South African Giraffe's Character Quest: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{NexonQuestBox |title=South African Giraffe |originalpic=SouthAfricanGiraffeCharacterQuest.jpg |friends={{sbpg|South African Giraffe|Nexon Game}}, {{sbpg|Reticulated Giraffe|...")
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|name1=South African Giraffe
|name1=South African Giraffe
|en1=Oh? I can hear my cute sisters over in that direction… … Fufu, I wonder if they're playing vigorously today, too.
|en1=Oh? I can hear my cute sisters over in that direction… … Fufu, I wonder if they're playing vigorously today, too.
|jp1=あら? 向こうから、かわいい妹分たちの声が... ... ふふ、今日も元気に遊んでるのかしら
|name2=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name2=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en2=Reticulated Giraffe-chan totally ate my pudding, I'm sure of it!
|en2=Reticulated Giraffe-chan totally ate my pudding, I'm sure of it!
|name3=Reticulated Giraffe
|name3=Reticulated Giraffe
|en3=I didn’t eat it!
|en3=I didn’t eat it!
|name4=South African Giraffe
|name4=South African Giraffe
|en4=O-oh my…?
|en4=O-oh my…?
|jp4=あ、あら... ...?
|name5=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name5=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en5=Like, I was planning on eating it later! Reticulated Giraffe-chan, you're so stupid!
|en5=Like, I was planning on eating it later! Reticulated Giraffe-chan, you're so stupid!
|jp5=あとで楽しみに食べようと思ってた大切なプリンだったのに! アミメキリンちゃんのバカーッ!
|name6=Reticulated Giraffe
|name6=Reticulated Giraffe
|en6=Wha!? But I said I don’t eat it! I told you earlier!
|en6=Wha!? But I said I don’t eat it! I told you earlier!
|jp6=なっ!? 私は食べてないってば! さっきから言ってるでしょ!
|name7=South African Giraffe
|name7=South African Giraffe
|en7=Ah, please calm down, both of you! Tell your big sis what happened, okay?
|en7=Ah, please calm down, both of you! Tell your big sis what happened, okay?
|jp7=お、落ち着いて、二人とも! 何があったのかお姉ちゃんに話してみて?
|name8=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name8=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en8=Sweet Pudding big sis! Cake Pudding-chan is like, so mean!
|en8=Sweet Pudding big sis! Cake Pudding-chan is like, so mean!
|jp8=ケーキプリンお姉ちゃん! アマイプリンちゃんがひどいんだよ!
|name9=South African Giraffe
|name9=South African Giraffe
|en9=Eh? Eh? But I’m not a sweet, you see… …? First off, both of you stop fighting.
|en9=Eh? Eh? But I’m not a sweet, you see… …? First off, both of you stop fighting.
|jp9=え? え? 私、お菓子じゃないわよ... ...? 二人とも、とにかくケンカはやめて
|name10=Reticulated Giraffe
|name10=Reticulated Giraffe
|en10=Mistaking our names with sweets... Ross-chi is really a glutton!
|en10=Mistaking our names with sweets... Ross-chi is really a glutton!
|name11=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name11=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name12=South African Giraffe
|name12=South African Giraffe
|en12=Y-you're going too far, Reticulated Giraffe-chan.
|en12=Y-you're going too far, Reticulated Giraffe-chan.
|name13=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name13=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en13=Geez, fine! My sisterhood with Reticulated Giraffe-chan is, like, totally over!
|en13=Geez, fine! My sisterhood with Reticulated Giraffe-chan is, like, totally over!
|jp13=もういいっ! アミメキリンちゃんなんて絶交だよ!
|name14=South African Giraffe
|name14=South African Giraffe
|en14=W-wait, Ross-chi-chan!
|en14=W-wait, Ross-chi-chan!
|name15=Reticulated Giraffe
|name15=Reticulated Giraffe
|en15=I really... didn’t eat Ross-chi's pudding. Geez, I know nothing about Ross-chi!
