Caracal's Character Quest: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{NexonQuestBox |title=Caracal |originalpic=CaracalCharacterQuest.jpg |type=Character |number=16 |friends={{sbpg|Caracal|Nexon Game}}<br>{{sbpg|Serval|Nexon Game}}<br>{{sbpg|O...")
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|en1=Caracal! Wake up! Wake up!
|en1=Caracal! Wake up! Wake up!
|en2=Nn… … what’s with you? I’m enjoying my sleep.
|en2=Nn… … what’s with you? I’m enjoying my sleep.
|jp2=んー... ... なによ、気持ちよく寝てたのに。
|en3=It’d be a waste to be asleep on a bright morning like this!
|en3=It’d be a waste to be asleep on a bright morning like this!
|en4=… … Aren't we both nocturnal?
|en4=… … Aren't we both nocturnal?
|jp4=... ... あんたも夜行性よね。
|en5=Don’t worry about the little things! Look, look, time won't wait for us! Let's go, onward!
|en5=Don’t worry about the little things! Look, look, time won't wait for us! Let's go, onward!
|en6=Eh? W-wait, don’t drag me around! … … Alright, what is it you woke me up for? Then again, just ruining my sleep means something to you, doesn't it?
|en6=Eh? W-wait, don’t drag me around! … … Alright, what is it you woke me up for? Then again, just ruining my sleep means something to you, doesn't it?
|jp6=え、ちょ、ちょっと、そんな、引っ張らないでっ!... ... で?なにをするために私を呼んだのよ。当然、私の睡眠を邪魔するだけの価値があることなのよね?
|en7=Of course! I heard that deep in the forest, there's a magical treasure box filled with whatever you wish for! So today, we're all gonna go looking for it!
|en7=Of course! I heard that deep in the forest, there's a magical treasure box filled with whatever you wish for! So today, we're all gonna go looking for it!
|en8=I understand why you would want to do that, but… … what’s the reason for having Park Guide and the others here?
|en8=I understand why you would want to do that, but… … what’s the reason for having Park Guide and the others here?
|jp8=することは分かったけど... ... ガイドさんたちが居る理由は?
|name9=Park Guide
|name9=Park Guide
|en9=Because of the way the vegetation has been growing, the roads we can travel on are always changing. I'm investigating that with [protagonist] while I accompany Serval.
|en9=Because of the way the vegetation has been growing, the roads we can travel on are always changing. I'm investigating that with [protagonist] while I accompany Serval.
|en10=Ah, so you don’t believe in the treasure box then, do you?
|en10=Ah, so you don’t believe in the treasure box then, do you?
|en11=Eh!? Is that true, Guide-san!?
|en11=Eh!? Is that true, Guide-san!?
|name12=Park Guide
|name12=Park Guide
|en12=… … … … No, no! I believe in it!
|en12=… … … … No, no! I believe in it!
|jp12=... ... ... ... いえいえ、信じていますよ!
|en13=You hesitated! That brief pause hurts my heart! [Protagonist], you believe in it, right? W-why did you avert your eyes!? Uh, uhh… … Anyone would be okay, but please, anyone who believes in the treasure box, come out!
|en13=You hesitated! That brief pause hurts my heart! [Protagonist], you believe in it, right? W-why did you avert your eyes!? Uh, uhh… … Anyone would be okay, but please, anyone who believes in the treasure box, come out!
|jp13=間が!その一瞬の間が私の心をえぐったよ!「主人公」は信じてるよね?ってなんで目を逸らすの!?う、ううっ... ... 誰でもいいから信じてるひと出てきてー!
|en15=Good news, it looks like the Celliens believe.
|en15=Good news, it looks like the Celliens believe.
|en16=I-I want to be happy, but I can’t... it’s a really complex feeling...
|en16=I-I want to be happy, but I can’t... it’s a really complex feeling...
