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Character Data
Also known as Professor Kako
Romaji Kako-hakase
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)
Voice Inoue Kikuko
Gender Female
Occupation Vice-Director of Japari Park Animal Research
Kako Gallery

Professor Kako is a human character in Kemono Friends. She was the vice-director of Japari Park's animal research team prior to its closing, as well as both a close friend and mentor to Mirai. Kako is one of the series' few named humans, and is the older cousin of Nana.
Despite being seldom featured in person, Kako is nevertheless a major figure in the backstory of the Kemono Friends universe, typically through background involvement in the world and setting, and her influence on other characters.


Kako's teal eyes closely match her hair in color, although it fades to a Persian green near the tips, giving it a "gradient" look similar to that of many Friends. Her hairstyle is wild, wavy and unkempt, with her bangs falling in between her eyes and locks of hair sticking out on either side of her head.

She dresses simplistically, wearing a simple lilac shirt, tight black pants, and basic white shoes. Over her clothes, she wears a white lab coat befitting her profession, which features a Japari Park logo patch on the sleeve. Kako's hair is tied together with a white bow and two striped animal-tail accessories. The tails resemble those of Raccoons, but are also similar to Lucky Beast tails. As revealed in Kemono Friends 3's later main storyline, the tail may as well resembles Ringtail's due to the fact that Ringtail was the very first Friend she encountered and befriended.


Little is known about the professor's personality, other than what appears in her self-introduction in the fourth Kemono Friends guidebook. Appropriate for her position, Kako is enormously hardworking and devoted to her research. Disappearing into the lab for extended periods of time to conduct research with no outside interaction was considered to be normal for her, although she does it out of love for the animals (and Friends) that she studies. Despite her somewhat stern appearance, Kako is shy and somewhat socially awkward, possibly owing to her lack of regular contact with other people. She is much more comfortable around animals, however, having been been a regular visitor to the zoo since she was very young.

Role in the Plot


Childhood of Mirai and Kako.

Many years before the events of Kemono Friends, Kako lost her parents in an unelaborated accident. She spent much of her youth and young adulthood visiting the zoo; it is unclear whether the loss of her parents begat or influenced her interest in animals. At some point during her youth, she also met and befriended Mirai, and the two would form a close relationship thanks to their very similar passions. She would go on to become an accomplished university student and be invited to work in Japari Park prior to its grand opening. This thrilled Kako, who saw this as an opportunity to concentrate fully on her research, specializing in extinct animal species.

Kako was one of the researchers present for the discovery of Friends when the phenomenon of animals becoming humanoid girls was first observed in Japari Park, and is responsible for some of the earliest documentation and reports on the new discovery. All known information on Kemonoplasm was documented by her, and she has been credited with the revival of extinct animals as Friends as well. It has also been heavily implied, by an unidentified Lucky Beast in the fourth official guidebook, that she was the creator of the prototype drones which would eventually be finalized and mass-produced as Lucky Beasts. Whether the final model is also her design is not yet known.

Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)

At the beginning of the game's story, during the Cellien invasion of Japari Park, the park staff's headquarters is besieged by the Cellien Queen and her followers, forcing them to abandon Park Central and flee from the island. The staff manages to escape safely, with the sole exception of Kako, who is injured and has her Sparkle stolen by the Cellien Queen, who then assumes a form resembling the professor's own. She enters a comatose state following her injury.

The Cellien Queen, after stealing Kako's Sparkle and copying her appearance.

In Chapter 9, when the player reaches Park Central, Mirai informs the party as to the whereabouts of the Japari Park staff, as well as the danger that Kako could potentially be in. She tells the others that Kako was the one who inspired her to become a Park Guide from the start, giving the player a nod to their close friendship as mentor and pupil.

During the fight with the Cellien Queen in Chapter 10, Mirai attempts to persuade the villain to stop fighting, hoping that she might possess a personality similar to Kako's own due to the form she had taken on. Mirai reasons that no one loves the Park as much as Kako, so if any trace of her personality remained, the visually similar Cellien Queen might be open to compromise. Unfortunately, the Queen is unaffected, disregarding the Park Guide's words entirely. The party concludes that she is nothing like Kako herself, and proceeds to foil her plans and defeat her, reducing the story's antagonist to nothing but a basic Cellien. As the defeated Cellien Queen begins to revert, however, she says a notably out-of-character line, without context:

“Evolution. Preservation of information. Regeneration. ---- The sparkle lost back then......... I want to see you again. I can see you again. Revival. Even if it's proven false, even then...”
Cellien Queen, Kemono Friends (2015 Game)

This single line of dialogue has been subject to heavy fan speculation; the most popular theory is that, upon giving up Kako's Sparkle, the Cellien Queen gave voice to Kako's innermost wishes. Many have chosen to further interpret this as a desperate wish to revive her lost parents, but no official confirmation has been given on the subject.

