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Japari Park (Japanese: ジャパリパーク Hepburn: Japari Pāku) is a massive, open zoo constructed on an archipelago resembling real life Japan that is home to the Friends. It is the central, recurring setting of all Kemono Friends media.


The meaning of the word "Japari" is also uncertain. One popular theory suggests that it is a portmanteau of "Japan" and "Safari", owing to its functionality as a massive zoo and its uncanny resemblance to the island nation of Japan. Much of its known culture (as depicted in the manga) is distinctively Japanese as well, which seems to further substantiate this theory.


Early Days

Little is known about the history of the location prior to the discovery of Friends. Earlier settlement on the islands that comprise it, as well as their international sovereignty, is a mystery.

At an undetermined point in modern human history, the archipelago was selected for the construction of a massive, open zoo where tourists from around the globe could see a great variety of animals in their natural habitats. It was an ambitious undertaking, and qualified scientists, such as Professor Kako, were invited to participate in bringing it to fruition. The zoo would be known as "Japari Park".

Discovery of "Animal Girls"

The Park's development, however, would take a turn for the unexpected with the observation of a never-before-seen phenomenon within the zoo. Contrary to all known biological studies, the animals which resided on the island were reported as taking the forms of human girls. These mysterious lifeforms, which researches dubbed "Animal Girls", were seemingly capable of all things human: they possessed the ability to speak, a capacity for higher thinking and advanced motor skills befitting of their new bodies. Additionally, they retained abilities and characteristics remniscent of their original forms, often to the point of granting them superhuman strength and agility. The scientists and staff members responsible for the development of Japari Park, baffled by this startlng discovery, endeavored to keep their existence a secret from the outside world in fear that the revelation may engender panic and chaos within the general public.

Welcome to Japari Park

No information exists which documents the time frame between this monumentous discovery and the official opening of Japari Park, but the project would nevertheless reach completion. Infrastructure and buildings to accomodate human visitors were constructed throughout the island chain, and the zoo would be opened to tourists from around the globe. However, contrary to its founders' original intent, its main attraction would be its Animal Girls, now known as "Friends", who lived amongst their human handlers rather than in cages or enclosures. Behind the scenes, research of these mysterious girls and their origins would remain ongoing.

Open to the public and fully commercialized, Japari Park rapidly became a bustling tourist destination, in addition to developing its own culture and permanent residents. Records of the early Park suggest that Japanese culture had a pronounced impact, particularly on its customs and holidays, although whether the zoo was owned by the Japanese government or had any official affiliation with the country is unknown. The human staff worked tirelessly to educate Friends and assist them in integrating into society, a highly successful gesture which enabled the two species to live in peaceful coexistence. Many Friends dwelled in houses, attended schools and immersed themselves in human culture, doing everything from eating meat buns to reading manga.

The Cerulean Invasion

However, these carefree days would not last forever. Japari Park would find itself beseiged by a hostile race of mysterious aliens known as the Cerulean, led by the monstrous Cerulean Queen. Due to the danger posed by the monsters' vicious, malevolent nature and penchant for stealing Sparkle, humanity evacuated the islands, and much of the zoo's staff followed suit. The Friends, who called Japari Park home, were left to fend for themselves. During this period, danger overran the once-peaceful place. Many Friends kept to their own devices and attempted to live their daily lives in spite of the Cerulean threat, but the change that had taken place was clear as day. Impending danger and the absence of their human caretakers would quickly paint a very different picture of the Japari Park that they knew.

With the help of the Park Guide Mirai and a mysterious protagonist suffering from amnesia, the Friends would gain the upper hand against the Cerulean and successfully expel them from their island. This victory would enable Japari Park to reopen and rebuild, and a new director was appointed for the massive zoo. The details of its grand reopening are uncertain, as is the duration of time that it stayed open. What is known, however, is that Japari Park's trouble with Ceruleans were far from over.

An additional Cerulean outbreak would occur not long after, to the dismay of Mirai and her Friend companions. Tireless effort was made to combat it, but at least on the island region of Kyōshū, the challenge would prove too difficult. The discovery of a new type of Sandstar, known as "Sandstar Rō", in conjunct with a unfamiliar type of Cerulean which absorbed it as a regenerative mechanism, pit the Friends and their human companions against a seemingly invincible enemy. Defeated, they were forced to abandon the Kyōshū Region entirely. Fortunately, the Friends living there were safely evacuated along with the park staff. The whereabouts of both the staff and Friends involved in this incident are unknown.

Kyōshū, Post-Humanity

While the status of the other eight regions of Japari Park is undefined, the Kyōshū Region in its present state is well documented. Significant time has passed since humans inhabited the island, and much of their technology, buildings and infrastructure has fallen into disrepair. The words on signs meant for park visitors have all but rusted away, bridges have collapsed and attractions are no longer functional. Remaining functional technology is operated thanks to the Lucky Beasts which remained in Kyōshū even after its evacuation. The robots peform a multitude of maintenance duties, including the all-important production and distribution of Japari Buns, which are essential to Friends' diets.

Despite the apparent evacuation of those who fought alongside Mirai, new generations have nevertheless been born on the island in the time since its abandonment. These Friends, in stark contrast with their counterparts who lived amongst humanity and enjoyed the luxuries of their modern culture, lead simple lives in the ruined Kyōshū. Cerulean attacks are not uncommon, so the Friends living there have designated hunters for their protection and follow the guidance of their village chiefs, Professor Konoha and Assistant Mimi-chan. Only a handful of those on the island knew of humanity prior to the birth of Kaban, a human Friend, and access to the technology they left behind as well as their ingenuities (including such simple concepts as the ability to remove one's clothes) is limited to what can be learnt from books in Japari Library.

It is not to say, however, that the Friends of delapidated Kyōshū are unhappy. Most are able to enjoy an innocent and simple existence among their fellow Animal Girls. Many have found jobs to perform in their basic society, taking advantage of their natural capabilities and interests. Conflicts occasionally arise, but the Friends are peace-loving and gentle, and even in tests of might they seem unwilling to hurt one another. It is unknown for how long they have existed in this state without human contact, but it seems that even when left to their own devices, Friends can live in harmony, at least with the aid of Lucky Beasts.

Other Regions

The fate of the other eight regions of Japari Park, including the all-important Park Central, is uncertain. Kaban and Serval were last seen en route to the Shikoku Region, however, so further information may be revealed in future media.