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|en18=Jeez, we've gotten to the deepest part of the forest, but the scenery hasn't changed at all... it's so quiet and dull. Hey, Serval, in times like this, if you sing that "Serval March" song you made up, it might lift my spirits.
|en18=Jeez, we've gotten to the deepest part of the forest, but the scenery hasn't changed at all... it's so quiet and dull. Hey, Serval, in times like this, if you sing that "Serval March" song you made up, it might lift my spirits.
|en19=I've never done that!
|en19=I've never done that!
|en20=You don’t need to be embarrassed, I won't judge your hobbies.
|en20=You don’t need to be embarrassed, I won't judge your hobbies.
|en21=Are you even hearing what I'm saying!?
|en21=Can't you get the facts about me right before you start saying things like that?!
|name22=Park Guide
|name22=Park Guide
|en22=Ah… …! Everyone, be quiet… … There are Celliens in that bush over there. Let’s try and sneak past without alerting them...
|en22=Ah… …! Everyone, be quiet… … There are Celliens in that bush over there. Let’s try and sneak past without alerting them...
|jp22=あっ... ...!みなさん、静かに... ...。向こうの茂みにセルリアンが居ます。慌てずに走り抜けてしまいましょう。
|en23=Be careful to watch where you walk. The ground is muddy, and it's hiding a lot of plant roots.
|en23=Be careful to watch where you walk. The ground is muddy, and it's hiding a lot of plant roots.
|name24=Park Guide
|name24=Park Guide
|en24=Eh… …? Now that you mention it, it looks like it's just as Caracal-san said. Please be careful not to fall...
|en24=Eh… …? Now that you mention it, it looks like it's just as Caracal-san said. Please be careful not to fall...
|jp24=えっ... ...?確かに、カラカルさんの言うとおりみたいですね。転ばないようによく注意してください。
|en25=Especially Serval.
|en25=Especially Serval.
|en26=Caracal, is that comment really necessary… … Wa, wawa, wawawa!? (*slipping, fall*)
|en26=Caracal, is that comment really necessary… … Wa, wawa, wawawa!? (*slipping, fall*)
|jp26=カラカルはそうやって余計な一言を付け足すんだか... ...。わ、わわ、わわわーっ!?(するずるずる、べちゃっ)
|en28=And right on cue, you kindly fall right down… … You don't disappoint, huh, Serval?
|en28=And right on cue, you kindly fall right down… … You don't disappoint, huh, Serval?
|jp28=このタイミングで、ここまで派手に転べるなんて... ...。サーバルって本当に期待を裏切らないわよね。
|en29=D-don’t look at me like that!
|en29=D-don’t look at me like that!
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|en31=You know, Serval, even though I went through the trouble of warning you, you still fell down for me.
|en31=You know, Serval, even though I went through the trouble of warning you, you still fell down for me.
|en32=Uuuuu, Caracal is bullying me!
|en32=Uuuuu, Caracal is bullying me!
|name33=Park Guide
|name33=Park Guide
|en33=Caracal-san, your spirits look higher than ever, but Serval-san has already taken enough humiliation, so we should stop teasing her for now. Both of you, we're almost at the spot where the treasure box is rumored to be. Let's find it together.
|en33=Caracal-san, your spirits look higher than ever, but Serval-san has already taken enough humiliation, so we should stop teasing her for now. Both of you, we're almost at the spot where the treasure box is rumored to be. Let's find it together.
|en34=A treasure, huh… … I don’t really think it exists.
|en34=A treasure, huh… … I don’t really think it exists.
|jp34=お宝ねぇ... ... 本当にあるとは思わないけど。
|en35=Aah! Look, look, there’s a treasure-box-y treasure box! There's definitely going to be something I want in this… … It's empty!?
|en35=Aah! Look, look, there’s a treasure-box-y treasure box! There's definitely going to be something I want in this… … It's empty!?
|jp35=ああーっ!見て見て、宝箱らしい宝箱があったよー!きっと、この中に私がほしいものが入って... ...。ないー!?
|en36=Eh… … Is it!? It couldn’t be!
|en36=Eh… … Is it!? It couldn’t be!
|jp36=え... ... うそっ!?そんな、ありえない!
|name37=Park Guide
|name37=Park Guide
|en37=Caracal-san… …? Ah, look, that Cellien has something!
|en37=Caracal-san… …? Ah, look, that Cellien has something!
|jp37=カラカルさん... ...?あっ、見てください、あのセルリアン、何か持っていますよ!
|en38=Ah! That’s the game I've always wanted to try! [Protagonist], I’m sure that that’s the treasure! Let’s chase them and take it back!
|en38=Ah! That’s the game I've always wanted to try! [Protagonist], I’m sure that that’s the treasure! Let’s chase them and take it back!