Even during the game's final scenes and after peace has been restored to Japari Park, Kako does not appear in person.

Whereabouts after the Cellien Queen's defeat

A Bushiroad live stream in February 2017 confirmed that Kako did regain consciousness after the Cellien Queen was defeated. Additionally, in the opening movie to Kemono Friends Pavilion, Kako is addressed directly by name, seemingly overseeing the status of the Pavilion itself. Further mentions of her by Calenda in Kemono Friends 3 attest to her survival and additionally reveal that she continued working at the Park after the original mobile game's events. However, the professor's current status remains unknown, along with all the other humans that evacuated Japari Park prior to Season 1. Her research and accomplishments nevertheless continue to impact the universe of Kemono Friends.

Kemono Friends 3

In the early main storyline, Kako is mentioned by Calenda, applauding her on her creation of the barrier used in PVP and Friend vs Friend battles. Later Kako formally appears in the story and plays a major role in leading various research and assisting the fight against new types of Celliens that have recently emerged in the park. She is often seen working in a research lab with White Serval and Woolly Mammoth as assistants.

“I see, that's the barrier developed with the resonance applied.”
Calenda, Kemono Friends 3

Calenda Kako.png

The flashback in the main story reveals young Kako, when first set foot on the islands the park is built on, met Ringtail by chance. It was her first encounter with a Friend.



Mirai and Kako originally met at a zoo when they were young, and the two have been close friends since then. Kako had a mentor/pupil dynamic with Mirai, teaching the latter much of what they now know about animals; her influence has been stated to be responsible for Mirai's motivation to become a Park Guide.
Although Kako herself has yet to mention or comment on Mirai (owing to her extremely limited number of appearances in canon), it would appear that Mirai thinks very highly of her, asserting that there is no one who cares more about Japari Park.


Kako is Nana's elder cousin. Their relationship aside from family ties is not detailed; additionally, although they both worked in Japari Park at some point, it is not known whether they worked together.
However, since they have similar interests — both having a great passion in animals, friends, people, and the Park alike — it is possible that Nana became interested in them through Kako.


While the two are never seen interacting with each-other directly, it can be assumed that they work (or have worked) together, or at least that Calenda has read her research. Calenda applauds Kako's work openly and looks up to her enough to call her a "genius." Kako's side of the relationship, due to her strictly name-only appearance in Kemono Friends 3, is left a mystery.

JSRT Captain



  • Her role as the creator of the Lucky Beast's prototype model is hinted at by a Beast who narrates the bulk of the fourth guidebook's new information, pointing out the resemblance of her hair ornaments to their tails.
  • Kako's name means "Past" in Japanese, much like how her pupil and friend Mirai's name means "Future". This may be a reference to Kako's limited direct role in the plot compared to her extensive impact on the franchise's backstory.
  • It was not until June 2016, during a collaboration event with the maid café "Schatzkiste" in Akihabara, that Kako's design would be revealed to the public. Photography was strictly forbidden during this event, probably to keep the design secret. Kako's official reveal would wait until a live stream by Bushiroad in February 2017, where cards for the upcoming ChaosTCG collaboration were being announced.

