Sand Cat's Character Quest: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{NexonQuestBox |title=Sand Cat |originalpic=SandCatCharacterQuest.jpg |friends={{sbpg|Sand Cat|Nexon Game}}, {{sbpg|Serval|Nexon Game}} |type=Character |number=36 }} {{NexonQ...")
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|en1=Deserts look like a big sandbox! Hey, hey, how about if everyone played in the sand?
|en1=Deserts look like a big sandbox! Hey, hey, how about if everyone played in the sand?
|name2=Sand Cat
|name2=Sand Cat
|en2=Alright. I like playing in the sand, too. After all, I’m a Sand Cat.
|en2=Alright. I like playing in the sand, too. After all, I’m a Sand Cat.
|en3=Alright! Now then, let’s make a sand castle! Guide-san, [protagonist], let’s do it together!
|en3=Alright! Now then, let’s make a sand castle! Guide-san, [protagonist], let’s do it together!
|en4=Fufu. It’s been a long time, but let me channel my inner child... In the past, I was called Sand Player Mirai.
|en4=Fufu. It’s been a long time, but let me channel my inner child... In the past, I was called Sand Player Mirai.
|en5=First, I think we have to build the sand castle's foundation? After that, the tower, then the gate, and then the moat, in that order! [Protagonist]! Let's make this side bigger! Wah! It looks really good now! Huh? That reminds me, where's Sand Cat? Did she go to collect sand?
|en5=First, I think we have to build the sand castle's foundation? After that, the tower, then the gate, and then the moat, in that order! [Protagonist]! Let's make this side bigger! Wah! It looks really good now! Huh? That reminds me, where's Sand Cat? Did she go to collect sand?
|jp5=まずは、お城の土台を作るでしょ? そして、順番に、塔とか、門とか、お堀とか作って!「主人公」!こっちをもっと大きくしよう!わー!だいぶ立派になってきたね!あれ? そういえばスナネコは? 砂を集めに行ってくれたのかなあ?
|name6=Sand Cat
|name6=Sand Cat
|en6=*throwing sand*!!
|en6=*throwing sand*!!
|en8=Oh my, Sand Cat threw that sand with all her strength, so the castle fell apart… …
|en8=Oh my, Sand Cat threw that sand with all her strength, so the castle fell apart... ...
|jp8=あらら、スナネコさんが思いっきり砂をかけてきて、お城がぐちゃぐちゃになってしまいましたね... ...
|en9=Waa! So cruel! Sand Cat, why did you do that!? I just wanted to get along with you by playing with the sand!
|en9=Waa! So cruel! Sand Cat, why did you do that!? I just wanted to get along with you by playing with the sand!
|jp9=わーん!ひどいよー!スナネコ、どうしてこんなことするの!? 仲良く砂遊びしたかっただけなのに!
|name10=Sand Cat
|name10=Sand Cat
|en10=Eh? What’s wrong? Serval-san, you’re being so noisy right now.
|en10=Eh? What’s wrong? Serval-san, you’re being so noisy right now.
|jp10=え? どうしたんです? サーバルさん、そんなに大騒ぎして。
|en11=Noisy?!… … It’s because... it’s because! Sand Cat, you idiot!
|en11=Noisy?!… … It’s because... it’s because! Sand Cat, you idiot!
|jp11=大騒ぎって... ...。だって、だってえ!スナネコのバカー!
|en12=*throwing sand*!!
|en12=*throwing sand*!!
|en13=Boff!? Y-you’re throwing sand again!? But... Sand Cat is right here… …
|en13=Boff!? Y-you’re throwing sand again!? But... Sand Cat is right here... ...
|jp13=バフッ!? ま、また砂をかけられた!? でも、スナネコはここに... ...
|name14=Sand Cat
|name14=Sand Cat
|en14=That wasn't me, it was a Cellien! Serval-san, [protagonist]-san! Don’t be idle, fight!
|en14=That wasn't me, it was a Cellien! Serval-san, [protagonist]-san! Don’t be idle, fight!
