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|envoice6=Eh, eh, I feel like I got power up
|envoice6=Eh, eh, I feel like I got power up
|jphomeline1=怒るとヤバイですよー、ズシャーですよー。あ、怖がってない? 後悔しますよー、本当ですよー
|jphomeline2=えっへー、今日もがんばりましょー! おー!
|enhomeline1=I'm dangerous when I'm angry and I can move real fast you know. Ah, you're not afraid? You'll regret it, I'm not joking
|enhomeline2=Ehe, today too I will do my best! Ou!
|jphomeline4=えへへ、ん? ううん、なんでもないですよー。えへー。あ、ちょっとどこいくんですかー?
|enhomeline3=Red Panda-chan is cute isn't she? She's small and it makes me want to pat her
|jphomeline5=森がいいなー森がいいなー森がいいですよー。え、砂地に行く!? がーん!
|enhomeline4=Ehehe. Hn? No, it's nothing. Ehe. Ah, wait, where are you off to?
|enhomeline5=Forest is nice, forest is nice, forest is nice you know. Eh, we'll go to the desert!? "shock!"
|jphomeline6=ジャイアントパンダちゃんの趣味は笹だけにあらず! ダイヤもこだわりますよー。どやぁ
|enhomeline6=Giant Panda-chan hobby is not only limited towards bamboo grass, she also obsessed with tire. "smug face"
|jphomeline7=えへへ、実はー、ジャイアントパンダちゃんは「 」のことが大好きでーす! きゃー
|jphomeline7=えへへ、実はー、ジャイアントパンダちゃんは「 」のことが大好きでーす!きゃー
|enhomeline7=Ehehe, the truth is, Giant Panda-chan really likes [protagonist]! Kyaa

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