List of Items (Nexon Game)

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Revision as of 06:42, 22 September 2022 by Sakanakana (talk | contribs)
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image Item Name Type Text
NexonItemWildRelease1.png Wild Release ★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemWildRelease2.png Wild Release ★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemWildRelease3.png Wild Release ★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemWildRelease4.png Wild Release ★★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemWildRelease5.png Wild Release ★★★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemGlint.png Glint Game Money ?
NexonItemStockEXP.png Stock EXP EXP Item ?
NexonItemJapariGold.png Gold Point ?
NexonItemJapariCoin.png Japari Coin Point ?
NexonItemLuckyBag.png Lucky Bag Item Set ?
NexonItemSPWildRelease3.png Special Wild Release ★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemSPWildRelease4.png Special Wild Release ★★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemSPWildRelease5.png Special Wild Release ★★★★★ Wild Release Item ?
NexonItemSaltAmulet.png Salt Amulet Event Item ?
NexonItemSpaceshipParts.png Spaceship Parts Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemRaidPoint.png Raid Point Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemFlowerSeeds.png Flower Seeds Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemGhostPoint.png Ghost Point Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemBeachPoint.png Beach Point Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemKemoFireworkShell.png Kemo Firework Shell Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemFoxsTalisman.png Fox's Talisman Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemGoodNightPillow.png Good Night Pillow Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemJapariCafePoint.png Japari Café Point Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemHalloweenPoint.png Halloween Point Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemNormalPointyHat.png Normal Pointy Hat Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemHardPointyHat.png Hard Pointy Hat Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemVeryHardPointyHat.png Very Hard Pointy Hat Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemImoMusume.png Imo Musume Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemKemoWatt.png Kemo Watt Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemSpiritOfSincerity.png Spirit of Sincerity Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemSpiritOfPride.png Spirit of Pride Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemXmasPresent.png Xmas Present Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemNormalHandbell.png Normal Handbell Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemHardHandbell.png Hard Handbell Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemVeryHardHandbell.png Very Hard Handbell Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemFriendsLogbook.png Friends' Logbook Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemRubysDiary.png Ruby's Diary Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemSensResearchRecords.png Sen's Research Records Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemYamasEmbarrassingDiary.png Yama's Embarrassing Diary Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemJaguarundisMemoirs.png Jaguarundi's Memoirs Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemTakinsJournal.png Takin's Journal Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemAutobiographyOfResplendentQuetzal.png Autobiography of Resplendent Quetzal Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemKusPictureDiary.png Kū's Picture Diary Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemTetosSongDiary.png Teto's Song Diary Exchangeable Items ?
NexonItemJapariPoliceBadge.png Japari Police Badge Exchangeable Items ?

