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|introduction='''Serval''' is a [[Friend]] that appears in [[Kemono Friends Kingdom]].
|introduction='''Serval''' is a [[Friend]] that appears in [[Kemono Friends Kingdom]].
|personality={{quote|The hunting game's my favorite!|Serval's profile}}
The playful and rambunctious Serval is forever bursting with energy and cheer, always in the mood to play a game or go on an adventure; her spirit is unquenchable as is her curiosity. She is an amazing jumper, and prides herself on how high she can launch herself into the air, but she doesn't always look before she leaps. Serval is very much so one to act before she thinks, letting the moment dictate her actions more than her head, which can get her into a great deal of trouble. Luckily, she has friends such as her best friend [[Caracal/Kingdom|Caracal]] and older-sister figure [[Hippopotamus/Kingdom|Hippopotamus]] to keep her on the right track.
While Serval's recklessness can be over the top, it also belies a naive fearlessness and a total absence of animosity which many Friends can appreciate deeply. To her, even [[Shoebill/Kingdom|Shoebill's]] signature gaze and [[Crested Ibis/Kingdom|Crested Ibis's]] ear-razing song are simply a funny face and an amazing talent, respectively. This trait makes her one of the most amiable Friends in all of Kingdom; truly, anyone can get along with Serval.
Though she is eager to play any sort of game, her absolute favorite of all is the Hunting Game- a tag-like game where one Friend plays as the hunter, and the other Friend attempts to evade her. She's a pro at the Hunting Game, but has never managed to catch Caracal... thus, she'll keep playing until she is good enough to get a leg up on her best pal. Really, she'll keep playing even if she never catches Caracal; she doesn't have a competitive spirit. After all, having fun with friends is what matters to her most!
|enselfintro=Hello, hello! I'm Serval. I always give a hundred and ten percent!
|enselfintro=Hello, hello! I'm Serval. I always give a hundred and ten percent!
|relationship=== Caracal ==
Serval and Caracal are best friends and virtually inseparable. Caracal's calmer, level-headed demeanor is a valuable counterweight to Serval's whirlwind of energy, and it is her presence which keeps Serval out of the majority of potential trouble. Likewise, Serval's contagious positivity is always there for Caracal if she should ever be feeling lost or down.
== Hippopotamus ==
Hippopotamus is something of a big-sister figure to all of the Friends of the [[Savanna Area|savanna]], but she particularly cannot help spoiling Serval.
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Serval, [[Hippopotamus/Kingdom|Hippopotamus]]
Serval, [[Hippopotamus/Kingdom|Hippopotamus]]
|comboskill=All Friends' ATK +7% for 7 rounds. The Friend that activates this combo gains extra +28% ATK for 1 round.
|comboskill=All Friends' ATK +7% for 7 rounds. The Friend that activates this combo gains extra +28% ATK for 1 round.
|strategy=*Serval is a very powerful Catapult Friend who can make great use of incoming buffs and the revealing of enemy Cores thanks to her Habits. This makes [[Eurasian Eagle-Owl/Kingdom|Eurasian Eagle-Owl]]- who can specialize in either of Catapult ATK buffing or Core revealing- a fantastic partner, and naturally means she can pair with [[Chinese White Dolphin/Kingdom|Chinese White Dolphin]] to utterly devastating effect,
**Serval's second Habit, [Share the Joy], increases the effectiveness of her Catapult ATK buffs by 18%, meaning she pairs well with any Friends who grant this type of buff.
***Although Serval is a single-target attacker, she can be extremely effective against multi-component Bosses by pairing her with Eurasian Eagle-Owl and her second Habit, [Outsmart It!]. In exchange for the one-time boost her Miracle normally grants, this Habit gives each of the five hits dealt by Eurasian Eagle-Owl's Miracle a chance to buff the next Friend's Catapult ATK by +16%, which can be exploited against Bosses who have numerous components and therefore grant a multiplied chance for a greater number of buffs. On top of this, Serval's [Share the Joy] Habit further boosts each of these individual buffs, making her a potential one-shot machine.
****The effect of Eurasian Eagle-Owl's second Habit needs to activate at least four times in order to give a greater boost than her Miracle otherwise gives; as such, it can be unreliable against Bosses with only one component. Even without her second Habit, however, she is still an excellent partner for Serval, but can find herself outclassed by Chinese White Dolphin, who is generally a fantastic partner for Serval, if the two Support Friends should end up competing for a team slot.
**Serval's first and third Habits- [Troublemaker] and [The Joy of Friendship], respectively- interact with attacking the Cores of Ceruleans. [Troublemaker] grants Serval a huge +230% damage increase when she hits a Core, and [The Joy of Friendship] grants her +190 ATK any time an ally or herself strikes a Core.
***In situations where many Cores are liable to appear over the course of a battle, such as when paired with Eurasian Eagle-Owl and/or when fighting a Boss Cerulean such as Poisonous Bubble Flower, [The Joy of Friendship] can accumulate a daunting number of buffs.
*Because Serval can deal a whopping amount of Catapult DMG, she pairs well with the "Tour success!" [[Album (Kingdom)|Album]].
|trivia=*Based on promotional material for Kemono Friends Kingdom, such as the CG-animated trailer found on [ the game's website], it is possible that Serval was at one point meant to be a main character in the game's story, and may have accompanied Jinri in her travels alongside [[Least Weasel/Kingdom|Least Weasel]] and [[Crested Ibis/Kingdom|Crested Ibis]], the latter of whom does not serve this role in the final product either.
**Possibly supporting this is the fact that [[Chevrotain/Kingdom|Chevrotain]], who is believed to have been implemented relatively late in the game's development, is absent from this animation.


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