Japari Café (Nexon Quest)

Japari Café is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game centered around the Japari Café of the era, which is run by Bobcat. It begins in the Gokoku Region and has the cast travel through many different areas of Japari Park, doing deliveries.

Japari Café


Quest Data
Quest Type Event
Quest Number 17
Friends Serval
Marbled Cat
Flat-Headed Cat
Rock Dove
Bald Eagle
Eurasian Lynx
Asian Golden Cat
Emperor Penguin
Humboldt Penguin
Southern Rockhopper Penguin
Gentoo Penguin
Arctic Wolf
Black Leopard
Japanese Giant Salamander
Sand Cat
Wild Bactrian Camel
Iriomote Cat
Peregrine Falcon
King Vulture
Snow Leopard
Arctic Fox
White Lion
Jungle Cat
Amazon Tree Boa
Emerald Tree Boa
Event ?
The Kemono's Test of Power
The Autumn Super Picnic




Character English Japanese
~Serval's Diary~ Today, we're relaxing at the Japari Café. Ahh, it would be nice if there were Japari Cafés all over the place, too... 〜サーバルの日記〜


  Scene: Japari Café -
Funyaa~… … Just like I thought, the Japari Café is so calm~ ふにゃあ〜... ... やっぱりジャパリカフェは落ち着くな〜
Marbled Cat
I understand the feeling. Since I got here, there's more kids that know about me. It makes me happy. わかるわ、その気持ち。ここに来てから私の事を知ってくれた子も増えたし、嬉しいわ
Flat-Headed Cat
Ah! I tore my clothes again-nya… … shock-nya. あー!また服に爪を引っ掛けちゃったにゃ... ... ショックにゃ
Park Guide
… … [Protagonist]-san, I’m feeling happy right now. The Marbled Cat is a rare sight with a mostly mysterious ecology, and the Flat-Headed Cat, which can't retract their claws all the way. ... ... 「主人公」さん、私は今幸せです。滅多に見られず、生態はほとんど謎であるマーブルキャットさんに、自然の爪を完全に引っ込められないマレーヤマネコさん
Park Guide
For me to be able to see these cute cats gathered and having a cup of tea together... it's so soothing~ 可愛いネコさんたちが、集まってお茶をしているこの光景を見れるなんて... ... 癒されます〜
There's a lot of delicious food, I’m so happy~… … It would be nice if I could taste something this delicious anywhere. おいしいものいっぱいでもっと幸せ〜。... ... どこでもこのおいしさが味わえればいいのに
Anywhere, hm? That might be nice. What if the Japari Café had a delivery service, too?... Ah, by the way, here's the coffee you ordered. どこでもね。それ、いいかも。ジャパリカフェでもデリバリーをして見ましょうか。あ、あとこれ注文のコーヒーね
Park Guide
Thank you very much, Bobcat! Did you know that the bobcat has tufts of hair around the cheek? ありがとうございます!頰の部分にながーいふさふさの毛がついているボブキャットさん!
It’s refreshing to be thanked while hearing what you know about me… … Regarding that talk about delivery earlier, I have a lot to say about it, so would you come back soon to talk about it? 自分のうんちくを聞きながらお礼を言われるって新鮮ね。... ... さっきのデリバリーの話だけど、色々まとめておくから、近いうちまた相談してもいいかしら
Of course! If you need anything, Flat-Headed Cat, Marbled Cat, and I will help out, too. Ahhh, I’m looking forward to it~! もちろんだよっ!何かあったら私や、マレーヤマネコもマーブルキャットも手伝うからね。わぁ、楽しみだな〜
Now, about the deliveries… … I intend to conduct them regularly. さて、デリバリーの件だけど... ... 本格的にやってみることにしたわ。それにあたって... ...
So for that… … I decided to use this "OK! AMOTI" box to hold the delivery. In reality, this is just a normal wooden carrying box. デリバリー用にこのいつでもOK!AMOTIという箱を使って運搬することにしたわ。実際はただのおかもちだけど
To assist with taking orders, I've asked for Rock Dove and Bald Eagle's help. Both of them will wear this “Japari Delivery Reception!” sash and fly around over there. あと注文の受付はカワラバトやハクトウワシたちに協力してもらう。『ジャパリカフェデリバリー受付!』と書かれたタスキをつけてもらって、その辺を飛んでもらうの
Rock Dove
Coo, it looks like if someone calls us over, we'll have to listen to their order and send it to the café. ほえ、誰かに呼ばれたら注文を聞いてカフェに伝えるってことらしいよー
Bald Eagle
If it's for everyone's sake, then I'll do it! Even if the voice is a thousand meters ahead, then I will hear it and fly to the scene! All for my justice, let's justice! みんなのためならこのハクトウワシ!1000m先の声だろうと聞きつけて飛んでいくわ!全ては我が正義のために、レッツジャスティス!
Rock Dove
Coo, Bald Eagle is so cool~ Ah, yes, yes! There’s already an order! ほえ、ハクトウワシかっこいい〜。あ、そうそう。もう注文きてるんだよねぇ
That was fast! That's a sign that the delivery idea will be a great success, huh, [Protagonist]? はやっ!早くも大盛況の予感だね、「主人公」!
I’m sorry that I have to be brief, but I need you to deliver the café's famous Luwak Coffee to Berry, the Eurasian Lynx. Can I ask you to make this delivery? 早速で悪いんだけどシベリアオオヤマネコのベリーに、うちで出してる名物コーヒー『コピ・ルアク』を届けて欲しいの。デリバリー、お願いできるかしら?
I got it! I’ll go! わかった!それじゃ行ってくるねー!
…She left so fast, she forgot about the wooden box. [Protagonist], I'm sorry for troubling you, but can you please deliver the box? ... ... 早速、おかもち忘れて行ったわね。「主人公」、悪いけどよろしくね?
Our slogan is “Delivering delicious food with sincerity” … … Well then, it looks like it’s going to be busy. スローガンは、『まごころこめておいしい物をお届けします』よ。... ... さて、忙しくなりそうね
  Scene: Kyōshū Region -
[Protagonist], I'm sorry for earlier! I forgot about the wooden box… … Ah, I found Berry! Oi! 「主人公」、さっきはごめんね?おかもち忘れちゃって... ...。あっ、ベリー見つけた!おーい!
Eurasian Lynx
Oh, oh my, oh my!... … I know why you're here... All of you are assassins sent by the Japari Café! あら、あらあら!... ... わかりますよ。あなたたち、ジャパリカフェからの刺客ですね!
W-We’ve been exposed, nya…! Putting aside the joke… here's your... “Luwak Coffee”, I think? バ、バーレーたーにゃー... ...!と、冗談はさておいて... ... はいこれ、『コピ・ルアク』だっけ?
