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== 00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue) ==
== 00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue) ==
=== 0-1 (Boss) ===
=== 0-1 (Boss) ===
"The sun rises. We can see grass, Acacia, and Baobab Fruit clearly under the sunlight... Huh? Is this... the Savanna Woodland Prairie?"
"The sun rises. We can see grass, Acacia, and Baobab Fruit clearly under the sunlight... Huh? Is this... the Savanna Woodland Prairie?"
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|friends={{sbpg|Serval|Nexon Game}}<br>{{sbpg|Caracal|Nexon Game}}
|friends={{sbpg|Serval|Nexon Game}}<br>{{sbpg|Caracal|Nexon Game}}
|previous=1-9: Caracal's Mad?
|previous=Kemono Friends Kingdom
|previousname=Caracal's Mad?
|next=1-11: Caracal's Misunderstanding
|next=Kemono Friends Kingdom
|nextname=Caracal's Misunderstanding
|introduction='''I'm Going to Cry!''' is a quest in the original Kemono Friends [[Kemono Friends (2015 Mobile Game)|mobile game]].
|introduction=Stage 0-1 is a quest in the original Kemono Friends [[Kemono Friends Kingdom|Kingdom]].
Where... is this...?
So cold! This place is...
Water? I'm in the water?
Feeling so bad........ Can't breathe
......Anyone there?
Hey! Weasel-chan, wait for me!
Don't leave me behind~
talking....... in the water?
Seriously Chevrotain~
It will be dawn if we don't go faster!
But, it's dark, it feels scary......why don't we go out during the day?
What are you talking about? Aren't you nocturnal, Chevrotain? You can see at night, right?!
Also, we have to collect "stones that glow in the dark," but we can't find them at dawn, right?
It's even scarier because I can see. If I accidentally see something......
No... I can't fall asleep!
I have to get out of here!
Weasel-chan, look! There's something flopping in the water!
Hey, who's swimming in the river? me......
What do we do, what do we do? That kid doesn't seem to know how to swim......
Drowning in the river? What a dumb Friend.
Waaa, she is drifting farther away,  the water will wash her away if we don't catch her!
Really, I can't watch anymore ~ Chevrotain, wait here!
Weasel-chan, where are you going?
Of course to go help!
*cough, cough*......
Wonderful, you're finally awake! Can you speak? Are you hurt anywhere?
You, are you ok?!
I, I'm fine......
Great, it looks like you can speak normally~!
(In front of me are two petite girls with long fluffy ears and a wagging tail......)
(They look strange, but their eyes show sincerity and friendliness, making me feel at ease for some reason......)
Huh, why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?
Weasel-chan, really~ The kid just woke up from a coma, she hasn't fully recovered.
You have a confused look on your face, is something wrong?
-This is...?
-You guy's are......?
This is the "Silent River Bank", the riverbank has lots of glowing rocks, so Weasel-chan and I came in the middle of the night to gather them.
Weasel-chan is very brave, very reliable, she just jumped into the river to save you~
Say, you're really reckless! You can't swim, so why would you jump in the river!
Why......jump......into the river...... exactly......for what......?
(Weird......thinking back to what head is empty......)
Um, um, where exactly are you from? I've never seen a Friend like you before~
-......A me?
-I-I don't remember anything......
......You don't even know that?
It's over Chevrotain, this child is severely ill!
Can't remember anything and likely sick, how scary......
How can I not remember anything......if I can at least remember my name, it wouldn't be...... that something important?
(Things......right, take a look at what I'm carrying, maybe there's some clues.)
Jinri......could it be my name......?
Great, you finally remembered something~
No......It's written here on this pass, so I think it should be my name..but, I don't remember anything else......
I don't really understand any of that complex stuff too well, I'll just start calling you Jinri.
You're really wet and disoriented, it's worrying.
Weasel-chan, I think the same, we can't leave behind this child who doesn't remember anything.
But......If we don't collect the stones and return, Stoat-chan will be angry......
We can talk about that when the time comes! If Stoat-chan is angry, we can just give an apology together.
Well, it's decided then.
The savanna has many friends, maybe someone's seen you, or knows about you, so we'll ask around!
......ah, Weasel-chan! wait......!
There's something in that patch of grass! They're coming, I can feel it getting closer......!
What? Don't tell me-- --
Huh? How could that be, you don't even remember Ceruleans?!
We'll explain in a bit, first run away~!
(scene change, Savanna woodland)
Wait a moment, Weasel-chan, slow down a bit! Jinri is still weak, her breathing is strained, and she can't seem to run fast.
Sorry, I'm already tired from running......
Got it, the Ceruleans lost sight of us, we can just rest here for a little bit.
Were those Ceruleans just now? They don't look all that scary.
What are you saying?! Ceruleans are scary! You have to run if you come across one!
Chevrotain is really a coward ~ If it were up to me, it would be easily solved~
But, I heard if a Cerulean eats you, something scary happens......I don't want Weasel-chan to get into an accident!
Ah, look behind us! The Ceruleans we talked about, it's chasing us relentlessly!
Eep, it's coming this way! Are you ok? Can you still run?
I can still run......
Don't worry, I'll hold your hand as we run ~
......Ow, it hurts!
You fell! Are you ok?!
So painful......there's something hard on the ground, made me trip......
......Huh? What is......?
Zizizizi-- --
Huh? It's Lucky Beast! How did it end up in the savanna, was it taking a walk?
......Lucky Beast?
Welcome to Kingdom, I'm currently the guide for this tour-- --Lucky Beast.
Kingdom is a large-scale theme park where animals and nature co-exist in harmony......
Lucky Beast just......!
Spoke! Could this child be......
Beep beep-- --Beep beep-- --
Visitor, emergency, emergency, detecting signs of Cerulean activity nearby.
