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|name38=Superb Lyrebird
|name38=Superb Lyrebird
|en1=Now then...! From now on, it's impossible to say how the race is going to proceed!
|en2=Sky Divers, who were previously a sole leader for a long time, have met a large group of celliens that slowed them down quite a bit. <BR>And while they were busy, Northern Goshawk has caught up with her team!
|en3=However, both teams are stuck in the hard battle against the celliens... How are they escaping that pickle?!
|en4=With celliens being so numerous, speed alone wouldn't quite cut it!
|en5=At this time, Northern Goshawk is the one who usually comes up with the strategy...
|en6=That's... Not really race related, but that feeling that you get during a vertical dive... Unexpectedly not bad at all.
|en7=I recommend enjoying that feeling in a non-dangerous environment
|en8=Yeah... I like seeing others panic, but that's not nearly as fun when I'm the one panicking
|en9=White Rhino... What is it? What is that thing that birdien has taken away from Northern Goshawk?
|en11=Northern Goshawk-sama. The thing that was taken away from you is...
|en14=That's how you became unable to act as an advisor and voice your strategies, too scared of them ending up as a failure. <BR>Wanting to keep that a secret, you decided to lie.
|en15=*** That's a prideful princess for you. Maybe she had gone through something similar as well?
|en16=You are quite prideful yourself, Silver Fox. You didn't even want to admit to having been found out when that happened!
|en17=Kon..?! That... That aside Northern Goshawk, what can you say about all that?
|en19=Northern Goshawk...
|en20=Yeah, White Rhino is right. It was my "confidence" indeed.
|en21=Celliens are still holding Sky Impulse and Sky Divers back... Could it be the chance for us, "Minimum Twose"?
|en22=Where where? This area is full of celliens!
|en23=That's where Puffin-chan's team will use our unique strategy!
|en24=Ah... That one, I know. Making celliens our fruends, right?
|en25=Even though I'm your 'baggage', I don't think that it's right...! It's not going to end up well!
|en26=Our small stature will let us just slip by other teams while they'll be busy fighting!
|en27=Amazing... Amazing strategy!
|en28=Well, I think it's no use now, however...
|en29=Eeh, how so?
|en30=Well, you see...
|en31=(Have been there for quite a while already)
|en32=Wawawa, we're already surrounded!!
|en33=Aaah, whyyyy! Puffin-chan's perfect plan....! All those sweets that we'd get for our victory....!
|en34=Why are celliens already heading towards us...? Ah, I see, I see...
|en35=The crumbs from Puffin-chan's food have fallen down on one of the celliens... That seems to be what has given us away.
|en37=And so, Puffin-chan's team, "Minimum tuazu", retires here!!
|en38=And then, the two teams closest to the birdien, "The [Protagonist]s" and "Team Caracal", fighting their way to it through other celliens!


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