Eurasian Lynx
Thank you very much!... … Ah, I'm addicted to this unique aroma that tickles the nose. I could drink this forever… ありがとうございます!... ... あー、この鼻をくすぐる独特の香り、もうやみつきです。これがいつでも飲めるなんて... ...
Eurasian Lynx
(*Gulp, gulp, gulp!!*) (ゴクゴクゴク!!)
Eurasian Lynx
It’s the best! 最高ですね!
Park Guide
… … I feel like that's not how you're supposed to drink coffee, but... well, you're happy, that's what matters! Then, shall we head back? We'll take care of any Celliens we find along the way! ... ... コーヒーの飲み方じゃない気がしますが、幸せそうでなによりですね!それじゃ帰りましょうか。帰り道にいるセルリアンを倒しながら!
  Scene: Japari Café -
You’ve returned. Thank you for the delivery. [Protagonist], as thanks, I'll treat you to any drink you like. Serval, because you forgot the box, you don't get anything. 帰ってきたわね。配達ありがとう。「主人公」、後で好きな飲み物おごるわ。サーバルはおかもちを忘れたからおごりはなしよ
N-no way!? う、うそー!?
I’m just kidding. I'll give you a proper reward. But in exchange, please help me from now on, alright? 冗談よ。ちゃんとおごってあげる。そのかわり、これからも手伝ってね?
Eurasian Lynx
Greetings! I’m Berry the Eurasian Lynx! I've come to investigate the Japari Café today! どうもー!シベリアオオヤマネコのベリーです!今日もジャパリカフェを調査しにやってまいりましたー!
Goodbye to my peace and quiet… … I’m busy, so can you do this later? 騒がしいのが来たわね... ... 忙しいから後にしてくれる?
Park Guide
By the way, the animal Eurasian Lynx is said to have a quiet voice. That said, I've never heard it myself… … ちなみに、本物のシベリアオオヤマネコさんの声はとっても小さいと言われています。私も聞いたことがないんですよね... ...
Eurasian Lynx
At first I had a quiet voice, but then I decided to become a detective and practiced my pronunciation! When I find something important, I want to be able to say a cool line loud and proud! 元々は小さい声でしたが、探偵に憧れるようになってから発声練習をしました!何か重要なものを見つけたとき、かっこいいセリフを大きな声で言えるように!
Eurasian Lynx
But, putting that aside... the delivery was nice! I didn't feel like it would be a good thing to keep this all to myself, so I spread the word to the kids around me! それはさておき... ... デリバリーよかったですよ!こんな便利なものを独り占めはよくないと思って、近くの子たちに言いふらしちゃいました!
So that’s the reason why it's become so busy… … I’m sorry, Serval. This time I would like you to deliver a coffee to Walrus, please. 忙しくなってきたのはそのせいね... ... ごめんサーバル。今度はセイウチにコーヒーを届けてほしいの。お願いね
No problem, let me take care of it! 任せて合点!
  Scene: Kyōshū Region -
…So you really can drink coffee at home just by ordering it. A happiness that surpasses all of the happiness I've experienced up until now. Finally, I can fill my belly without lifting a finger. ... ... 本当に注文するだけでコーヒーが飲めるなんて。今までの幸せの経験を全て吹き飛ばすほどの幸せ。遂に私は、動かずして胃を満たせるのですね
Yeah, but we only deliver coffee, you see? え、でも配達してるのはコーヒーだけだよ?
Then I recommend that you add new items to the menu. That way, you can satisfy a variety of people's needs, and you'll be thanked for it. Plus, it would be easier for me, so please... では是非に他のメニューも増やすことを推奨します。その方が様々な相手のニーズに応える事ができ、感謝されることになるでしょう。あと私が楽になるので是非お願いします
Park Guide
Walrus-san was quick to speak, huh… … I feel like the only part that matters to her is the last part, but I'll tell Bobcat about this. セイウチサンテこんな早口で喋れたんですね... ... 後半の一言が全てな気もしますけど、ボブキャットさんにお伝えしておきますね
  Scene: Japari Café -
Expanding the menu... I see. If it would make more kids happy then I'll consider it. なるほど。メニューの拡大ね。より多くの子に喜んでもらえそうだし、検討しましょう
Also, I've found more kids willing to help. It's no good if all I give you is a ticket for free coffee, so from the next time onwards, I'll be giving support. I look forward to cooperating with you. あと、手伝ってくれる子を増やしたわ。コーヒータダ券をあげるからってね。次回からはサポートにつけるから、よろしくね
Good morning, everyone. I apologize for getting right to the point, but... I've heard from Berry that several kids want more menu items, so I've increased our delivery selection! みんな、おはよう。早速なのだけど... ... ベリーに色んな子たちからメニューに追加してほしいものを聞いてもらって、デリバリーのメニューを増やしたわ
Eurasian Lynx
I feel like I’m doing a detective-like thing for the first time… … This is the new menu, crafted to reflect everyone's wishes! It took a few days, but it's a masterpiece guaranteed to satisfy you! 私、初めて探偵っぽいことが出来て感激でした... ... これがみんなの要望を反映した新メニューですっ!数日かかりましたが、満足行く出来になりました!
Whooa, amazing, what is this!? They asked you for all of this!? うわっ、なにこれすごっ!?こんなに色々頼めるの!?
Yes, it has most of the things I'm able to make. Our new slogan is "Full flavor delivered to you!". And that wraps up the menu talk. ええ、できそうなものはほとんど反映したわ。新しいスローガンは、『おいしさいっぱい、あなたにお届け!』よ。
Now then, truthfully, I've received an order from the penguin idol group, PIP. Since there's a lot of things to deliver this time, please go alongside Angie, the Asian Golden Cat. と、メニューの話はここまで。実はペンギンアイドルグループの『PIP』から注文が来てるの。運ぶものが多いから、今回はアジアンゴールデンキャットのアンジーと一緒にお願い
Asian Golden Cat
… … Serval, don't be a klutz, okay? ... ... サーバル、ドジするんじゃないわよ?
I’m not! I just forgot about the wooden box, and tripped and broke the delivery, and snuck food! しないよ!おかもち忘れたり、コケて配達するもの台無しにしたり、ちょっとつまみ食いするくらいしかないよ!
Asian Golden Cat
So you're some kinda klutz time bomb!? ドジボケ祭りかっ!
Park Guide
Asian Golden Cat… …! In the past, it was thought that they were nocturnal, but the truth is that they live a disorderly life! アジアンゴールデンキャットさん... ...!昔は夜行性だと思われていたのですが、実は不規則な生活をしていることがわかってきているんですよっ!