Stop standing around! No time to chit-chat, if we don't run now it'll be too late!
......For now, take refuge in the patrol plane, I'll lead the way. Please remain calm and keep up.
-......Patrol plane?!
An amazing device! Is this the patrol plane?
It turns out the Patrol Plane that Lucky Beast spoke of is just a pile of junk. Here I thought it was going to be something amazing.
We've seen this in many places before, never thought it was anything special.
This is a patrol plane, a detection device designed by Kingdom to control "Ceruleans", mainly used for Kingdom's daily investigation and patrol work.
By riding the patrol plane, we can travel back and forth and even fight Ceruleans more easily.
(both) Huh?! ......Is it that amazing?!
The patrol plane is currently in hibernation, does it need to be turned on?
-......Okay, start it up please!
(battle) that...? It's flying! That's awesome!
It's really cool! Watch me--
Ya-hoo. Well, you just hopped on like that.
(system) This is a catapult device. Your []Friends sitting on it will get launched.
Is it my turn? Eek. This place is so high above the ground! I'm a bit scared.
Chevrotain, look up and not down! Before you know it, you will have hit your target!
Okay... I-I think I'm ready!
The Cerulean... is shattered into pieces.
I took out the Cerulean so easily! Am I born to do this?
......Amazing! The Cerulean shattered into pieces!
Hum, hum! Easy win, easy win!
Weasel was amazing! Chevrotain was awesome too!
I'm too weak......always running away......Can I really become awesome like Weasel-chan?
Of course! I couldn't have beat the Cerulean without Chevrotain's power.
Hehe, hearing what you all say, I feel inspired ~
How unexpected, this pile of junk can fly through the sky with a whoosh!
Yes, yes, Jinri fiddled with it a little bit, and the patrol plane shot up into the sky! How'd you do it?
-Actually, I'm also surprised......
-The patrol plane was simple to operate.
Heheh, incredible! With everyone together, it feels like we can do anything!
It's getting foggy, the air is a little cool, and I can smell the green grass.
Mmm, the smell of grass is so nice~I get into a good mood whenever I smell the smell of wet grass~!
Tonight's fog is heavy. The grass's smell is stronger than usual.
Anyways, where should we find Friends who know Jinri?
Jinri, do you remember which direction you drifted from?
I don't remember......
Right, the river water flows from over there towards us. I think we should go to that side~
I see, Chevrotain is really smarter than me.
Let's hurry up and ask the Friends over there!
Wow, look, Weasel-chan, there's a huge shadow in that thick fog......
Not good, the shadow is coming our way!
What a big shadow, is there a Friend that big? Or is it......
Oh no! That's not a Friend, it's a Cerulean!!
Damn, it must've been drawn over because of all the commotion.
This guy's big and looks even harder to defeat than the ones just now.
Weasel-chan, we should run! A Cerulean that big, it's unbeatable!
Really~Chevrotain is such a coward! Watch me easily settle this......
Uh, isn't this a little too big!?
Eh! What's to be done, who'll save us~~!!
......Leave it to-san!
A sound came out of the water......?
Today's current was flowing strangely, so I came over to see what happened~
On the way here, I heard American Beaver's dam was destroyed.
It must be that Cerulean that's causing all the trouble! How evil!
If you're dealing with the Cerulean, I'll help too.
Eh!? there's also a sound from the treetop?
Ah, Eurasian Eagle Owl-san is standing on a high branch!
In the middle of my evening walk, I saw everyone.
In the face of such a big Cerulean, if I don't lend a hand, you guys would certainly fail to handle it.
I've already prepared. Let's beat that guy together.
Yeah! Everyone work as one and take down that Cerulean together!
I-I'll also try to help everyone~!
(battle, see camera library)
(missing 1 text)
A......Amazing! Such a big Cerulean instantly......!!
Everyone is amazing!!
Oops~! I don't think I've ever seen this Friend before~?
Are you Weasel's and Chevrotain's companion?
This Friend named Jinri was drowning in the river, and we found her.
Can't remember who she is, where she came from, or anything at all.
Even though I'm experienced and knowledgable, I've also never seen this Friend with no wings, and also with no tail.
Wow! f-flying off!?
Why so surprised? It's only natural that Eagle-Owl is flying.
Looking closely, whether it's Weasel-chan and Chevrotain, or Hippo-san, the ears......tail...... aren't decorative!?
This animal, could she be......
Eagle-Owl-san, do you know anything?
An animal with no wings, no tail, and no big ears......
You know, her appearance kind of looks similar to Haruka.
As expected! I also think she resembles Haruka-san. After all, this child can speak to Lucky Beast~
Hm, that's really interesting.
It's true that only Haruka can talk to Lucky Beast.
Normally whenever I go start a conversation, Lucky Beast completely ignores me!
Right! Jinri, why don't you try saying something to Lucky Beast?
What? Uh, what do I say......
(both) Ah?
God bless you!
(owlhippo) It spoke!
Oh dear, your whole body is soaked cold.
After so long out of the water, your skin still hasn't dried, that's why you're sneezing.
Sure enough, this Friend is similar to Haruka. The skin won't dry, just like Haruka.
Haruka......excuse me everyone, who is this Haruka you're talking about?
Haruka-san is an very, very caring-san~
Right! If we go ask Haruka, won't she know who Jinri is?
I agree, and not only that, Haruka's place has a nice, warm blanket and hot drinks~
-I, want to meet Haruka
-I want a hot drink!
Mm, then let's go to Haruka's place~!
The sun is up, so let's get going right away.
When it comes to Weasel and Chevrotain, they can definitely help you.
Then Hippo-san, Eagle-Owl-san, we're leaving. Everyone take care!
You too, stay safe on the road, take good care of yourselves.
(both) Okay, we will~!