S1E01: Savanna Area

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Episode 1 - Savanna

File:Episode 1 - Savanna.jpg

サバンナ (Saban'na)
Episode Data
Air Date January 10th, 2017
Introductions Serval, Hippopotamus
Previous None
Next Episode 2 - Jungle

Savanna (Japanese: サバンナ) is the first episode of the Kemono Friends anime series. It introduces the show's main characters, Kaban and Serval, along with the overarching themes and conflict of the story. It is set in the Savanna Area, a dry and open grassland home to various Friends.


Serval's first appearance

Kemono Friends starts with a vast view of the wild nature of Savanna, we are first introduced to the Friend Serval sleeping on the branch of a tree during a sunny day. Her rest is interrupted by the noise of a mysterious presence, she wakes up and jumps into the air to pursue them on the ground, taking this situation as a game. She managed to spot her 'prey' and pounces it on the ground. The unknown person appears to be a girl, but she panics and asks for Serval to not eat, Serval yells she won't do it.

Afterwards, Serval Cat apologizes and presents herself, Japari Park and her territory, the Savanna Area. The girl is shocked about Serval's tail and ears, in contrary Serval Cat is intrigued by the girl's lacks of tail and ears, she asks where she lives but the unknown girl doesn't know, she wokes in the Savanna Area without knowing her own identity. Serval takes the guess that the girl might come from the sandstar's eruption last night that came flying out of the mountain. She then tries to guess what kind of "Friend" she belong, she take a look if she has wings as birds or if she has a hood as the snakes. Serval tells her to find the library if she wants to know her specie, an area for the Friends who want to find answers to their questions. Serval accepts to help her, and then decides to call her Kaban (Bag) because of the bag she is wearing.

Kaban and Serval cross the savanna, along the way Kaban asks Serval if this territory is owns by her, she replies that many other Friends lives in the same area such as Plains Zebra or Thomson's Gazelle. Serval Cat plans to drag Kaban at Savanna's exit to join the Library beyond the Jungle.

Kaban acrossed a downhill and a river without successes but gets help by Serval. Kaban encounter for the first time a Cerulean, fortunately the enemy is small enough to be take down by Serval thanks to her claws and help yet again her friend. Kaban is still thankfull to Serval, but feels like a weight, because of her lack of abilities as an animal. Serval sympathizes with her, she is also seen as a weak and clumsy Friend, nonetheless, she see Kaban as hard worker. She helps her to get up and continue their adventure to join the Savanna's exit.

They decide to take a rest under a tree to regain their energy. During their rest , Kaban asks Serval if there's any any different types of friends in each species. As Serval says, Japari Park is habited by bigger cats than her, Kaban asks in a scared tonn if they bit. To reassured her, Serval explains that the only enemy to fear are the Ceruleans. Serval is surprised by Kaban's speed at regain her strength back after their walk, she gets excited and impatient to know Kaban's true nature.

Hippo first introduction when Kaban and Serval were drinking water

Later, Serval Cat teaches Kaban to climb trees, in case if she needs to hide or to rest. They continue and finally join the water spot to drink while enjoying the scenery of the Savanna. However, they encounter Hippopotamus, a dear friend of Serval Cat who was bathing in the water spot. Hippopotamus aware them about a big Cerulean guarding the gate of the area. Serval Cat presents Kaban to her friend and even explains Kaban's situation. Hippopotamus advices Kaban to learn how to protect herself, even if Serval Cat help her at the moment. Before they continue, Hippopotamus acts as a mother and become worried about them, she demands to be careful of the cerulean at the gate and other unimportant things.

Kaban and Serval continue their way to the gate, a sign on her way preserved maps of Japari Park in small glassed box, Kaban takes one and analyses their position. Suddenly, Serval Cat hear a scream of a helpless Friend.

Serval and Kaban make their way to the voice and discover the cerulean that Hippopotamus talked before, blocking the gate and attacking a Friend (Aardwolf). Serval charges straight ahead the cerulean, however she don't see the stone she has to hit in order to destroy the cerulean. Kaban notice the stone behind the cerulean, Serval tries to go around her enemy but the cerulean don't let her any chances to do so. While Serval starts to loose hope, a paper airplane made by Kaban flight near the cerulean to distract it and offer a possibility for Serval to attack. All of a sudden, before Serval could attacks, the cerulean notices Kaban and throw one of its tentacles to eat her. Hippopotamus, show up at the right time to block the attack and repel it, while Serval Cat jumps behind the cerulean to reach the stone and destroy it. After the climax, Hippopotamus leave the place before everyone could see her, Serval congratulate Kaban about the paper airplane she made and she gets yet again excited about it.

Serval and Kaban reach the end of Savanna, they have to share their last words before Kaban could find the library herself and the answer on her true nature, Serval is still amazed by her skills and is ready to wait her in Savanna when she her goal will be accomplish. Kaban takes her courage, and walk straight to jungle without looking behind her. Nonetheless, Serval still follow Kaban and want to keep the adventure with her, as if they were the best friends.

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The first apperance of Lucky

During night, Serval is still full of energy and still excited about that adventure while Kaban feel tired. Without control of her excitement, Serval scratch a tree and make it fall by accident. The noise activated a strange beast called Boss. The strange beast walk to Kaban and greets her. Kaban appreciates the move unlike Serval who is suddenly shocked to see Boss talking.

The episode ends with two Friends, Fennec Fox and Common Raccoon, searching for something that might be a huge danger for Japari Park.

Major Events

  • A human Friend gains consciousness in the Savanna Area.
  • Serval meets the human Friend and gives her the name Kaban, after the bag she was born with.
  • Serval offers to guide Kaban to the far end of the Savanna Area, and the two embark on their journey.


Major Characters

Minor Characters