Asian Golden Cat
Hey, don’t expose my maiden secrets!... … You're [Protagonist], huh? Don't be so starstruck. Let's deliver this and get it over with. ちょっと、乙女の秘密をバラさないでよね!... ... あんたが「主人公」よね。ほーっとしてないでさっさと配達に行きましょう
  Scene: Kyōshū Region -
Hey! PIP! The delivery is here! おーい!PIPのみんなー!デリバリーにきたよ!
Emperor Penguin
Ahh, I was waiting. Sorry to ask you to come this far. ああ、待っていたわ。遠くまで悪かったわね
Humboldt Penguin
Thank you~! Um… … What did I order? ありがとう〜。えーっと... ... 何頼んだっけ?
Southern Rockhopper Penguin
Wasn't it a sandwich and a sports drink? Pull yourself together, Hululu... Alright, let's dig in! サンドイッチにスポーツドリンクだろ?しっかりしろよなフルル... ... そんじゃいただきまーす!
Gentoo Penguin
Hmm, it’s delicious~! This sandwich is no doubt the café's signature dish... if it were in PIP, it would definitely be the center... んーおいしい〜!このサンドイッチなら、間違いなくカフェの看板メニュー、センターでも通用しますね
Park Guide
As PIP's number one fan, I'm honored that I could be useful to all of you! Unless I'm mistaken, you'll all be going to all sorts of other regions after this? 1ファンとしてPIPのみなさんのお役に立てて光栄です!確かこのあとも色んなチホーに行かれるんですよね?
Emperor Penguin
Yes. We'll also be going further than anywhere you've gone up until now. It would be helpful if you could deliver to us still, but I wonder if it would be difficult... そうなの。今よりも遠いところにも行くこともあるの。だからどこでもデリバリーができるようになると助かるのだけど、難しいかしら?
Asian Golden Cat
You want us to expand the delivery range, huh? Understood. I'll let Bobcat know. 今よりもデリバリーできる範囲を広げる、ね。わかった。ボブキャットに伝えておくわ
  Scene: Japari Café -
Expand the delivery range for PIP… … I want to do that, too. PIPからもらったデリバリー範囲の拡大... ... これもやりたいと思うわ
Park Guide
Ah, um… … no matter how you look at it, don’t you think this is too extensive? あ、あの... ... いくらなんでも手広くやりすぎているのでは?
…Maybe so. But you see, I like this Japari Café. The truth is that I want everyone to visit more. But because Japari Café can only be found here, I gave up. ... ... そうかも知れない。でもね、私はこのジャパリカフェが好きなの。本当はみんなにもっと来てもらいたいの。でも、ジャパリカフェはここにしかないから、諦めたわ
I thought that I couldn't achieve my dream of seeing everyone come to the café… … but now, through deliveries, I'm able to let everyone experience the joy of Japari Café... that’s why I want to do my best! 叶わないと思っていた、みんなにカフェに来てもらいたいって願い... ... 今ならデリバリーを通して、みんなにジャパリカフェのよさを知ってもらえると思う、だからがんばりたいの!
Flat-Headed Cat
Nya, nya!? A p-passion unlike what I usually see from Bobcat, nya... Then I'll do my best too, nya! にゃにゃ!?ボ、ボブキャットらしからぬ熱さにゃ。そういうことならあたしもがんばるにゃ!
Thank you, Flat-Headed Cat! Yes, yes! Let’s change to a new slogan... “Sea, sky, anywhere, we will deliver!” ありがとうマレーヤマネコ!そうそう!スローガンも新しく、『海でも空でもどこでもお届け!』に変えたわ
Even if it’s to all the regions of Japari Park, I will still deliver without fail! Accompanied by this burning desire... ジャパリパーク全域だろうと、きっちり届けて見せるわ!この熱い思いと共にっ
Bobcat… … It looks like some sort of weird switch just flipped in her… … “A moment like that happened”? Ah, [Protagonist], did you have that kind of moment, too? ボブキャット... ... 変なスイッチ入っちゃってるみたい。... ... 『そういうこともある』って?あ、もしかして「主人公」にもそういうことがあったりしたの?
There’s no time to talk. I've received an order for a "brain-freezing shaved ice" from Arctic Wolf. Are you able to go right now? おしゃべりしてる暇はないわよ。ホッキョクオオカミから、『カッキンカキ氷』のオーダーを受けたの。早速いってきてちょうだい
Flat-Headed Cat
Understood, nya! Then, where will I go, nya? 了解にゃ!それでどこにいけばいいにゃ?
I've heard that she likes to wander. You'll have to find her! 放浪してるそうだから、見つけてきて!
Flat-Headed Cat
W-why, nya!? そ、そんにゃー!
  Scene: Kyōshū Region -
Arctic Wolf
…Yes, after just one bite I can feel my head pounding… nice. ... ... うん、一口だけでキーンとくる感じ... ... いい
Flat-Headed Cat
W-we managed to find her, somehow, nya... Ordering while roaming around... not fair, nya... な、なんとか見つけたにゃ。放浪しながら注文って、ズルいにゃ... ...
You’re right... Jeez… … Well, we finished what we came here for, so let's head back. ホントだよ、もう... ... まあやることはやったし、帰ろうか
Arctic Wolf
Wait. Come back with more of this delicious shaved ice. Please. 待て。このうまいカキ氷、もう一度持ってきてくれ。頼む
Serval & Flat-Headed Cat
No way! (Nya!) お断りします(にゃ)!
  Scene: Japari Café -
Park Guide
It's been a few days since we've expanded the delivery range, but the orders don't stop coming in... デリバリー範囲の拡大をしてから数日が経ちましたが... ... 注文が途切れることがありませんね
That's why I keep asking you to make deliveries. Today, please go along with Marbled Cat to deliver this Kurikinton flavored Japari Bun to Leopard, in the Kyōshū Region. Do your best. そういうわけだから、じゃんじゃん配達お願い。今日はジャパリまん・栗きんとん味をキョウシュウチホーにいるヒョウにお届けよ。マーブルキャットと一緒にがんばってね
Marbled Cat
[Protagonist], Serval, please take care of me. Let's use this occasion to get along, okay? よろしくね、「主人公」にサーバル。この配達をきっかけに、仲良くなりましょう?
Of course! I want to know more about Marbled Cat. もちろんだよ。私、もっとマーブルキャットのこと知りたいなー
Marbled Cat
Then let’s talk while we go. Let's do it at a pace that won't make the delivery late, okay? じゃあお話しながらいきましょう。配達が遅くならない程度に、ね?
Park Guide
Of course! I'll put all my effort into talking with Marbled Cat-san! もちろんですよ!マーブルキャットさんとのお話し、全力でさせていただきます!
