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== 00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue) ==
== 00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue) ==
=== 0-1 (Boss) Beneath the Baobab Fruit Tree ===  
=== 0-1 (Boss) Beneath the Baobab Fruit Tree ===  
"The sun rises. We can see grass, Acacia, and Baobab Fruit clearly under the sunlight... Huh? Is this... the Savanna Woodland Prairie?"
=== Tutorial-1 Cabin in the Savanna ===
=== 0-2 Tour of the Kingdom ===
Story summary:
=== Tutorial-2 Bittersweet Farewell ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Cerulean(s) !! First 3-Star Clear Rewards || Ordinary Rewards !! Specialty Drops
| Horned Warrior (Boss) || Stargems (50) || Round Mushroom || 4 Acacia
Tutorial-1 Cabin in the Savanna
Friends who share a bond can trigger their COMBO and enjoy additional bonuses on the battlefield, but how can we make them collaborate?
Our journey leads us deep into the savanna, where we find a cabin and are greeted by Haruka. She claims to be a tour of the Kingdom and holds all the answers we seek. She even knows that I'm human.
0-2 Tour of the Kingdom
Weasel and Chevrotain decided to accompany me to the castle and visit the King. Lucky Beast will lead the way.
According to Haruka, I should venture into the castle to seek an audience with the King. Weasel and Chevrotain are my trusted companions, and Lucky Beast shows the way, guiding us through the wilderness.
Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a healing nature can heal others.
Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a healing nature can heal others.
After I bid my farewell to Haruka, I set out on my journey towards Jungle Castle. I wish I would meet her again.

=== 0-3 ===
Along the way, Weasel and Chevrotain introduced to me the various landscapes of this Kingdom. I suddenly realized this place was a lot bigger than I had imagined.  
Along the way, Weasel and Chevrotain introduced to me the various landscapes of this Kingdom. I suddenly realized this place was a lot bigger than I had imagined.  

=== Tutorial-3 ===
Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Guarding Nature can increase others' defensive abilities.
Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Guarding Nature can increase others' defensive abilities.
Bittersweet Farewell
After I bid my farewell to Haruka, I set out on my journey towards Jungle Castle. I wish I would meet her again.

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message of chapter completion: You crossed the Savanna with Weasel and Chevrotain, and came to an end for the first leg of your journey. But further adventure awaits! The lot of you continued to travel across the Kingdom, having fun along the way. Who would have known that there would be two Friends in trouble in the way ahead?
message of chapter completion: You crossed the Savanna with Weasel and Chevrotain, and came to an end for the first leg of your journey. But further adventure awaits! The lot of you continued to travel across the Kingdom, having fun along the way. Who would have known that there would be two Friends in trouble in the way ahead?

Story summary:
{| class="wikitable"
! Cerulean(s) !! First 3-Star Clear Rewards || Ordinary Rewards !! Specialty Drops
| Horned Warrior (Boss) || Stargems (50) || Round Mushroom || 4 Acacia

== 01 - Jungle of Adventures ==
== 01 - Jungle of Adventures ==
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Cabin in the Savanna