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|en40=Fufufu! There really was a treasure!
|en40=Fufufu! There really was a treasure!
|en41=Yeah, yeah, I was wrong.
|en41=Yeah, yeah, I was wrong.
|en42=Hmm, but I wonder how the treasure box knew what I wanted? I've only ever told Caracal that I want this game...
|en42=Hmm, but I wonder how the treasure box knew what I wanted? I've only ever told Caracal that I want this game...
|en43=… … Who knows? Maybe it’s written all over your face.
|en43=… … Who knows? Maybe it’s written all over your face.
|jp43=... ... さあ、顔にでも書いてあったんじゃない。
|en44=I-it’s not that easy to guess!
|en44=I-it’s not that easy to guess!
|en45=You’re a pretty easy kid to understand, moreso than the others.
|en45=You’re a pretty easy kid to understand, moreso than the others.
|en46=Th-then let’s have a match in this game! They say that in this game, psychological welfare is essential!
|en46=Th-then let’s have a match in this game! They say that in this game, psychological welfare is essential!
|en47=Eh? Why do I have to go along? What a bother...
|en47=Eh? Why do I have to go along? What a bother...
|en48=Ehh!? Come on, let's do it, it'll be fun! Let’s do it, do it, do it!
|en48=Ehh!? Come on, let's do it, it'll be fun! Let’s do it, do it, do it!
|en49=Jeez, okay. Don’t get so close.
|en49=Jeez, okay. Don’t get so close.
|en50=Hey, Serval! Looks like you found the treasure box, huh? I didn't think that the treasure Caracal told me about was real!
|en50=Hey, Serval! Looks like you found the treasure box, huh? I didn't think that the treasure Caracal told me about was real!
|en52=Hya, hya!
|en52=Hya, hya!
|en53=You want to play the game, right? Let’s go, quickly!
|en53=You want to play the game, right? Let’s go, quickly!
|en54=Eh, eeh? Why're you suddenly… … Wa, wawa, don’t push me like that!
|en54=Eh, eeh? Why're you suddenly… … Wa, wawa, don’t push me like that!
|jp54=え、ええっ?急になんでそんなやる気に... ... わ、わわ、そんなに押さないでってば!?
|en55=What the--? They left!… … What's their hurry?
|en55=What the--? They left!… … What's their hurry?
|jp55=ありゃりゃ?行っちゃったゾっと... ... 何をそんなに急いでたんだろね?
|name56=Park Guide
|name56=Park Guide
|en56=Like I thought, Caracal-san and Serval-san are close friends. [Protagonist], you realized it too, didn't you? Caracal-san knew a lot about that muddy path that no one had taken yet, and she was surprised that the treasure box was empty… … Fufu, Caracal-san is just as cute as Serval-san.
|en56=Like I thought, Caracal-san and Serval-san are close friends. [Protagonist], you realized it too, didn't you? Caracal-san knew a lot about that muddy path that no one had taken yet, and she was surprised that the treasure box was empty… … Fufu, Caracal-san is just as cute as Serval-san.
|jp56=やっぱりサーバルさんとカラカルさんは仲良しですね。「主人公」さんも、気づいていらっしゃいましたか?カラカルさんが、誰も通ったことのない道に詳しかったり、宝箱が空っぽだったことにとても驚いていたり... ...。ふふっ、カラカルさんもサーバルさんに負けず劣らず可愛らしい方だったということですね。
[[Category:Nexon Game Character Quests]]
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Revision as of 03:27, 8 March 2019



Quest Data
Quest Type Character
Quest Number 16
Friends Caracal
Bald Eagle
Red Panda

Caracal's Character Quest is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game centered around Caracal. It takes place in the An'in Region.




Character English Japanese
Caracal! Wake up! Wake up! カラカルー!起きて、起きてー!
Nn… … what’s with you? I’m enjoying my sleep. んー... ... なによ、気持ちよく寝てたのに。
It’d be a waste to be asleep on a bright morning like this! こんなにも爽やかな朝なのに寝てるなんてもったいないよ!