  Scene: Kyōshū Region -
Oh, Serval the deliveryman is coming. Thanks for your hard work. おっ、配達員のサーバルがきよったで。ごくろ〜さーん
You didn't eat the Japari Bun we ordered, right?... … Oh, it's still there, it's still there! How admirable, Serval! 注文のジャパリまん、食べてないやろなー?... ... おおー残っとる残っとる!あっぱらやでサーバル!
Y-you're teasing me!?... … Jeez, I'm not gonna deliver to you anymore, Leopard! わ、私を試してたの!?... ... もうヒョウには配達してあげないもんねー!
Black Leopard
I’m sorry, Serval. Big sis Leopard can't stop herself from teasing people. ごめんなサーバル。ヒョウお姉ちゃんは誰かをからかわないといられへんねん
Sorry, sorry! But, even so, you still thought a little about sneaking a bite, didn't you, Serval? すまんすまん!でも、言うてサーバルもちょいとは思ったやろ?つ・ま・み・食・い
…Teehee... ... ... てへっ♪
Black Leopard
N-no… … Look, I'll share the Japari Bun, just don't expect these kinds of things when you're delivering to other kids, alright?... あ、あかんやんか... ... ほら、ジャパリまんわけてあげるから、他の子たちに配達する時はそんなこと思わんようにな?
Black Leopard
Ah, [Protagonist], Park Guide-san, Marbled Cat, please eat too, okay? あ、「主人公」とパークガイドさんに、マーブルキャットも食べてな?
Marbled Cat
Oh, you're being kind? Leopard is interesting… … Hey, Leopard, next time, do you want to do a delivery together? I think it'd be good to have more helpers, right, Serval? 優しいのね?ヒョウは面白いし... ... ねえ今度一緒に配達してみないかしら?お手伝いはたくさんいたほうがいいし、ねっサーバル?
Japari Buns are delicious! ジャパリまんおいしー!
Marbled Cat
Huh? She didn't listen? って、聞こえてないわね?
It's because she likes Japari Buns... Serval, I mean. Helping out, huh?... If I'm free, I'll swing around. When that time comes, it'll be nice to meet you! ジャパまん大好きやからな、サーバルは。手伝いな... ... まあ機会があればお邪魔するわ。そん時はよろしゅうな!
Marbled Cat
Understood. I’m looking forward to it. わかった。楽しみにしているわね
  Scene: Japari Café -
Today, deliver this “mountain of ice cream” to Sala the Axolotl in the Nakabe Region. You'll be together with Ocelot, so please try to cooperate. さて今日は... ... ナカベチホーにいるメキシコサラマンダーのサラに、『マウンテンアイス』を届けてね。オセロットと一緒だから、協力するように
Ocelot is good at swimming. Leave the waterfront to me, okay? Ocelot is a fully motivated Ocelot. オセロット、泳ぐの得意。水辺なら任せて?オセロットはやる気まんまんオセロットなの
W-we're just doing a delivery, okay? We don’t have to swim, right?... Right? は、配達するだけだからね?泳いだりしなくていいからね?ね?
Don’t worry? Ocelot is really good at swimming. Then how about holding on to [Protagonist] and swimming? How about that? 心配しないで?オセロット、本当に泳ぐの得意。なんなら「主人公」を抱えて泳ぐ?どう?
Park Guide
No, here… … how about if you hold on to me instead? いえ、ここは... ... 私を抱えるのはどうでしょう?
What are you saying with that serious look in your eyes!? I'm not going to hold on to [Protagonist] or Park Guide-San! Jeez, please don't bring the box if you're going swimming! 真顔でなに言ってるの!?「主人公」もパークガイドさんも、どっちも抱えないよ!もーっ、絶対おかもち抱えて泳がないでね!?
  Scene: Nakabe Region -
We've arrived at the waterfront. Ocelot will go swimming? 水辺に到着。オセロット、行く?
Ah~! That’s why I said not to bring the box if you're going to play in the water! [Protagonist], stop her, stop her! あ〜!だからおかもち持って水に飛び込んじゃダメだって!「主人公」、止めて止めて!
Hmm… … Ocelot's being stopped?... … You have guts? にゅう... ... オセロット、止められた?... ... やるのね?
From inside the water, blub, blub, blub! Huh, it’s Serval and the others?... What is it? 水の中からぬぽぽぽーん。あれ、サーバルたちだー。どうしたのー?
Japanese Giant Salamander
I’m also here, blub, blub! I’m sure you've come to swim. Welcome. 私もいるなのぬぽぽぽーん。きっと泳ぎに来たの。うぇるかむなの
Ocelot is the only one who came here to swim. We've come to deliver the mountain of ice cream to you and Sala. 泳ぎにきたのはオセロットだけだからっ。私達はサラ達にマウンテンアイスを届けにきたの
The big order of ice cream, right? The mountain, right? Then I'll eat it right away. おっきいーアイスだね?マウンテンだね?それじゃ早速いただきまーす
Japanese Giant Salamander
(*lick, lick*). Hn~... Eating ice cream underwater stings your body. New experience. (ペロ、ペロ)ん〜。水の中で食べるアイスは身体にしみるなの。新体験なのー
…Ah, right! Because there’s so much ice cream, I can’t finish it today, so I'll take it to my hideout. ... ... そうだ!アイスはいっぱいあるし、今日は食べきれないから隠れ家に持っていこうーっと
Park Guide
Hideout… … Sala-san’s hideout?... … Ah! No, don’t!… … 隠れ家... ... サラさんの?... ... あっ。いや。それダメ... ...
Just hold on a minute! それじゃちょっと待っててねー!
SFX: (*dive!*) (ザップーン!)
Park Guide
…She took the ice cream underwater… Ah, there's melted ice cream on the surface of the water. It looks like Café au Lait art... How sad... ... ... アイスを持って水の中へ行ってしまいました。... ... ああ、溶けたアイスが水面に。ちょっとしたカフェラテアートみたいになってるのがまた物悲しいです
…Fuah! Hey, hey, do you know where the ice cream fell, can you see it from up there? It looks like I dropped it… ... ... ぷはー!ねえねえ、アイスがどこに落ちたか上から見えなかったー?わたし、落としちゃったみたいで... ...
Eh, um, about the ice cream, it's stretching out right there... え、えっと、アイスならそこに広がって... ...
Japanese Giant Salamander
Stretching out means it’s melting! Sala, hurry! 広がってってことは、溶けてるのねっ。サラ、急ぐのね!
Yes! Sorry, wait a second! うん!ごめんね、ちょっと待っててねー!
She went back down? What should we do? また行っちゃた?どうするの?
Park Guide
The next time she surfaces I'll explain to her that the ice cream is gone... 次上がってきたら説明してあげましょう。もうアイスがないことを... ...