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|en16=Hey, Sand Cat, what do you have against playing in the sand!? You destroyed the sand castle everyone built!
|en16=Hey, Sand Cat, what do you have against playing in the sand!? You destroyed the sand castle everyone built!
|jp16=ねえ、スナネコは砂遊びをなんだと思ってるの!? せっかく皆で作ったお城を壊すなんて!
|name17=Sand Cat
|name17=Sand Cat
|en17=What’s wrong? Why are you tearing up, Serval-san? First of all, that lump of sand doesn't look like a castle. You're crying on something like that, and wasting precious water in the desert.
|en17=What’s wrong? Why are you tearing up, Serval-san? First of all, that lump of sand doesn't look like a castle. You're crying on something like that, you wasting precious water in the desert.
|jp17=どうしたんです? なんで涙目になってるんですか、サーバルさん? だいたい、あんな砂のかたまり、お城に見えないです。こんなことくらいで泣くなんて、砂漠で貴重な水分の無駄遣いです。
|en18=Uwaaaaaaaaaah!! Guide-san! [Protagonist]! Sand Cat's bullying me!
|en18=Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Guide-san! [Protagonist]! Sand Cat's bullying me!
|en19=Well, well, Serval-san. Sand Cat doesn't have any intention to be mean… … maybe.
|en19=Well, well, Serval-san. Sand Cat doesn't have any intention to be mean… … maybe.
|jp19=まあまあ、サーバルさん。スナネコさんも悪気はないんですよ... ... 多分。
|name20=Sand Cat
|name20=Sand Cat
|en20=!? Ssh! You’re being noisy, so be quiet!
|en20=!? Ssh! You’re being noisy, so be quiet!
|jp20=!? しっ!うるさいので静かにしてください!
|en21=N-noisy!? Sand Cat, do you hate me!?
|en21=N-noisy!? Sand Cat, do you hate me!?
|jp21=う、うるさいって!? スナネコ、そんなに私が嫌いなの!?
|name22=Sand Cat
|name22=Sand Cat
|en22=What are you talking about? Look, something coming this way made a sound! Look at that instead!
|en22=What are you talking about? Look, something coming this way made a sound! Look at that instead!
|en23=Huh? T-that- Celliens, again!?
|en23=Huh? T-that- Celliens, again!?
|jp23=へ? あ、あれって、また、セルリアン!?
|name24=Sand Cat
|name24=Sand Cat
|en24=They're coming! Serval-san, [protagonist]-san, be cautious!
|en24=They're coming! Serval-san, [protagonist]-san, be cautious!
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|en26=Even in a large desert like this, you noticed that Cellien coming closer. Sand Cat, you’re amazing!
|en26=Even in a large desert like this, you noticed that Cellien coming closer. Sand Cat, you’re amazing!
|name27=Sand Cat
|name27=Sand Cat
|en27=Serval-san is too absent minded. This is normal if you spend your time in the desert like this.
|en27=Serval-san is too absent minded. This is normal if you spend your time in the desert like this.
|en28=Uh, you're saying something mean again… …
|en28=Uh, you're saying something mean again... ...
|jp28=うっ、また、そんなこと... ...
|name29=Sand Cat
|name29=Sand Cat
|en29=Look, I'll throw sand on you. My sand has the ability to help you recover. *Throwing sand*!!
|en29=Look, I'll throw sand on you. My sand has the ability to help you recover. *Throwing sand*!!
|en30=Wah, it feels good! It feels like my body's become lighter!
|en30=Wah, it feels good! It feels like my body's become lighter!
|name31=Sand Cat
|name31=Sand Cat
|en31=Isn't that right? Like I expected, playing with sand is the best.
|en31=Isn't that right? Like I expected, playing with sand is the best.
|en32=Hm? Could it be that… … For Sand Cat, is throwing sand around what it means to be playing with the sand?
|en32=Hm? Could it be that... ... For Sand Cat, is throwing sand around what it means to be playing with the sand?
|jp32=ん? もしかして... ....。砂を派手にかけることが、スナネコさんにとっての、砂遊びだったのでしょうか?
|name33=Sand Cat
|name33=Sand Cat
|en33=Yes, isn't that natural? Is there any other way to play with the sand?
|en33=Yes, isn't that natural? Is there any other way to play with the sand?
|en34=I see, so you’re not bullying me, after all! The sand here is smooth... it feels good! Let's play in the sand, Sand Cat style! [Protagonist], let's attack together! *Throwing sand*!!
|en34=I see, so you’re not bullying me, after all! The sand here is smooth... it feels good! Let's play in the sand, Sand Cat style! [Protagonist], let's attack together! *Throwing sand*!!
|name35=Sand Cat
|name35=Sand Cat
|en35=Uwah, you did it! Then, I will counter-attack! *Throwing sand*!!
|en35=Uwah, you did it! Then, I will counter-attack! *Throwing sand*!!
|en36=Kya!? Ahahahahahaha! Now everyone's covered in sand! Playing in the sand like this is refreshing and fun!
|en36=Kya!? Ahahahahahahahahaha! Now everyone's covered in sand! Playing in the sand like this is refreshing and fun!
|jp36=きゃーっ!? あははははははははは!これで、皆、砂まみれだね!こういう砂遊びも、新鮮で楽しいね!
[[Category:Nexon Game Character Quests]]
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