|en15=I really... didn’t eat Ross-chi's pudding. Geez, I know nothing about Ross-chi!
|name16=South African Giraffe
|name16=South African Giraffe
|en16=W-why must… Something like this… cause a rift in their friendship?… For now, I must bring back Ross-chi-chan! Caring about my little sister is my responsibility as a big sister! No matter what it takes, I must make them make up with each other! Wait, Ceruleans at a time like this!? You're a disturbance, move out! '''Eei! Big sister power!'''
|en16=W-why must… Something like this… cause a rift in their friendship?… For now, I must bring back Ross-chi-chan! Caring about my little sister is my responsibility as a big sister! No matter what it takes, I must make them make up with each other! Wait, Ceruleans at a time like this!? You're a disturbance, move out! '''Eei! Big sister power!'''
|jp16=そ、そんな... ...。こんなことで、二人の友情にヒビが入るなんて。ひとまず、ロスっちちゃんを連れ戻さないと!妹分たちのことはお姉ちゃんである私の責任! なんとしてでも、二人を仲直りさせなきゃ!こんなときにセルリアン!? 邪魔よ、どきなさい! ええーい! お姉ちゃんパワーよー!
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|name18=South African Giraffe
|name18=South African Giraffe
|en18=So this is where you went, Ross-chi-chan. I’m glad you’re safe.
|en18=So this is where you went, Ross-chi-chan. I’m glad you’re safe.
|name19=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name19=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en19=South African Giraffe big sis… …
|en19=South African Giraffe big sis… …
|jp19=ケープキリンお姉ちゃん... ...
|name20=South African Giraffe
|name20=South African Giraffe
|en20=What happened? Both of you are fighting… … Please tell big sis about the details.
|en20=What happened? Both of you are fighting… … Please tell big sis about the details.
|jp20=いったい、どうしたの? 二人がケンカするなんて... ... お姉ちゃんに詳しい話を聞かせて
|name21=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name21=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en21=Yeah, the truth is… … My pudding that, like, had my name on the cover was totally, completely gone. Then, I saw Reticulated Giraffe was passing by, and she had caramel on her mouth, so, like, I thought she was the one who ate it. But, Reticulated Giraffe-chan doesn't seem like the kind of girl to lie… … Maybe I jumped to conclusions… …
|en21=Yeah, the truth is… … My pudding that, like, had my name on the cover was totally, completely gone. Then, I saw Reticulated Giraffe was passing by, and she had caramel on her mouth, so, like, I thought she was the one who ate it. But, Reticulated Giraffe-chan doesn't seem like the kind of girl to lie… … Maybe I jumped to conclusions… …
|jp21=うん、実は... ...。フタに名前を書いておいた。私のプリンがなくなってたの。そしたら、口にカラメルのついたアミメキリンちゃんが通りかかったから、てっきり、食べたんだと思っちゃったんだ。でも、アミメキリンちゃん、ウソつくような子じゃないし... ... 本当は私の早とちりだったのかも... ...
|name22=South African Giraffe
|name22=South African Giraffe
|en22=I see… … Thank you for being honest.
|en22=I see… … Thank you for being honest.
|jp22=そうだったのね... ...。ありがとう、素直に話してくれて
|name23=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name23=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en23=Like I thought, the culprit is probably someone else. But, at this point, it’d be pretty hard to apologize… … I dunno... what should I do… …
|en23=Like I thought, the culprit is probably someone else. But, at this point, it’d be pretty hard to apologize… … I dunno... what should I do… …
|jp23=やっぱり、犯人は別にいるのかも。でも、今さら、謝りにくいし... ... 私、どうしたらいいんだろ... ...
|name24=South African Giraffe
|name24=South African Giraffe
|en24=It’s alright, big sis will be there to help you apologize. So let’s go home together, okay? Anyone can have a misunderstanding. Reticulated Giraffe will forgive you, too. Let's go home quickly, and be careful around Ceruleans, alright?