  Scene: Japari Café -
I'm happy that I keep getting orders, but maybe I want to rest a little... No, there's no time to complain. 注文が途切れないのは嬉しいけど、ちょっと休みが欲しいかも... ... いけない、愚痴なんて言ってる暇はないわね
Today, I'd like you to deliver the "scorching hot fiery curry" to the camel sisters in the Sankai Region. You'll be traveling together with Sand Cat, who is familiar with this region. 今日はラクダ姉妹に『灼熱フレイムカレー』を届けるわ。場所はサンカイチホー。このチホーに詳しいスナネコも同行するわ
Sand Cat
To be honest, it’s bothersome, but it would be a disaster if Serval did it alone, so I have no choice but to accompany you. I'm also afraid that the Nyan Nyan Family's reputation will be tarnished... 素直めんどーなのですがサーバルに任せたら大惨事ですから、仕方ないのでついていきますよ。ネコグループの悪評になるのも怖いですし
That cruel impression feels like a direct strike to my heart! I'm already worn out, and I haven't even started the delivery! 剛速球の感想が私のハートにストライクだよ!配達前からボロボロだよ!
Park Guide
Is the reason that Serval-san is still so energetic because she's built up a resistance from all of Caracal-san's teasing?... Fight, Serval-san! それでもサーバルさんが元気なのは、からカルさんにからかわれ続けて、耐性がついたからでしょうか... ... ファイトです、サーバルさん!
Sand Cat
Serval still hasn't learned. Well, let's finish the delivery quickly and play in the sand. あんまり学習しませんからね、サーバルは。まっ、さっさと配達終わらして、砂の掛け合いっこでもして遊びますよ
  Scene: Nakabe Region -
It's me, Dromedary, with my one chignon~! Thank you for coming here. Wild Bactrian Camel-chan, wake up and look! シニヨン一つでヒトコブラクダ〜♪ わざわざこんなところまで、ありがとうー。ほーらー、フタコブラクダちゃん、起きてよー
Wild Bactrian Camel
Hnn?… … That's me… … Wild Bactrian Camel with two chignons… … what is it? ん... ... シニヨン二つで、えー... ... フタコブラクダ?
You heard that? それ聞いちゃうの!?
Sand Cat
It looks like it’s her usual half-asleep self. Though, wouldn't it be weird if she wasn't half-asleep? いつも通り寝ぼけているみたいですね。寝ぼけていない時間のほうが珍しいんじゃないですか?
Wild Bactrian Camel
Hnn, I’m awake... Ah, the delivery is here. I can't believe that I'm able to eat curry somewhere like this... んー起きたー。あ、配達きたんだねー。本当にこんなところでカレーが食べられるなんて、信じられなーい
You’re not thirsty? 喉かわかない?
Wild Bactrian Camel
It's fine, curry is like a drink… … Yes, it’s delicious, delicious. Serval, do you and the others want to eat some too? As a thanks for delivering it. カレーは飲み物だから平気だよー。... ... うん、美味、美味ー。サーバルたちも食べてみるー?届けてくれたーお礼ー
Huh!? Is that okay!?... Well, truthfully, I did want to try eating curry on a hot day, so... I'll dig in! (*munch*) え、いいの!?実は私も暑い日のカレーって食べてみたかったんだー♪
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Th-this is hot!!! かっっっらー!!!
Park Guide
L-Look, [Protagonist]-san! Serval's jumping even higher than usual! It's a super Serval jump! み、見てください「主人公」さん!サーバルさんが通常のジャンプよりも更に高いジャンプを!スーパーサーバルジャンプですよ!
It’s delicious, huh? I’m glad~ おいしかったんだねー。よかった〜
N-no~… … … … hot, hot! Just looking at the curry is making me burn up! ち、ちひゃうのに〜... ... ... ... からひからひ!かれーみひぇるだけでからひー!
Wild Bactrian Camel
Do you want a drink? It’s just more curry, though. 飲み物飲むー?カレーだけど
I-I'm not thirsty!... 飲まないひょ!
  Scene: Japari Café -
Today, please deliver a “~Hot and Steamed~ Speedy Win-the-Race Ramen" to Peregrine Falcon in the Hōtoku Region. You'll be going with Iriomote Cat today, so please support her. 今日はホートクチホーにいるハヤブサに、『ぶっちぎり最速ラーメン 〜ユゲドオシ〜』を届けて。イリオモテヤマネコのリオも一緒だから、フォローしてあげてね
Iriomote Cat
P-P-Please take care of me! Um, my hobby is, um, um… … helping at the café... and, people also like to call me, Y-Yamanba Pikanya… … w-wait, no, that's not right, is it!? よ、よよ、よろしくお願いします!えっと、私の趣味は、その、えっと... ... カフェのお手伝いで、呼び名は、ヤ、ヤマンバピカニャー... ... じゃなくて!?
Park Guide
P-Please calm down, Rio-san! Did you know that the Iriomote Cat is also called Yamamaya and Yamapikarya? Don't worry, I knew what you meant! お、落ち着いてくださいリオさん!イリオモテヤマネコさんはヤママヤーやヤマピカリャーと言われてたりするんですよね?大丈夫、知ってますよ!
Iriomote Cat
Th-Thank you very much… … I’m sorry. I’m a bit confused… … あ、ありがとうございます... ... すみません。ちょっと混乱してしまいました... ...
It’s okay, it’s okay! It’s fine to take it slow, right, Bobcat? 平気平気ー!ゆっくりで大丈夫だよー。ね、ボブキャット!
… … Sorry. I was instructed to deliver it as quickly as possible so that the ramen wouldn't become soggy as it cools. ... ... ごめんなさい。ラーメンの麺が伸びないように、なるべく早めに届けてって言われちゃったのよ
Now! Let’s hurry! さあ!急ぐよ!
Iriomote Cat
Y-Yes~! は、はい〜っ!
  Scene: Hōtoku Region -
Peregrine Falcon isn't here yet… … Huh? I can see something coming this way really fast! ハヤブサたちは... ... まだ先だねー。... ... あれ、向こうから何かがすごい勢いで近づいて来てる?
SFX: (*Flap!*) (シュゴオオオオオーー!)
Oh, you've arrived at last, huh? I couldn't stand waiting and came to pick you up. おっと、ようやく来たか。待ちきれなくてな、迎えに来てしまったよ
Park Guide
P-Peregrine Falcon-san!? I-I’m sorry that we were late... ハ、ハヤブサさん!?と、届けるのが遅くなってしまいすみません
Peregrine Falcon
Don’t worry about it! 気にするな
But why ramen? Plus, it’s the kind that's all hard instead of soft… … でもなんでラーメンなの?それにこんな硬いヤツ... ...
