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|jpvoice6=更に歌の威力が... ... そんな目で見ないで
|jpvoice6=更に歌の威力が... ... そんな目で見ないで
|envoice6=My song's power becoming more... ... Don't look at me with those eyes
|envoice6=My song's power becoming more... ... Don't look at me with those eyes
|jphomeline1=私をリーダーに選んだ。つまり、私の歌を聴きたいとういわけね。… … どうしたの?
|jphomeline2=歌はね、私にとって大切なものなの。いつか、私の歌で皆を幸せにしたい … … したいの
|enhomeline1=You chose me as a leader. That means, you want to hear my song... ... What is it?
|jphomeline3=得意なこと? そうね … … 歌よ。… … 歌ってば。… … 歌 … …
|enhomeline2=You see, singing is something important to me. Someday I want to make everyone happy with my song... ... I want to
|enhomeline3=The thing I'm good at? Let's see... ... it's singing... ... I said singing... ... Singing... ...
|jphomeline5=サーバルを知らない? 居ないなら代わりに、あなたに歌を聴いて … … え、どうしたの?
|enhomeline4=Thanks for your hard work. Today too let's do our best
|enhomeline5=You know where Serval is? If she's not here as a substitute, you listen to my singing... ... Eh, what happened?
|jphomeline6=空中戦は得意よ。でも砂地は、駄目。歌うと口の中が砂で一杯に … …
|enhomeline6=I'm good at mid-air battle. But I'm no good with sandy soil. If I''m singing, my mouth become full with sand... ...
|jphomeline7=いつも私の歌を聴いてくれてありがとう、「 」。… … あらためて言うと、照れるわね
|jphomeline7=いつも私の歌を聞いてくれてありがとう、「 」。……あらためて言うと、照れるわね
|enhomeline7=Thank you for always listen to my song, [protagonist]... ... If I were to say that again, it's embarrassing

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