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! Character !! English !! (other lang?)
! Character !! English
| ??? || Where... is this...? ||
| ??? || Where... is this...?  
| ?? || So cold! This place is... ||
| ??? || So cold! This place is...
| ??? || Where... is this...?
| ??? || So cold! This place is...
| ??? || Water? I'm in the water?
| ??? || Feeling so bad........ Can't breathe
| ??? || ......Anyone there?
| Chevrotain || Hey! Weasel-chan, wait for me!
| Chevrotain || Don't leave me behind~
| ??? || talking....... in the water?
| Least Weasel || Seriously Chevrotain~
| Least Weasel || It will be dawn if we don't go faster!
| Chevrotain || But, it's dark, it feels scary......why don't we go out during the day?
| Least Weasel || What are you talking about? Aren't you nocturnal, Chevrotain? You can see at night, right?!
| Least Weasel || Also, we have to collect "stones that glow in the dark," but we can't find them at dawn, right?
| Chevrotain || It's even scarier because I can see. If I accidentally see something......
| ??? || No... I can't fall asleep!
| ??? || I have to get out of here!
| Chevrotain || Weasel-chan, look! There's something flopping in the water!
| Least Weasel || Hey, who's swimming in the river?
| ??? || me......
| Chevrotain || What do we do, what do we do? That kid doesn't seem to know how to swim......
| Least Weasel || Drowning in the river? What a dumb Friend.
| Chevrotain || Waaa, she is drifting farther away,  the water will wash her away if we don't catch her!
| Least Weasel || Really, I can't watch anymore ~ Chevrotain, wait here!
| Chevrotain || Weasel-chan, where are you going?
| Least Weasel || Of course to go help!
| ??? || *cough, cough*......
| Chevrotain || Wonderful, you're finally awake! Can you speak? Are you hurt anywhere?
| Least Weasel || You, are you ok?!
| ??? || ......
| ??? || I, I'm fine......
| Chevrotain || Great, it looks like you can speak normally~!
| ??? || (In front of me are two petite girls with long fluffy ears and a wagging tail......)
| ??? || (They look strange, but their eyes show sincerity and friendliness, making me feel at ease for some reason......)
| Least Weasel || Huh, why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?
| Chevrotain || Weasel-chan, really~ The kid just woke up from a coma, she hasn't fully recovered.
| Chevrotain || You have a confused look on your face, is something wrong?
| ??? || This is...? || You guy's are......?
| Chevrotain || This is the "Silent River Bank", the riverbank has lots of glowing rocks, so Weasel-chan and I came in the middle of the night to gather them.
| Chevrotain || Weasel-chan is very brave, very reliable, she just jumped into the river to save you~
| Least Weasel || Say, you're really reckless! You can't swim, so why would you jump in the river!
| Jinri || Why......jump......into the river...... exactly......for what......?
| Jinri || (Weird......thinking back to what head is empty......)
| Chevrotain || Um, um, where exactly are you from? I've never seen a Friend like you before~
| ??? || ......A me? || I-I don't remember anything......
| Least Weasel || ......You don't even know that?
| Least Weasel || It's over Chevrotain, this child is severely ill!
| Chevrotain || Can't remember anything and likely sick, how scary......
| ??? || How can I not remember anything......if I can at least remember my name, it wouldn't be......
| Least Weasel || that something important?
| ??? || (Things......right, take a look at what I'm carrying, maybe there's some clues.)
| Jinri || Jinri......could it be my name......?
| Chevrotain || Great, you finally remembered something~
| Jinri || No......It's written here on this pass, so I think it should be my name..but, I don't remember anything else......
| Least Weasel || I don't really understand any of that complex stuff too well, I'll just start calling you Jinri.
| Least Weasel || You're really wet and disoriented, it's worrying.
| Chevrotain || Weasel-chan, I think the same, we can't leave behind this child who doesn't remember anything.
| Chevrotain || But......If we don't collect the stones and return, Stoat-chan will be angry......
| Least Weasel || We can talk about that when the time comes! If Stoat-chan is angry, we can just give an apology together.
| Least Weasel || Well, it's decided then.
| Least Weasel || The savanna has many friends, maybe someone's seen you, or knows about you, so we'll ask around!
| Chevrotain || ......ah, Weasel-chan! wait......!
| Chevrotain || There's something in that patch of grass! They're coming, I can feel it getting closer......!
| Least Weasel || What? Don't tell me-- --
| Chevrotain || Cerulean!
| Jinri || ......Cerulean?
| Least Weasel || Huh? How could that be, you don't even remember Ceruleans?!
| Chevrotain || We'll explain in a bit, first run away~!
| (scene change, Savanna woodland)
| Chevrotain || Wait a moment, Weasel-chan, slow down a bit! Jinri is still weak, her breathing is strained, and she can't seem to run fast.
| Jinri || Sorry, I'm already tired from running......
| Least Weasel || Got it, the Ceruleans lost sight of us, we can just rest here for a little bit.
| Jinri || Were those Ceruleans just now? They don't look all that scary.
| Chevrotain || What are you saying?! Ceruleans are scary! You have to run if you come across one!
| Least Weasel || Chevrotain is really a coward ~ If it were up to me, it would be easily solved~
| Chevrotain || But, I heard if a Cerulean eats you, something scary happens......I don't want Weasel-chan to get into an accident!
| Least Weasel || Ah, look behind us! The Ceruleans we talked about, it's chasing us relentlessly!
| Chevrotain || Eep, it's coming this way! Are you ok? Can you still run?
| Jinri || I can still run......
| Chevrotain || Don't worry, I'll hold your hand as we run ~
| Jinri || Okay......
| Jinri || ......Ow, it hurts!
| Someone || You fell! Are you ok?!
| Jinri || So painful......there's something hard on the ground, made me trip......
| Jinri || ......Huh? What is......?
| Lucky Beast || Zizizizi-- --
|  Someone || Huh? It's Lucky Beast! How did it end up in the savanna, was it taking a walk?
| Jinri || ......Lucky Beast?
| Lucky Beast || Welcome to Kingdom, I'm currently the guide for this tour-- --Lucky Beast.
| Lucky Beast || Kingdom is a large-scale theme park where animals and nature co-exist in harmony......
| Least Weasel || Lucky Beast just......!
| Chevrotain || Spoke! Could this child be......
| Lucky Beast || Beep beep-- --Beep beep-- --
| Lucky Beast || Visitor, emergency, emergency, detecting signs of Cerulean activity nearby.
| Least Weasel || Stop standing around! No time to chit-chat, if we don't run now it'll be too late!
| Lucky Beast || ......For now, take refuge in the patrol plane, I'll lead the way. Please remain calm and keep up.
| Jinri || ......Patrol plane?!



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