|en24=It’s alright, big sis will be there to help you apologize. So let’s go home together, okay? Anyone can have a misunderstanding. Reticulated Giraffe will forgive you, too. Let's go home quickly, and be careful around Ceruleans, alright?
|jp24=大丈夫よ、お姉ちゃんが一緒に謝ってあげる。だから、一緒に帰りましょう? 誰にでも勘違いはあるわ。アミメキリンちゃんも許してくれるわよ。セルリアンに注意して早く帰りましょうね
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|name26=Reticulated Giraffe
|name26=Reticulated Giraffe
|en26=M-my pudding!
|en26=M-my pudding!
|name27=South African Giraffe
|name27=South African Giraffe
|en27=W-what happened, Reticulated Giraffe-chan? You have a scary face… …
|en27=W-what happened, Reticulated Giraffe-chan? You have a scary face… …
|jp27=ど、どうしたの、アミメキリンちゃん。こわい顔して... ...
|name28=Reticulated Giraffe
|name28=Reticulated Giraffe
|en28=Earlier, my half eaten pudding disappeared! Could it be Ross-chi, getting revenge for earlier… …?
|en28=Earlier, my half eaten pudding disappeared! Could it be Ross-chi, getting revenge for earlier… …?
|jp28=さっき、食べかけてた、私のプリンがなくなってたの!まさか、ロスっち、さっきのお返しのつもり... ...?
|name29=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name29=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en29=Eh!? I would never… …!
|en29=Eh!? I would never… …!
|jp29=えっ!? そんな... ...!
|name30=South African Giraffe
|name30=South African Giraffe
|en30=Wait, Reticulated Giraffe-chan! Ross-chi-chan was with me earlier. So, the culprit has to be somewhere else! Let’s search for the culprit, all three of us. Ross-chi-chan, I’m sure they ate your pudding too!
|en30=Wait, Reticulated Giraffe-chan! Ross-chi-chan was with me earlier. So, the culprit has to be somewhere else! Let’s search for the culprit, all three of us. Ross-chi-chan, I’m sure they ate your pudding too!
|jp30=待って、アミメキリンちゃん! ロスっちちゃんは、さっきまで私と一緒にいたのよ。だから、犯人は別にいるはずだわ!真犯人を3人で探し出しましょう。ロスっちちゃんのプリンも、きっと同一犯が食べたのよ!
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|name32=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name32=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en32=Ah! That Cerulean, their face is, like, covered in caramel!
|en32=Ah! That Cerulean, their face is, like, covered in caramel!
|jp32=あーっ! あのセルリアン、顔がカラメルまみれだよ!
|name33=South African Giraffe
|name33=South African Giraffe
|en33=It’s your fault! Big sis will deliver a punishment to the one who ate my sister's pudding!
|en33=It’s your fault! Big sis will deliver a punishment to the one who ate my sister's pudding!
|jp33=あなたの仕業だったのね! 妹分たちのプリンを食べる悪い子は、お姉ちゃんがお仕置きキックよ!
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|name35=Reticulated Giraffe
|name35=Reticulated Giraffe
|en35=As expected from Ross-chi! An amazing spinning attack.
|en35=As expected from Ross-chi! An amazing spinning attack.
|jp35=さすがロスっち! ぐるぐる攻撃、すごかったね
|name36=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name36=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en36=Hey, you too, Reticulated Giraffe-chan. Your scarf handling is totally terrific!
|en36=Hey, you too, Reticulated Giraffe-chan. Your scarf handling is totally terrific!
|name37=South African Giraffe
|name37=South African Giraffe
|en37=As I'd expect from my little sisters. Reticulated Giraffe and Ross-chi-chan are cool, too.
|en37=As I'd expect from my little sisters. Reticulated Giraffe and Ross-chi-chan are cool, too.