Peregrine Falcon
I was overcome with a sudden desire to eat ramen. Not just that, but a desire for the noodles that shrink quickly, since the boiling time is shortened to an extreme... Yes, not cooked in water, but cooked by steam that passes through the dish, the ~Hot and Steamed~ Ramen is my favorite. ふと、ラーメンが食べたくなってな。あと、ゆで時間を最短まで縮めた麺... ... そう、お湯にも通さず、湯気にさっと通しただけのユゲドオシの麺が私の気に入りなのだ
Peregrine Falcon
I can't let this ramen become soggy. I'll carry it from this point on... now, let's go! その麺をのばすわけにはいかない。ここから先は私が運ぼう。... ... では、いざ行かん!
Iriomote Cat
I-If Peregrine Falcon carries it at that speed then the contents will!... ハ、ハヤブサさんの速度で持っていったら中身がっ... ...!
SFX: (*Fast flapping*) (シュゴオオオオオーー!)
SFX: (*Sparkling… …!*) キラキラキラ... ...!
Park Guide
Ah, the soup spilled out, and a small rainbow formed… … ああ、中身の汁がこぼれて、小さな虹が... ...
This is my first time seeing a rainbow that makes me feel hungry… … Anyway, we have to deliver the wooden box and head back, so let’s go to Peregrine Falcon’s place. こんなに食欲をそそる虹を見たのは初めてだよ... ... とにかく、おかもち持って帰らないとだし、ハヤブサのところまで行こう
~10 MINUTES LATER~ - 〜數十分後〜
Iriomote Cat
Th-th-th-the scenery here, it's amazing!... こ、ここここ、すごい、絶景です... ...!
King Vulture
I know, right? Looking at this scenery while eating this ramen feels heavenly. The reason that there's so little soup is because you were worried that it would make the noodles soggy, right? Thanks for that. そうだろう?この背景を見ながら食べるラーメンは絶品だぞ。汁が少なめだったのは、麺がのびることを考えてだろう?その配慮に感謝するよ
Y-You got the wrong idea, but… … well, it's whatever! [Protagonist], for me to be able to see such a beautiful scene as this feels... ち、違うけど... ... まあいいよね!「主人公」。こんな絶景が見れて... ...
Peregrine Falcon
(*slurp, slurp*) Admire it to your heart’s content. (ズル、ズルズルッ)思う存分見ていってくれ
King Vulture
(*slurp, slurp, slurp*) When I'm looking at scenery like this, it makes me want to create art, even though I've been the inspiration for a great deal of art myself. (チュル、チュルチュル、チュルンッ)この背景を見ると、芸術品のモチーフになることが多い私も、逆に自分で芸術品を作りたくなるよ
Peregrine Falcon & King Vulture
(*Slurp, slurp, slurp!!*) (*Slurp… … slurp*) (ズル、ズルル、ズズーッ!!)(チュルルルツ... ... チュルンッ)
Iriomote Cat
…[Protagonist]-san. A-Am I a bad kid if I think that this would be better without the ramen slurping sounds?... The view is clear, but my heart feels a little clouded... ... ... 「主人公」。できればラーメンをすする音がない方がよかったろ思う私は、いけない子でしょうか?... ... 背景は晴れ渡っているのに、私の心は少し曇り気味です
  Scene: Japari Café -
I’m tired, but I can't give up... Everyone’s smiles are waiting for me… さ、さすがに疲れてきたけど負けないわ。みんなの笑顔が待っているんだもの... ...
Today you will be delivering a “Complete Gourmet Explosive Galaxy Meal Set” to White Lion and Arctic Fox in the Hokkai Region. Please allow Snow Leopard to help, as well. 今日はホッカイチホーのホワイトライオンとホッキョクキツネへ、『超ド級銀河爆発満腹定食』をお届けするのよ。ユキヒョウもお手伝い、よろしくね
Park Guide
T-The illusory Snow Leopard!? Their dark indigo spotted pattern in their grayish brown fur makes them blend in with surrounding rocks, allowing them to use it as camouflage!~ ま、幻とも言われているユキヒョウさんですか!?灰褐色の体色の斑紋が入ることで、周りにある岩と同化するようにカムフラージュも可能なんですよね〜!
Snow Leopard
You're quite informed. Indeed, I am the same Snow Leopard she speaks of. I will assist you while I search for points from which to admire the snow... よく知っておるのぅ。まあ紹介してもらったユキヒョウじゃ、雪見スポットを探しがてらゆるりと手伝わせてもらうぞ
Snow Leopard
That aside, do you not feel as if your ambitions are rather high, given how you've been tasked with delivering 10 wooden boxes? ... ... にしても、配達するものがおかもち十個分とははりきりすぎじゃないか?
It means they're feeling hungry! それだけお腹を空かせてるってことなんだよ
Snow Leopard
Even if you were starving to death, I would consider this an excessive request. 腹と背中がくっつくくらい腹が減っていたとしても、この量はおかしい気もするのじゃが
Park Guide
Well, um, keeping fed like Puffin-san can only be a good thing! ま、まあ、パフィンさんのように、たくさん食べることはいいことですから!
Then I'll carry the boxes... oof, it's heavy... For White Lion's sake, let's hurry!... Plus, I can stop lifting these boxes... それじゃおかもちを持って... ... うぅ、重い... ... ホワイトライオンのため、この重さから解放されるためにも急いでいこう!
  Scene: Hokkai Region -
…It’s cold! ... ... さぶいっ!
Arctic Fox
This is pathetic, you know? Please, at least wait until the temperature is in the negatives before you say that. 情けないですよ?せめてマイナス何度くらいになってから言ってください
Park Guide
It’s Arctic Fox! It's said that temperatures as low as -70 degrees Celsius feel only a little bit cold to them. They're cute...but being able to withstand such temperatures is cute too. ホッキョクキツネさんですよ!マイナス70度でもちょっと寒いと思うくらいと言われています。かわいいのに寒さに強いって、これまたかわいいですよね
Snow Leopard
I assume that this one is White Lion, then? で、ホワイトライオンじゃが、あれはなんじゃ?
White Lion
Ahh, the air around here is… … the mildness, the umami... this is among the best air I've ever eaten... I feel myself getting full... aha, ahahahaha. ああ、この辺の空気は... ... まろみ、うまみが今まで食べてきた空気の中でもナンバー1ですね。あー、お腹が膨れる気がしますー... ... へへ、へへへへへ
Park Guide
Ahh… … the leucistic form of Lion is the extremely rare White Lion... She's so hungry that she's eating air... Serval-san, give her the food! ああ... ... ライオンさんの白変種であり、非常に珍しい白色のホワイトライオンさんが、空腹のあまりこんなことに... ... サーバルさん、アレを!
Understood! White Lion, look! You can eat this! It’s 10 super-sized wooden boxes! わかった!ほらホワイトライオン!これ食べて!おかもち十個分の超大盛りだよ!
White Lion
A-A full stack of big bread, and stew as hot as magma! I-I'll dig right in! や、やまもりのビックバンに、マグマのようにあっついシチュー!い、い、いただきまーす!
You're eating really well… … Ugh, it’s cold. いい食べっぷりだね!... ... うー、寒いよー
Arctic Fox
Is it really that cold? そんなに寒いですかね?
Arctic Fox, since you won't believe me, just feel how cold my hand is and see what I mean! Here! そんなこというホッキョクキツネには、冷えた私の手をプレゼント!えいっ!
Arctic Fox
…I don't feel anything. Here, you can have it back. ... ... 効きませんね。ではお返しを
Hyaah… …!! Argh, I can’t win… … … … ahh, it’s so cold! [Protagonist], lend me your hand! ひゃ... ...!!うぅ、勝てないよぉ... ... ... ... あー寒いよ!「主人公」、手をかしてー!
White Lion
Haah!!... … Huff, thanks for the food. It was a delicious dish...my heart and body feel warm. はふんっ!!... ... ふぅ、ごちそうさまでした。心も身体もあったまるおいしい料理でした
White Lion
If possible, I'd like another one… できれば、おかわりが... ...
I-I didn't hear anything! Well, please stop by the café next time! Bye! アーアーナニモキコエナイー!それじゃ次はカフェに来てね!それじゃー!
  Scene: Japari Café -
…Um, the next task is... go with Jungle Cat to give the “Nevertheless, we are Pure Milk" to Amazon Tree Boa and the others in the unexplored section of the An'in Region... afterwards, I can finally take a rest... ... ... えっと、次は、アンインチホーの秘境にいるアマゾンツリーボアたちに、『それでも僕は潔白だ牛乳』を、ジャングルキャットと一緒に届けて。... ... これで一息つけるから
Jungle Cat
…What kind of milk is that!? And putting that aside, you want us to go somewhere remote!? Doesn't that exceed the delivery range!? ... ... どんな牛乳だ!というツッコミはさておき、秘境ってなんですか!デリバリー範囲超えてない!?
The orders are absolute!… 注文は絶対よ... ...!
Jungle Cat
H-huh?… … Don’t give me that look… it’s frightening. I understand, I'll ask Marbled Cat for help finding the destination. え、ええー... ... そんなおっかない顔で言わないでよ... ... 怖い。わかったよ、マーブルキャットにおおまかな場所聞いて行ってくる
Park Guide
Somewhere remote?... … What kind of place could it be? I’m actually looking forward to this a little. 秘境、ですか... ... どんなところか、ちょっと楽しみですねっ
Jungle Cat
Is that so… … I think it would be easier if we didn't go… … そうかな... ... 行かない方が楽でいいと思うんだけどな... ...
Jungle Cat, it looks like you really don’t want to go. We're only delivering milk, so would you prefer it if we go without you? ジャングルキャット、あんまり行きたくなさそうだね?配達するの牛乳だけだから、私達だけで行ってこようか?
Jungle Cat
Ah, if you'd like… … (… … Wait!... … I-If I don't go, will I look like a bad kid?) あー、そうしてくれると... ... (... ... 待って?... ... こ、ここで行かなかったら、嫌な感じな子に見えちゃうかも?)
Jungle Cat
N-No, nevermind, I'll go. If you'd like it, then that's enough for me! (… … Ah, am I showing off unconsciously!?) や、やだなー行くに決まってるじゃないっ。なんだったら私だけで十分だよ!(... ...ってつい見栄えはっちゃったー!)
Ah, you're so reliable! But we also want to power through for Bobcat, so let’s deliver it together. おっ、頼もしいね。でも私だってボブキャットの力になりたいからね。一緒に配達するよ!
Jungle Cat
Ah, really? Then let’s do that… … I-I’m saved... あ、うん、そう?じゃあそうしようね。... ... た、助かった
  Scene: An'in Region -
Jungle Cat
... ... I-I found them... after all this time, I've finally found Amaboa the Amazon Tree Boa and Emeboa the Emerald Tree Boa. Maybe I should’ve not pretending want to deliver the milk ... ... み、見つけた。アマゾンツリーボアのアマボア、エメラルドツリーボアのエメボア... ... な、長かった。見栄え張らずに、配達やめとけばよかった、かも...
Park Guide
Hah… hah… Amazon Tree Boa... is famous for having a wide range of color variations, such as red or orange... Emerald Tree Boas... have special triangular patterns on their beautiful green color… はぁ... ... はぁ... ...。アマゾンツリーボアさんは、体色が赤だったり褐色だったりと様々な色を持つことで有名。エメラルドツリーボアさんは、美しい緑色に三角形の斑が特徴的です... ...
Amazon Tree Boa
You're determined to share your knowledge, even when you're tired! Nice! As a reward for your efforts, here's our comedy routine! おおっ、疲れながらも根性のうんちく、ええなー!よーしじゃあそのがんばったご褒美に、あたしらの漫才見てってな!
C-Comedy? Huh? Is something starting? ま、漫才?え、なに、なにが始まるの?
Amazon Tree Boa
Greetings, I’m Amaboa, and this one here is Emeboa! The two of us are both “Tree Boas”! どうもーアマボアです!こっちはエメボア、ふたりあわせて『ツリーボアズ』や!
Amazon Tree Boa
I play the funny man, and Emeboa is the straight man. Don't forget our names, too! Look, Emeboa, greet them. あたしがボケ、エメボアがツッコミなんですよー。名前と一緒に覚えてや!ほらエメボアも挨拶せいっ
Emerald Tree Boa
…Ahh, that was satisfying. Thank you for enjoying the offering on such short notice. ... ... ふぅ、おいしかった。おそまつさまでした
Amazon Tree Boa
What are you doing!? Are you closing up the routine already!? って何いきなり終わらせてんねん!
Emerald Tree Boa
Huh? When a meal is finished, you have to say "thanks for enjoying it," don't you? え、お食事が終わったらおそまつさまって言うでしょ?
Amazon Tree Boa
Why are you eating in the middle of our routine!? And you're supposed to say "thanks for the meal" when you finish eating! 漫才中になに食ってんねん!というか飯食い終わった時は『ごちそうさま』や!
Emerald Tree Boa
…! Ohh, I see!… ... ...!なるほどね... ...!
Amazon Tree Boa
"I see"? You're supposed to be the straight man, what are you doing playing the fool!? "On short notice"... give me a break... Thank you very much! なるほどってお前ツッコミなのにボケボケか!お前が一番”おそまつ”やん!いいかげんにしろ... ... どうもありがとうございましたー!
Aha, ahahahaha! Ahh, my belly hurts… … that was interesting!... … But why a comedy routine? And why milk? あは、あはははは!あーお腹痛い... ... 面白かったよ!... ... で、なんで漫才したの?あとなんで牛乳?
