Tsuchinoko/Stage Play

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Tsuchinoko appears as a character in =LOVE Stage Project "Kemono Friends".


TsuchinokoStage Play.png

Friend Data
Actress Nagisa Saito
Tsuchinoko Anime Season 2 Manga Festival​ (Costume)​ Pavilion​ (Gen 2)​ KF3​ (V2)​ Kingdom Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery


Tsuchinoko has common sense, but is frightened of losing the friends she once gained.

Role in the Plot

One day, Tsuchinoko was alone in a cave practicing a play. Then, a Japanese Wolf came to practice her song. Tsuchinoko hides, but Japanese Wolf's sense of smell finds her. After explaining the play to the Japanese Wolf, Tsuchinoko sent her away. Later, Japanese Wolf and her friends decided to put on a play and came to borrow a script from Tsuchinoko. However, Japanese Wolf and her friends tear up the script in front of Tsuchinoko. Tsuchinoko was offended, but was spared by the apologies of Japanese Wolf and her friends, and decided to lend them the restored script. Tsuchinoko then watched over Japanese Wolf and her friends as they practiced their play, trying to avoid detection, but when their practice went awry, she appeared before the lone Japanese Wolf. After arguing with Japanese Wolf, Tsuchinoko encouraged her not to give up. Instead of Japanese Wolf, who decided to wait there, Tsuchinoko went to persuade her mate to join her. Later, after rescuing a Japanese wolf that had been attacked by celliens, Tsuchinoko returned to the cave. However, the Japanese Wolf and her friends invited Tsuchinoko to join Dreaming Friends Theater Company. And Tsuchinoko accepted. On the day of the play, there was a screaming Tsuchinoko, tossed about by the actions of each of her friends.


Japanese Wolf

Japanese Wolf discovered Tsuchinoko for the first time. After that, Tsuchinoko took care of Japanese Wolf in various ways.

=LOVE Stage Project "Kemono Friends"
Arizonan JaguarAurochsAustralian DevilCape LionDire WolfGastornisGreat AukJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfPassenger PigeonSivatheriumTsuchinoko
CellienDreaming Friends Theater CompanyFriendJapari BunLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstar
OP SongSivatherium's SongGastornis's SongDire Wolf's SongScript RapJapanese Wolf & Australian Devil's SongFriendFighting SongMain Theme