… … Aren't we both nocturnal? ... ... あんたも夜行性よね。
Don’t worry about the little things! Look, look, time won't wait for us! Let's go, onward! 細かいことは気にしないっ!ほらほら、時間は待ってくれないんだから!しゅっぱつしんこー!
Eh? W-wait, don’t drag me around! … … Alright, what is it you woke me up for? Then again, just ruining my sleep means something to you, doesn't it? え、ちょ、ちょっと、そんな、引っ張らないでっ!... ... で?なにをするために私を呼んだのよ。当然、私の睡眠を邪魔するだけの価値があることなのよね?
Of course! I heard that deep in the forest, there's a magical treasure box filled with whatever you wish for! So today, we're all gonna go looking for it! もっちろん!森の奥にね、ほしいものが手に入る不思議な宝箱があるんだってさ!それをこれからみんなで探しに行くんだよ!
I understand why you would want to do that, but… … what’s the reason for having Park Guide and the others here? することは分かったけど... ... ガイドさんたちが居る理由は?
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Because of the way the vegetation has been growing, the roads we can travel on are always changing. I'm investigating that with [protagonist] while I accompany Serval. 森林エリアは草木の成長によって通れるルートが変わり続けているので、その調査も兼ねて「主人公」さんと一緒に同行をお願いしたんです。
Ah, so you don’t believe in the treasure box then, do you? ああ、つまり宝箱についてはやっぱり信じてないのね。
Eh!? Is that true, Guide-san!? ええっ!?そうなの、ガイドさん!?
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
… … … … No, no! I believe in it! ... ... ... ... いえいえ、信じていますよ!
You hesitated! That brief pause hurts my heart! [Protagonist], you believe in it, right? W-why did you avert your eyes!? Uh, uhh… … Anyone would be okay, but please, anyone who believes in the treasure box, come out! 間が!その一瞬の間が私の心をえぐったよ!「主人公」は信じてるよね?ってなんで目を逸らすの!?う、ううっ... ... 誰でもいいから信じてるひと出てきてー!
!! !!
Good news, it looks like the Celliens believe. 良かったわね、セルリアンが信じてるそうよ。
I-I want to be happy, but I can’t... it’s a really complex feeling... 喜びたいけど喜べない、すごく複雑な気分だよっ!
Jeez, we've gotten to the deepest part of the forest, but the scenery hasn't changed at all... it's so quiet and dull. Hey, Serval, in times like this, if you sing that "Serval March" song you made up, it might lift my spirits. 奥まで来るとなんだか景色が変わらないし、静か過ぎて退屈ね。こんな時はサーバルが作詞作曲した『サーバルマーチ』を歌ってくれると、気分転換になるんだけど。
I've never done that! 作ってないよ!
You don’t need to be embarrassed, I won't judge your hobbies. 照れなくても大丈夫、私はどんな興味も理解があるから。
Can't you get the facts about me right before you start saying things like that?! その前に私を正しく理解して!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Ah… …! Everyone, be quiet… … There are Celliens in that bush over there. Let’s try and sneak past without alerting them... あっ... ...!みなさん、静かに... ...。向こうの茂みにセルリアンが居ます。慌てずに走り抜けてしまいましょう。
Be careful to watch where you walk. The ground is muddy, and it's hiding a lot of plant roots. この周辺は木の根が剥き出しになってたり、土がぬかるんでいるから足元に気をつけてね。
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Eh… …? Now that you mention it, it looks like it's just as Caracal-san said. Please be careful not to fall... えっ... ...?確かに、カラカルさんの言うとおりみたいですね。転ばないようによく注意してください。
Especially Serval. 特にサーバルはね。
Caracal, is that comment really necessary… … Wa, wawa, wawawa!? (*slipping, fall*) カラカルはそうやって余計な一言を付け足すんだか... ...。わ、わわ、わわわーっ!?(するずるずる、べちゃっ)
!! !!
And right on cue, you kindly fall right down… … You don't disappoint, huh, Serval? このタイミングで、ここまで派手に転べるなんて... ...。サーバルって本当に期待を裏切らないわよね。
D-don’t look at me like that! わ、私をそんな目で見ないでぇぇーー!