World of Kemono Friends
Major Characters
Humans CalendaHikariJinriJSRT CaptainKabanKakoKyururuMiraiNanaPark FounderTowaHaruka
Friends ServalCellvalCaracalKabanRaccoonFennec FoxPPPEzo Red FoxFour GodsDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common Dolphin
Other Cellien QueenCelliensLuckyLucky BeastsLucky Beast Type-IIIStar BeastsGroups
Japari ParkKingdomKyōshū RegionRiukiu RegionPark CentralPavilionJuuoh Park
Japari BunJapari BusJapari LineKemono AmuletLucky BeastPatrol Plane
CellienFriendBeastSandstarCelliumSparkleKemonoplasmKemo Harmony
Useful Pages
Introduction to Kemono FriendsList of FriendsGlossary
AreasAttractionsGlossaryKakoOpening MoviePavilionType 3 Lucky Beast
User Guides
Advanced PlayBeginner's GuideDevice TransferFrequently Asked QuestionsInstallation GuideOfficial Help MenuUpdate History
List of KemotalksList of PlaythingsMusicUnused Content
Kemono Friends Pavilion × Shiro Chronicle Joker
Aardwolf (Gen 2) • African Bush ElephantAfrican Wild DogAmerican BisonArabian OryxArctic FoxArctic HareArctic WolfAsian Small-Clawed Otter (Gen 2) • AurochsAustralian DevilAxis DeerAye-AyeBarbary LionBat-Eared FoxBearded SealBengal TigerBergman's BearBlack-Backed Jackal (Gen 2) • BlackbuckBlack JaguarBlack LeopardBlack RhinocerosBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBlack WildebeestBlue WhaleBlue WildebeestBorneo ElephantBrown Bear (Gen 2) • Brown Long-Eared BatBush HyraxCalifornia Sea LionCapybaraCaracal (Gen 2) • Chapman's ZebraCheetahChestnut HorseChinese White DolphinCollared PeccaryCommerson's DolphinCommon Bottlenose DolphinCommon DeguCommon Vampire BatCoyoteCoypuCrested PorcupineDall SheepDesert WarthogDholeDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)Domestic PigDonkeyDromedaryEurasian BeaverEuropean Cave LionEzo Brown BearEzo Red Fox (Gen 2) • Fennec Fox (Gen 2) • FossaGeoffroy's CatGiant AnteaterGiant ArmadilloGiant Forest HogGiant OtterGiant Panda (Gen 2) • Giant PangolinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfHarp SealHimalayan TahrHippopotamus (Gen 2) • Holstein Friesian CattleHonduran White BatHoney BadgerHuacaya AlpacaIndian ElephantIndian WolfIriomote CatJaguar (Gen 2) • Japanese Black BearJapanese MacaqueJapanese MartenJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaKodiak Bear • Leopard (Gen 2EX) • Linnaeus's Two-Toed SlothLion (Gen 2) • Long-Tailed ChinchillaMalayan TapirMaltese TigerMargayMeerkatMoose (Gen 2) • Mountain TapirNarwhalNorth American BeaverNorthern Sea OtterOcelotOkapiOrcaPale FoxPale-Throated SlothPallas's CatPatas MonkeyPink Fairy ArmadilloPlains Zebra (Gen 2) • Polar BearPronghornPuma (Gen 2) • Raccoon (Gen 2) • Raccoon DogRed FoxRed Kangaroo • Red Panda (Gen 2EX) • ReindeerReticulated Giraffe (Gen 2) • Ring-Tailed LemurSableSand CatSeal Brown HorseServal (Gen 2) • SheepShort-Beaked Common DolphinSiberian ChipmunkSiberian TigerSilky AnteaterSilver Fox (Gen 2) • SivatheriumSouthern Sea OtterSouthern Tamandua (EX) • Spotted HyenaSpringbokSteller Sea LionStoatSuri Alpaca (Gen 2) • Tasmanian DevilThomson's Gazelle (Gen 2) • Tibetan Sand FoxTsushima Leopard CatTundra WolfWalrusWestern Lowland GorillaWhite HorseWhite LionWhite ReindeerWhite RhinocerosWhite ServalWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWolverineWoolly Mammoth
Adélie PenguinAfrican PenguinAtlantic PuffinBald EagleBlack SwanBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed GullCampo FlickerChinstrap PenguinCommon GullCommon OstrichCrested Ibis (Gen 2) • Eastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-Owl (Gen 2) • GastornisGentoo PenguinGolden EagleGreat AukGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreat CormorantGreater FlamingoGreater HoneyguideGreater LophorinaGreater RheaGreater RoadrunnerGreat White PelicanHumboldt PenguinIndian PeafowlJapanese CormorantKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowMasked BoobyNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorthern GoshawkNorthern White-Faced Owl (Gen 2) • Okinawa RailOriental StorkPassenger PigeonPeregrine FalconResplendent QuetzalRock PtarmiganRoss's GullRoyal PenguinScarlet IbisScarlet MacawSecretarybirdShoebillSouthern Rockhopper PenguinTufted PuffinWestern ParotiaWhite Stork
African Rock PythonAmazon Tree BoaEmerald Tree BoaFrilled LizardKing CobraKomodo DragonOkinawan HabuPanther ChameleonRed-Eared SliderSaltwater CrocodileSpectacled Caiman
ByakkoCerberusDanzaburou-DanukiGenbuInugami GyoubuJack-o'-LanternKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)Nine-Tailed FoxOinari-samaPeach PantherRaijūSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSkyfishSuzakuTsuchinoko (Gen 2) • Yamata No OrochiYatagarasu
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JSRT CaptainCalendaFlicky"Boss"HikariDholeMeerkatShort-Beaked Common DolphinPeach PantherBlackbuckTasmanian DevilAustralian DevilServalRaccoonFennec Fox
Main Story QuestsShiserval DojoEvent QuestsGrowth QuestsFriend QuestsCaptain Arai-san's Diary Quests
CellienLucky BeastJapari BunJSRTStaff CarJapari Park Guard Force
User Guides
Beginner's GuideInstallation GuideDevice TransferMechanics BreakdownAdvanced PlayUpdate History
Photos (Animal PhotosList by Rarity) • Cards (Arcade) • Items (AppArcade)
Friends marked with italics are alternate versions with different attributes to the original.
KF3 Funny.png
African PenguinAfrican Rock PythonAmazon Tree BoaAsian Small-Clawed OtterAtlantic PuffinAustralian BrushturkeyBat-Eared FoxBengal TigerBlackbuck (Horn of Darkness Unleashed) • Black DragonBlack ServalBlack-Tailed Prairie DogCaracalClouded LeopardCommon Bottlenose DolphinCommon ElandCommon GullCommon Ostrich (To The Place Further Than My Visions) • Daito Fruit BatDorudonDromedaryEastern Spot-Billed DuckEuropean HareFrilled LizardGolden TigerGoshingyu-samaGreat CormorantGreater RheaGreater RoadrunnerGrizzly BearHello Kitty ServalHelmeted GuineafowlHi-no-ToriHippopotamusHippopotamus GorgopsJaguar (Successive-Strike Style) • Japanese Pancake DevilfishKamaitachi (Ten)Long-Tailed ChinchillaMeerkatMukkuNatsumi HinataNorth American BeaverNorthern Goshawk (Coolness For All) • OkapiPanther ChameleonPassenger PigeonPeach PantherPlatypusPumaRaccoonRairyūRed JunglefowlRhinoceros HornbillRingtailRüppell's FoxRyukyu BoarSand Cat (I Just Had A Great Idea) • Scarlet IbisScarlet MacawSheepShoebillShoebill (ジっとできない湿地のハンター) • Short-Beaked Common DolphinSuzakuTemminck's PangolinTsuchinoko (If You Really Need Me, I Guess I'll Help…) • Tufted PuffinWhite ServalYatagarasu
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Alpine MarmotAurochsBald Eagle (Justice For All) • BantengBinturongBlack-Backed JackalBlackbuckBlack MambaBlack Rhinoceros (騎士としての決意を胸に) • ByakkoByakudaCalifornia Sea LionChapman's ZebraCheetahChinese White DolphinChinstrap PenguinDholeDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)DonkeyEastern QuollEastern WolfEzo Brown BearGachapinGolden JackalGray WolfGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater FlamingoHello Mimmy ServalHolstein Friesian CattleIberian LynxJack-o'-LanternJapanese BadgerJapanese MacaqueKamaitachi (Chi)King CobraKing PenguinLappet-Faced VultureLarge-Spotted GenetLong-Tailed TitMakamiMalayan Tapir (I'll Try...!) • Mongolian Wild HorseMooseNine-Tailed FoxOcelotPink Fairy ArmadilloRaccoon DogRaijūReindeerRoyal PenguinSeal Brown HorseServalServal (Big Eyes in a Beautiful Face) • Shiserval LeftySiberian ChipmunkSiberian HuskySiberian TigerSivatheriumSouthern CassowarySpectacled CaimanSpotted HyenaStriated CaracaraSumatran TigerSuri AlpacaTasmanian TigerWestern Lowland Gorilla