|name38=Reticulated Giraffe
|name38=Reticulated Giraffe
|en38=No, our teamwork is the result of South African Giraffe big sis being here.
|en38=No, our teamwork is the result of South African Giraffe big sis being here.
|name39=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name39=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en39=The three of us can fight so well because of South African Giraffe big sis. Thank you!
|en39=The three of us can fight so well because of South African Giraffe big sis. Thank you!
|name40=South African Giraffe
|name40=South African Giraffe
|en40=Both of you… …
|en40=Both of you… …
|jp40=二人とも... ...
|name41=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name41=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en41=By the way, about the pudding earlier… … I'm super sorry for suspecting you, Reticulated Giraffe-chan!
|en41=By the way, about the pudding earlier… … I'm super sorry for suspecting you, Reticulated Giraffe-chan!
|jp41=ところで、さっきのプリンのことだけど... ... アミメキリンちゃん、疑ったりしてごめんね!
|name42=Reticulated Giraffe
|name42=Reticulated Giraffe
|en42=I'm sorry for earlier, too. I tried to make Ross-chi the culprit… …
|en42=I'm sorry for earlier, too. I tried to make Ross-chi the culprit… …
|jp42=私こそ、さっきはごめんね。ロスっちを犯人にしようとして... ...
|name43=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name43=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en43=No, you don't need to be sorry! Hey, we're good friends again from now on, right?
|en43=No, you don't need to be sorry! Hey, we're good friends again from now on, right?
|jp43=ううん、そんなの全然! ねえ、私たち、これからも、ずっと親友だよね?
|name44=Reticulated Giraffe
|name44=Reticulated Giraffe
|en44=Yes, of course!
|en44=Yes, of course!
|name45=South African Giraffe
|name45=South African Giraffe
|en45=I’m glad… … Both of you made peace with each other.
|en45=I’m glad… … Both of you made peace with each other.
|jp45=よかったわ... ...。二人が仲直りしてくれて
|name46=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name46=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en46=South African Giraffe big sis, thank you, too!
|en46=South African Giraffe big sis, thank you, too!
|name47=Reticulated Giraffe
|name47=Reticulated Giraffe
|en47=Yes. It's thanks to South African Giraffe big sis that we could make peace with each other.
|en47=Yes. It's thanks to South African Giraffe big sis that we could make peace with each other.
|name48=South African Giraffe
|name48=South African Giraffe
|en48=Fufu, I’m a big sister, so this kind of thing is natural for me. But, both of you are acting the same as before, so big sister is happy… … The tears are leaking… …
|en48=Fufu, I’m a big sister, so this kind of thing is natural for me. But, both of you are acting the same as before, so big sister is happy… … The tears are leaking… …
|jp48=ふふ、お姉ちゃんなんだから、このくらい、当然よ。二人が元通りになって、お姉ちゃん、うれしい... ...。涙が出てきちゃう... ...
|name49=Rothschild's Giraffe
|name49=Rothschild's Giraffe
|en49=Jeez, you're so exaggerating.
|en49=Jeez, you're so exaggerating.
|name50=Reticulated Giraffe
|name50=Reticulated Giraffe
|name51=South African Giraffe
|name51=South African Giraffe
|en51=Fufu. Then let's pull ourselves together and make some pudding, all 3 of us.
|en51=Fufu. Then let's pull ourselves together and make some pudding, all 3 of us.
|name52=[[File:Rothschild's GiraffeNexonIcon.png|32px]] [[File:Reticulated GiraffeNexonIcon.png|32px]]<br>Rothschild’s Giraffe & Reticulated Giraffe
|name52=[[File:Rothschild's GiraffeNexonIcon.png|32px]] [[File:Reticulated GiraffeNexonIcon.png|32px]]<br>Rothschild’s Giraffe & Reticulated Giraffe
[[Category:Nexon Game Character Quests]]
[[Category:Nexon Game Character Quests]]

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