{| class="wikitable" style="width:60%;"
! width="20%" | Character
! width="80%" | English
| Haruka || How is it, has your body warmed up?
| Jinri || Thank you, Haruka-san. Thanks to you, my clothes are dry, and I feel much warmer.
| Haruka || Right, that's wonderful.
| Haruka || Anyways... earlier you said you can't remember anything at all before drowning?
| Jinri || Yes......who I am, why I'm here......can't remember anything......
| Haruka || That's'd be nice if we knew where you came from.
| Haruka || This place is known as Kingdom. Have you heard of it?
| Lucky-Beast || I've already explained.
| Haruka || Right, thank you, Lucky Beast.
| Haruka || Just like Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san, this place has all kinds of Friends who all live in this consolidated zoo.
| Haruka || As for me, I either look after Friends, or I guide visitors...
| Haruka || Um......If I say I'm a park guide, can you understand?
| Jinri || I kind of understand......but I keep hearing you all say "Friends"......who's that?
| Haruka || How do I put it, a Friend is......
| ??? || (Ahh! The cup!)
| ??? || (Chevrotain what's wrong with you, I said I was handing you the cup!)
| ??? || (Eh! What do I do! My hand slipped~!)
| Haruka || What's with the noise in the kitchen?
| Jinri || I heard it too. / Sounds like Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san talking.
| Haruka || Weasel-san, Chevrotain-san, what is it?
| Weasel & Chevrotain || (Um......!)
| Haruka || Lucky Beast, what happened?
| Lucky-Beast || The hot tea finished brewing.
| Haruka || Then what?
| Lucky Beast || Weasel and Chevrotain dropped a cup full of hot tea on the floor, so it fell and broke.
| Haruka || That's what I thought.
| Haruka || Let Lucky Beast clean up, and come this way. I'm going to explain what Friends are to this child.
| Weasel & Chevrotain || Sorry----!
| Chevrotain || Um, I just wanted to help out Lucky Beast...
| Weasel || Jinri looked so cold, and we wanted to make a cup of tea......but Chevrotain just had to drop it on the floor...
| Chevrotain || Eh!? I'm to blame? Is it not because Weasel-chan is of two minds? Her eyes were focused elsewhere while handing me the cup~
| Weasel || Really, I already told you that I was handing it over! Chevrotain, it's not right that you didn't listen to what I said~!
| Chevrotain || I'm not wrong!
| Weasel || If you say so, I'm not wrong either!
| Haruka || Hey! you two, arguing is......?
| Weasel & Chevrotain || ......Not allowed!!
| Haruka || You see, just like Weasel and Chevrotain, "Friends" can understand and speak human language.
| Haruka || They use two legs to walk and can brew tea......they can even drop a cup on the floor!
| Weasel || Haruka, are you serious~we made up, so stop teasing us.
| Haruka || Haha, sorry, sorry.
| Haruka || But, you should pay attention, they have animal ears and tails, correct?
| Jinri || Yes, I'm stunned! / It's inconceivable, why is that?
| Haruka || The truth is, they used to be animals.
| Haruka || Due to Sandstar's influence, their appearance changes drastically to that of a human, which is what you see as a "Friend."
| Jinri || I don't understand in the slightest...... / ......Sandstar?
| Haruka || Eh, the details aren't clear to me short, Friends are animals in human form, that you should be able to understand, right?
| Haruka || Not only looks, they retain their traits, special skills, and abilities from the animal they used to be.
| Jinri || I can't believe it! / Eh! Does Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san have any special skills?
| Haruka || Weasel-san is part of the Mustelidae family. Don't look at her petite figure, her jump is powerful.
| Haruka || Weasel is called "world's smallest carnivore" and has a strong personality. So it's easy for her to start fights with others.
| Weasel || Leave hunting to me! Even if the Cerulean is several times bigger than me, I'm confident I can defeat it!
| Haruka || Chevrotain-san, even though she looks like a deer, the chevrotain actually belongs to a separate evolutionary path.
| Haruka || Chevrotain is timid, bad at hunting. But she's good at sensing the scent of enemies, so her ability is----fleeing.
| Jinri || ......Fleeing?!
| Chevrotain || I'm small, weak, and don't really like fighting......
| Haruka || Strangely, Chevrotain-san can submerge in water for a long time to hide from enemies.
| Haruka || Few mammals can do such a thing, Chevrotain-san, is amazing!
| Chevrotain || Eh, I'm amazing? Being praised makes me so happy~
| Haruka || In short, living in Kingdom are animals with all kinds of abilities.
| Haruka || Friends skilled in flying, Friends skilled in swimming, Friends that run fast......with enough time, you'll run into them sooner or later.
| Jinri || Eh! Excellent! I'm excited to meet all kinds of animal friends!
| Chevrotain || W-What's that sound! It scared me!
| Haruka || Ah, it's the timer going off. Looks like Lucky Beast has finished brewing the hot tea.
| Lucky-Beast || This is ginger tea with honey. Guest, please have tea.
| Jinri || Thank you, Lucky Beast......
| Lucky-Beast || You're welcome.
| Jinri || Wait, if I'm not seeing this wrong, there are two Lucky Beasts in the room!?
| Haruka || Hahaha, right, I also haven't introduced you to the Lucky Beast yet!
| Haruka || The Lucky Beast that led the way for everyone is usually on patrol duty.
| Haruka || Thank you for saving everyone from the Cerulean, Lucky Beast.
| Lucky-Beast || No problem, you're welcome.
| Haruka || The Lucky Beast that carried the tea over is skilled at cooking, cleaning, chores like that.
| Weasel & Chevrotain || Amazing!
| Haruka || Compared to me, the Lucky Beast is much more capable.
| Haruka || Thank you for looking after me all this time, Lucky Beast.
| Lucky-Beast || Not worth mentioning.
| Jinri || So, Kingdom has all kinds of Lucky Beasts in operation, is that right?
| Haruka || That's how it is.
| Chevrotain || Over in the savanna, Lucky Beast spoke to Jinri.
| Weasel || Haruka, what kind of animal is Jinri anyway?
| Chevrotain || This child can't swim and runs very slowly~
| Weasel || No tail, no horns either, really a strange animal.
| Haruka || Oh dear, were you all not paying attention?
| Weasel || Pay attention to what?
| Chevrotain || Could it be!
| Haruka || This child......
| Haruka || human.
| Weasel & Chevrotain || Human?!
| Chevrotain || Somehow, I always thought this kid might be human~!
| Haruka || Amazing, Chevrotain-san, how did you know?
| Chevrotain || Because, this child talked with Lucky Beast~
| Chevrotain || The only one who can make Lucky Beast talk is Haruka-san!
| Haruka || Very attentive.
| Haruka || It's because Chevrotain-san is so vigilant that she observes so carefully.
| Chevrotain || Hehe~
| Haruka || feels so long since I've seen a human......
| Jinri || Really?
| Haruka || Mm, talking to you gives me a kind of nostalgic feeling.
| Haruka || But there's one thing I can't understand. From the start, Weasel and others have been calling you Jinri.
| Haruka || Since you don't remember anything, why can you remember your name?
| Jinri || Because a name's written here...... (pulls out backpack)
| Weasel || Oh what, some stuff fell out!
| Jinri || Handkerchief, pen, book......and this card......should all be my things.
| Haruka || Let me see?
| Haruka || I see, the card really does say Jinri on top.
| Jinri || Yes.
| