Reticulated Giraffe/Nexon Game: Difference between revisions

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|envoice6=The scarf getting longer, just kidding. I become stronger you know?
|envoice6=The scarf getting longer, just kidding. I become stronger you know?
|enhomeline1=The muffler spinning, slap, slap, kick~. How about this combo? Is it good?
|enhomeline1=The muffler spinning, slap, slap, kick~. How about this combo? Is it good?
|enhomeline2=Uhm, ah, hello, hello. Today too let's do our best
|enhomeline2=Uhm, ah, hello, hello. Today too let's do our best
|jphomeline3=マフラーは大切だからほつれないようにいつも手入れしているの... ... あ、余計にほつれちゃった
|enhomeline3=Because the muffler is important, I'm always look after it so it will not become frayed... ... Ah, it's needlessly got frayed
|enhomeline3=Because the muffler is important, I'm always look after it so it will not become frayed... ... Ah, it's needlessly got frayed
|enhomeline4=The plains is wonderful. I'm feel that the muffler is also spinning more than usual
|enhomeline4=The plains is wonderful. I'm feel that the muffler is also spinning more than usual
|jphomeline5=え〜っと、そうだね〜、... ... 感謝してるよ。えへへ、あらためて言葉にすると照れるねー
|enhomeline5=Uhm, ah yes~... ... I'm grateful. . Ehehe, I'm embarrassed if I were to say it once again
|enhomeline5=Uhm, ah yes~... ... I'm grateful. . Ehehe, I'm embarrassed if I were to say it once again
|enhomeline6=Hey, hey, this reticulated pattern is cute right~, right?
|enhomeline6=Hey, hey, this reticulated pattern is cute right~, right?
|jphomeline7=ねえ、相合マフラーしようよ、「 」ちゃん。二人だと、とっても暖かいね
|enhomeline7=Hey, let's share muffler together, [protagonist]-chan. It's warm if us together
|jphomeline7=ねえ、相合マフラーしようよ、「 」ちゃん。二人だと、とっても暖かいね♪
|enhomeline7=Hey, let's share muffler together, [protagonist]-chan. It's warm if us together♪