You know, Serval, even though I went through the trouble of warning you, you still fell down for me. せっかく私が注意するように言ってあげたのに、サーバルはなぁー。あんなに派手に転んじゃってぇー。
Uuuuu, Caracal is bullying me! うううううっ、カラカルがいじめるぅううーー!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Caracal-san, your spirits look higher than ever, but Serval-san has already taken enough humiliation, so we should stop teasing her for now. Both of you, we're almost at the spot where the treasure box is rumored to be. Let's find it together. 今日はいつにも増して、カラカルさんが輝いていますね。でも、ちょっとサーバルさんが可哀想ですから止めましょうか。サーバルさん、カラカルさん、そろそろ噂の場所に近いですよ。一緒に隠された宝箱を探しましょう。
A treasure, huh… … I don’t really think it exists. お宝ねぇ... ... 本当にあるとは思わないけど。
Aah! Look, look, there’s a treasure-box-y treasure box! There's definitely going to be something I want in this… … It's empty!? ああーっ!見て見て、宝箱らしい宝箱があったよー!きっと、この中に私がほしいものが入って... ...。ないー!?
Eh… … Is it!? It couldn’t be! え... ... うそっ!?そんな、ありえない!
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Caracal-san… …? Ah, look, that Cellien has something! カラカルさん... ...?あっ、見てください、あのセルリアン、何か持っていますよ!
Ah! That’s the game I've always wanted to try! [Protagonist], I’m sure that that’s the treasure! Let’s chase them and take it back! あー!アレはずっとやって見たいって思ってたゲーム!「主人公」!きっとあれがお宝だよ、一緒に追い掛けて取り戻そう!
Fufufu! There really was a treasure! ふっふっふー!やっぱり宝はちゃんとあったよ!
Yeah, yeah, I was wrong. はいはい、私が間違っていたわ。
Hmm, but I wonder how the treasure box knew what I wanted? I've only ever told Caracal that I want this game... んー、でもあの宝箱はどうしてほしいものが分かるのかな?このゲームがほしいってカラカルにしか言ってなかったのに。
… … Who knows? Maybe it’s written all over your face. ... ... さあ、顔にでも書いてあったんじゃない。
I-it’s not that easy to guess! そ、そんなわかりやすくないよ!
You’re a pretty easy kid to understand, moreso than the others. あんたほどわかりやすい子、他に見たことないけどねー。
Th-then let’s have a match in this game! They say that in this game, psychological welfare is essential! そ、それじゃあのゲームで勝負しようよ!このゲーム、心理戦が重要って書いてあるからさ!
Eh? Why do I have to go along? What a bother... えー、なんで私が付き合わないといけないのよ、めんどーだなー?
Ehh!? Come on, let's do it, it'll be fun! Let’s do it, do it, do it! ええー!やろうよ、きっと楽しいから!やろうよやろうよやろうよー。
Jeez, okay. Don’t get so close. もう、分かったから、そんなにじゃれつかないのっ。
Hey, Serval! Looks like you found the treasure box, huh? I didn't think that the treasure Caracal told me about was real! あっれー、サーバル。お宝見つかったんだねっと。いっやー、本当にあるとは思わなかったね、カラカルが言ってたお宝ーー。
Serval! サーバル!
Hya, hya! ひゃ、ひゃいっ!
You want to play the game, right? Let’s go, quickly! ゲームやるんでしょ?さっさと行くわよ!
Eh, eeh? Why're you suddenly… … Wa, wawa, don’t push me like that! え、ええっ?急になんでそんなやる気に... ... わ、わわ、そんなに押さないでってば!?
What the--? They left!… … What's their hurry? ありゃりゃ?行っちゃったゾっと... ... 何をそんなに急いでたんだろね?
Park GuideNexonIcon.png
Park Guide
Like I thought, Caracal-san and Serval-san are close friends. [Protagonist], you realized it too, didn't you? Caracal-san knew a lot about that muddy path that no one had taken yet, and she was surprised that the treasure box was empty… … Fufu, Caracal-san is just as cute as Serval-san. やっぱりサーバルさんとカラカルさんは仲良しですね。「主人公」さんも、気づいていらっしゃいましたか?カラカルさんが、誰も通ったことのない道に詳しかったり、宝箱が空っぽだったことにとても驚いていたり... ...。ふふっ、カラカルさんもサーバルさんに負けず劣らず可愛らしい方だったということですね。
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