Wolf Eh? (Why… …? I'm the one who ran away, but you don't even say anything?) {{{jp48}}}
Gray Wolf Hey, Italian Wolf. The reason I called everyone to the Wolf House howling meeting… … is because I want to protect my important friends. {{{jp49}}}
Italian Wolf … … … …
Gray Wolf To help each other as friends, communication is important. Fighting as a group is our strong point as wolves. Thank you for howling earlier and calling me. Thanks to that, I could run to you immediately. {{{jp51}}}
Italian Wolf … …! (No… … I said something selfish, and I caused trouble, but… …) {{{jp52}}}
Gray Wolf Italian Wolf, from now on, let’s become friends, too... … Oh? {{{jp53}}}
Italian Wolf *sleep… …* {{{jp54}}}
Gray Wolf … … It’s safe, and she’s tired, so she fell asleep, huh... {{{jp55}}}
Italian Wolf Thank, you… … very, much… … *sleep… …* {{{jp56}}}
SCENE: (Scene change to An'in Region, outside the lodge, flashback ends) -
Italian Wolf Since then, I've called Gray Wolf by the name Gray Wolf big sis. Her back's warmth that day… … I'll never forget it! Gray Wolf big sis is strong, kind, and cool… …! She’s fit to become our leader! {{{jp58}}}
Serval Hehe. Because of that, you imitate the Gray Wolf that you adore. {{{jp59}}}
Italian Wolf Yes! I will show you the howl that Gray Wolf big sis uses to call her friends. *howl!* {{{jp60}}}
Serval Oh, cool!... … Hm, someone's coming? {{{jp61}}}
Gray Wolf What? I was called, has something happened? {{{jp62}}}
Italian Wolf G-Gray Wolf big sis came! {{{jp63}}}
Gray Wolf Eh, what happened?! Suddenly, I'm being hugged… …!? {{{jp64}}}
Serval Oi, Italian Wolf? {{{jp65}}}
Italian Wolf Ufufufu, big sis! {{{jp66}}}
Serval Uh, no good. Looks like she’s not listening to me anymore… … {{{jp67}}}
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