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AardwolfAfrican Bush ElephantAmerican BisonAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack LeopardBlack WildebeestBlue DragonBlue WhaleBlue WildebeestBornean OrangutanCape LionCerberusChibi KumamonChinese Water DragonCoelacanthCommon DeguCommon OstrichCrab-Eating RaccoonCrested Ibis (Doubt My Dulcet Voice?) • Danzaburou-DanukiEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlEuropean Cave LionEzo Red Fox (Pro Gamer) • Fennec FoxFraternal MyotisGiant OtterGiant PangolinHonduran White BatIndian ElephantIndian PeafowlIndian WolfJackson's ChameleonJungle CatKing CheetahKodiak BearLarge-Billed CrowLeast WeaselLionMaltese TigerMandrillMasai GiraffeMountain HareNarwhalNilgaiNorthern White-Faced Owl (Here Comes The Genius Professor) • Pallas's CatRed Fox (You Can Count On Me!) • Red KangarooRed PandaReticulated GiraffeSaber-Toothed TigerSableSkyfishSpringbokTachikoma Type-STasmanian Devil (Scary Devil) • ThylacineTibetan Sand Fox (Trend Sense… Tingling?) • Tsushima Leopard CatWestern ParotiaWest Indian ManateeWhite Lion (ひんやりクリーミーを求めて) • Woolly Mammoth
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Alisa SoutherncrossArabian OryxArctic FoxArctic HareAustralian Devil (One-Eyed Devil†) • Black Jaguar (Single-Strike Style) • Black-Tailed GullBobcatBrown Long-Eared BatBush HyraxCaracal (Just Charge In! Entertainment Squad) • Chapman's Zebra (Style Icon) • ChickenCollared PeccaryCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic CatDomestic RabbitEgyptian GooseEzo Red FoxFennec Fox (Seems Like It's My Time To Shine Too…) • GenbuGentoo PenguinGeoffroy's CatGiant PandaGiroroGreater HoneyguideGreen PheasantHilgendorf's Tube-Nosed BatHuacaya AlpacaIriomote CatIsland FoxJapanese HareJapanese River OtterKomodo Dragon (Memories of a Summer's Day Go Well with Poison) • Malayan TapirManeki NekoMasked BoobyMeerkat (Tutor of Justice) • Northern GoshawkNubian IbexNueOinari-samaOkinawa RailOriental StorkPallas's Cat (Dressed To The Teeth) • Red DragonRed FoxSand CatSatanic Leaf-Tailed GeckoSecretarybirdSika DeerSilky AnteaterSilver FoxSnowshoe HareSouthern TamanduaSteller's Sea CowTachikoma Type-HTasmanian DevilTibetan Sand FoxWhite HorseWhite LionWhite PeafowlWhite ReindeerWhite Serval (さいきょーあいどる!)
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AardvarkAdélie PenguinAfrican Golden WolfAfrican Wild DogAmerican AlligatorArizonan JaguarAsian Small-Clawed Otter (Smile Delivery!) • Aye-AyeBald EagleBergman's BearBlack RhinocerosBorneo ElephantBrown BearCampo FlickerCanada LynxCapybaraCoastal TaipanCommon WombatCoyoteDall SheepDe Brazza's MonkeyDhole (Trusty Vice-Captain) • Dire WolfDomestic DogDomestic PigDraco CentaurosEmerald Tree BoaEzo Mountain HareGambian Pouched RatGastornisGiant AnteaterGiant ArmadilloHoney BadgerIndian RhinocerosJaguarJapanese MartenJapanese WolfKeroroKirinKomodo DragonLeopardManed WolfMargayNorthern TamanduaOkinawan HabuPale FoxPallas's Cat (青い瞳の迷い猫) • ParaceratheriumPeach Panther (My Wild Side Tingles♡) • Plains Zebra (Guru of Stripes) • PronghornRaccoon (My Time To Shine-Noda!) • Royal Penguin (The Princess of PPP) • Saltwater CrocodileShiserval RightShort-Beaked Common Dolphin (Wafui Wafuuui!) • Southern Rockhopper PenguinSun WukongTsukuyomi-No-ShinshiUnicoWhite DragonWhite RhinocerosWolverineYamata No Orochi
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Arctic WolfAsian Golden CatBearded SealBlack-Headed IbisBlack JaguarBlue-and-Yellow MacawCellvalChestnut HorseChevrotainCommon Bottlenose Dolphin (ハツラツなつっこ!) • Crested PorcupineDebiru-samaDugongEurasian Eagle-Owl (That's Where The Brilliant Assistant Comes In) • Eurasian LynxFossaGannan YakGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGreat AukGreat HornbillGreater LophorinaHamadryas BaboonHarp SealHigumamonHumboldt PenguinImpalaInugami GyoubuJapanese CormorantJinmengyoKamaitachi (Setsu)KinshachiKit FoxKoalaLion (Our Pride) • MegatheriumMountain TapirNew Guinea Singing DogNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorthern Sea OtterNorthern White-Faced OwlOrcaPeregrine FalconPlains ZebraPolar BearRed-Eared SliderResplendent QuetzalRing-Tailed LemurSaddle-Billed StorkSanmoto GorōzaemonSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSilver Fox (Genius Inventor G) • Skyfish (Sparkling in Rainbow Colours ☆) • Southern Sea OtterSouthern Tamandua (One-Shot Pose!) • Steller Sea LionStoatThomson's GazelleTsuchinokoTundra WolfWalrusWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWitch
Appeared but Unobtainable Currently
Basilosaurus IsisRock DoveSpringbok