Amazon Tree Boa
Well, we came up with a new routine, and we wanted you to see it. But just making you laugh was boring, so I ordered milk for you to drink while you watched, like this... いやな、漫才の新ネタが出来たから見て欲しかったんや。ただ、普通に笑わせてもつまらんから、牛乳注文して、それ口に含んでもらって、こうブーっと... ...
Amazon Tree Boa
… … … Aaaah!! You didn't drink the milk!? I wanted to see you spitting it out! There's no other choice, let us tell one more joke! ... ... あああ!自分ら牛乳飲んでへんやん!吹き出すことが見たかったんよ、あたしはー!しゃーない、もう1ネタや!
Huh?… … We came here for this?… … ええー... ... そのためだけにここまで来たんだ、私達... ...
Jungle Cat
That's a no from me… … no thanks… … Jeez, let's go back… … Ahh, I’m tired… … ないよー... ... それはないよー... ... もう、ワタシ達帰るね... ... ああ、疲れた... ...
Amazon Tree Boa
Ah! Please, wait! This milk is delicious! We'll do our best routine! あー!待ってや!この牛乳おいしいから!漫才もとっておきのやるからー!
Amazon Tree Boa
Please look at our act!! 漫才みてやー!!
  Scene: Japari Café -
Oh, welcome back, Serval. Everyone, thanks for your hard work. お、おかえりサーバル。みんなも本当にお疲れ様
Asian Golden Cat
Bobcat… … It would be bad if things kept their current course… … Haven't you noticed that Rock Dove and Bald Eagle are exhausted from taking orders? ボブキャット... ... このままじゃ大変過ぎよ... ... 注文受付のカワラバトとハクトウワシもくたくたよ?
I’m glad that I can see everyone's happy smiles, but… … in exchange, our own happy smiles are gone. みんなの喜ぶ顔が見れて嬉しいけど... ... 逆に私達の顔から喜ぶ顔がなくなっちゃうかもね
But deliveries make everyone happy. I don’t think it would be a good idea to just end them abruptly. でも、デリバリーはみんなが喜んでくれてるし、急にやめるのはよくないと思うのよね
Iriomote Cat
Y-You’re right… B-But if we keep going like this, we'll... everyone's bodies will start to pay the price... and then, maybe the Japari Café will have to suspend business until we recover…? そ、そうですね... ... で、でもこのまま続けたら、私達みんな体を壊しちゃって... ... ジャパリカフェ休業、なんてことになる、かも... ...?
Eurasian Lynx
I overheard you talking! Don’t suspend the Japari Café! If the interesting target is suspended, I’ll be in trouble! 話は聞かせてもらいました!ジャパリカフェ休業なんてダメですよ!気になる対象が休業になったら、私困っちゃいますよ!
… … … ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Marbled Cat
…I’m fine with deliveries, but I want everyone to come to the café. That way, everyone can talk with each other. You want to talk with everybody too, right, Bobcat? ... ... 私は、デリバリーもいいけど、やっぱりみんなにこのカフェに来て欲しいわ。だってそうしたらみんなと話せるもの。ボブキャットもみんなとお話ししたい、そうでしょう?
Flat-Headed Cat
Even if we stop doing deliveries, it was hard work, so why don't you leave some items we delivered on the menu, nya? That way, our work won't go to waste, nya! デリバリーは大変だからなしにしても、追加したメニューのいくつかは残すのはどうにゃ?そうしたらあたし達のがんばりも無駄じゃないにゃ!
…Yes... It seems like we've overdone it a bit. Everyone... I'm sorry. Let's stop the deliveries, starting today. ... ... そうね。少し、無理をしすぎてしまったみたいね。みんな、ごめんなさい。今日でデリバリーは終わりにしましょう
It’s okay! Even if not everyone comes to the café, we still will! And we'll order enough for everyone to share, too! So, cheer up! 大丈夫!みんなが来なくても私が来るから!みんなの分もたくさん注文するから!だから、元気出してねっ
…Thank you, Serval. Ah... I should pick a new slogan. Yes… then, the new slogan will be… “To you, with sincerity, a special moment”. ... ... ありがとう、サーバル。そうだ、新しいスローガンを決めないと。そうね... ... それじゃ新しいスローガンは... ... 『まごころこめて、特別なひとときをあなたに』ね
  Scene: Fade to black -
~Bobcat's Diary~ With this, even though it's regretful, the deliveries in Japari Café were finished. I was too ambitiouous, it wasn't good... 〜ボブキャットの日記〜


After that, the Japari Café returned to its normal dai... No, I wonder if it was an effect of the deliveries... somehow, it feels livelier than before. It makes me happy. あれからジャパリカフェはいつも通りの日常に戻ったわ。... ... いえ、デリバリーの効果なのかしら。心なしか前よりにぎわっているかも?嬉しいことね
Today, the Japari Café is flourishing... Now, let's leisurely enjoy our days while I tease the customers. ジャパリカフェは今日も繁盛中... ... さて、みんなをからかいながら、ゆったりとした時間を過ごしましょうか
  Scene: Japari Café -
… … Huh!? We've finally come to help and it's over! ... ... って、手伝いに来たら終わってるやーん!
Black Leopard
W-Well, sometimes things like this happen… … ま、まあそんなこともあるって... ...
I can’t agree with that! 納得いかヘーん!
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  • The name on Bobcat's wooden box, "OK! AMOTI", is a pun on 岡持ち (okamochi), which means "wooden box".
  • Leopard's order for a Japari Bun is Kurikinton flavored. Kurikinton is a Japanese New Year's dish made up of mashed potatoes mixed with sweetened chestnuts.
  • Peregrine Falcon's order is for Yugedoshi, a type of Japanese ramen (usually hakata) that is cooked via steam rather than water, and served with less soup than usual. Yugedoshi is notable for being crunchy and difficult to eat.
  • While Mirai claims that Arctic Fox can withstand temperatures of up to -70 degrees Celsius, in reality, arctic foxes can only withstand up to -50C.
  • The original pun between Amazon Tree Boa and Emerald Tree boa involves a confusion between お粗末様 (osomatsusama), an expression of humility for the provider of a meal, and ご馳走様 (gochisousama), an expression of thanks after being treated to a meal. Amaboa's confusion at Emeboa suddenly ending the act comes from osomatsusama also being a phrase meaning "ill-prepared" or "lame"; thus Amaboa's disappointment at the use of "on short notice". Lastly, there is a layer of double-meaning wherein Emeboa uses osomatsusama to "end the meal" - in other words, the routine.
  • Amaboa and Emeboa's comedy routine is a manzai, a double act that uses similar dynamics to the "straight man and funny man" acts used by western comedians.