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Main Story Quests (title) The main storyline for Kemono Friends: Kingdom is divided into [5] sections, called chapters.

The following content may include spoilers.

00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue)


0-1 (Boss)

"The sun rises. We can see grass, Acacia, and Baobab Fruit clearly under the sunlight... Huh? Is this... the Savanna Woodland Prairie?"

Story summary:

Cerulean(s) First 3-Star Clear Rewards Ordinary Rewards Specialty Drops
Horned Warrior (Boss) Stargems (50) Round Mushroom 4 Acacia

Tutorial-1 Friends who share a bond can trigger their COMBO and enjoy additional bonuses on the battlefield, but how can we make them collaborate?

0-2 Weasel and Chevrotain decided to accompany me to the castle and visit the King. Lucky Beast will lead the way.

Tutorial-2 Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a healing nature can heal others.

0-3 Along the way, Weasel and Chevrotain introduced to me the various landscapes of this Kingdom. I suddenly realized this place was a lot bigger than I had imagined.

Tutorial-3 Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Guarding Nature can increase others' defensive abilities.

Bittersweet Farewell After I bid my farewell to Haruka, I set out on my journey towards Jungle Castle. I wish I would meet her again.

0-4 The unexpected arrival of Ceruleans strikes terror into our hearts, leaving us scrambling for cover. In the nick of time, Serval and Caracal emerge from the grass, coming to our aid with valiant courage.

Tutorial-4 Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Support Nature can support others and improve their damage output.

0-5 Serval and Caracal are shocked when they heard we're heading for Jungle Castle. So far, many Kemono Friends have asked for an audience with the King to no avail. All of this because of that mysterious Guard...

0-6 Serval leads everyone to the Savanna Village. On a desolate trail, we run into more Ceruleans.

0-7 Serval leads us to arrive at the Savanna Village, where we meet the greatest Friend. To our surprise, though, that friend is a Hippopotamus.

0-8 (Boss) Hippopotamus told us she never fought the Guard of the Jungle Castle... It turned out everything was a misunderstanding.

0-9 The Ceruleans are wandering nearby the river. It doesn't seem like they want to leave any time soon. Hippopotamus is ready to protect her territory... I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.

Story-1 "With us pleading and begging, Hippopotamus finally agrees to share the story of her confronting the Castle Guard. Meanwhile, the river seems to be glowing. We don't know what it is."

0-10 (Boss) To unveil this mystery identity, I decided to go to the Jungle. However, before I go, I must get rid of those that stand in my way...

message of chapter completion: You crossed the Savanna with Weasel and Chevrotain, and came to an end for the first leg of your journey. But further adventure awaits! The lot of you continued to travel across the Kingdom, having fun along the way. Who would have known that there would be two Friends in trouble in the way ahead?

01 - Jungle of Adventures

"Challenge awaits, traveler! Enter the thick, lush jungles, and get ready for a sweet tropical fantasy!"



Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number ?
Friends ?

{{NexonStoryBuilder |introduction=Stage 0-1 is a quest in the original Kemono Friends Kingdom

I'm Going to Cry!

I'm Going to Cry!Quest.jpg

Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number ?
Friends Serval
Caracal's Mad?
Caracal's Misunderstanding

{{NexonStoryBuilder |introduction=I'm Going to Cry! is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.

make table

Cerulean(s) Drop Rewards Specialty Drops
Cerulean name drop item specialty drop#
Cerulean name drop item specialtydrop#