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|personality=She doesn't like to be bother to help others too much as she thinks that would spoiled them.
|personality=She doesn't like to be bother to help others too much as she thinks that would spoiled them.
|selfintro=I'm the one who responsible to protect Japari Park eastern part, four divine beasts Azure Dragon of the East. Using the power of pure water and the tail I'm proud of to save everyone is my duty. However, do what you can accomplish with your own power! I'm not going easy by only helping weaklings. So don't cause me so much trouble okay?
|selfintro=I'm the one who responsible to protect Japari Park eastern part, four divine beasts Azure Dragon of the East. Using the power of pure water and the tail I'm proud of to save everyone is my duty. However, do what you can accomplish with your own power! I'm not going easy by only helping weaklings. So don't cause me so much trouble okay?
|plotrole====Seiryu's Character Quest===
In the beginning of the story, [[Crested Ibis/Nexon Game|Crested Ibis]] is monologuing about four [[Friends]], that protect [[Japari Park]]. She states that they have power exceeding normal human ability, and that [[Silver Fox/Nexon Game|Silver Fox]] tells her they are located in places of power found in the east, west, south, and north. She ends the speech stating that in times like these, when [[Ceruleans]] have evolved, they must borrow the power of these Four Gods. She begins to investigate, alongside other Friends, so that she may find the Four Gods and ask them for help.
At a waterfront, [[Giant Armadillo/Nexon Game|Giant Armadillo]] and [[Giant Pangolin/Nexon Game|Giant Pangolin]] are doing research somewhere that the water levels have increased to unnatural levels. Pangolin wonders why this has happened, and notes that the water has increased to such a point that it could be said the waterfront is flooding. However, they decide they do not care about the cause, pridefully stating that it is unimportant for the "General Merchant Duo". After an hour, Armadillo discovers a clue; a blue scale.
[[Mirai]] and [[Serval/Nexon Game|Serval]] appear and greet the two merchants. Pangolin and Armadillo then ask what brings them to the waterfront, prompting [[White Rhinoceros/Nexon Game|White Rhinoceros]] to explain that the group is searching for the cause of the flooding. Pangolin thinks that a Cerulean may be responsible, but Silver Fox states that there is another potential cause - Seiryu, one of the Four Gods. Armadillo considers "Seiryu" and "Four Gods" to be interesting names, and organizes her thoughts to recall the events she had witnessed in the past hour. [[Thomson's Gazelle/Nexon Game|Thomson's Gazellle]] compliments Armadillo's analysis of the events.
Pangolin, seeing that they are in similar situations, suggests combining forces and investigating together. Serval agrees, but states that with the current water current, it will be very difficult. [[Caracal/Nexon Game|Caracal]] complains that searching for the Four Gods is very tiresome, but Serval says that at this point, they need Seiryu's power. An hour passes, and the group is unable to find any more clues. Pangolin states that with the information they have, it seems more likely that a Cerulean is the cause of the flooding. Crested Ibis then finds a giant, snail-shaped black Cerulean, and decides to draw it in closer by using her song. However, before she can, she discovers that the Cerulean has already been defeated, surprising Serval and Caracal.
Seiryu then finally appears, saying it was good luck she could defeat the Cerulean with one blow. Pangolin recognizes Seiryu's scales, and verifies that the blue scale she picked up earlier is Seiryu's. Seiryu comments that Pangolin is eccentric for carrying her scale around. Silver Fox asks to confirm that Seiryu is indeed the eastern guardian of Japari Park, the Azure Dragon of the East, which Seiryu confirms. Thomson's Gazelle pleads to Seiryu to lend them her power, but she refuses. White Rhinoceros begs for her to hear their explanation, but Seiryu states that she does not lend her power to those who are weak.
Silver Fox questions Seiryu about her role as a park guardian. Seiryu replies stating that if Japari Park is in extreme need of help, she will help, but that until then, they should all just try to fight the Ceruleans with their own power. Seiryu then blames the local Friends, saying they are lazy, doing nothing but blaming Ceruleans on the flood and rambling to themselves. She proceeds to state that to her, the investigation was nothing but childish play. Pangolin is bewildered by this, asking Seiryu to repeat herself, which she does. This angers Pangolin, who accuses Seiryu of being lazy, saying that up until now all of the Friends have been trying their best to protect the park. Armadillo warns the group to be cautious, as she has never seen Pangolin this angry.
Seiryu challenges Pangolin, asking whether or not she can stand against her, then changing into a dragon. Serval and all the others team up and manage to defeat her, but they tire themselves out in the process. Seiryu acknowledges their power, saying she had already heard of the actions of Serval and the [[protagonist]], and thought this was a good chance to verify their strength. Pangolin apologizes for snapping to Seiryu, who dismisses the fight as if it never happened, as they already made up with each other.
Seiryu then asks Pangolin how she treats her tail, as she finds it to be very beautiful. Pangolin rejects the statement, saying that Seiryu's tail is more beautiful than hers. Armadillo interjects and suggests they stop so that they can discuss this all once they have become friends, but Pangolin knocks her out instead for being a nuisance. Seiryu speaks up and says she can stop the flooding, but asks that the group allow it to continue for now. Silver Fox asks Seiryu her motive, to which she responds that she wants everyone to become stronger, welcoming them to fight her again at any time. Because of this, Serval playfully warns Seiryu to prepare for defeat when the group returns later on.
|relationship=Together with three other divine beasts, they protect the park from any invader that means to cause harm.
|relationship=Together with three other divine beasts, they protect the park from any invader that means to cause harm.

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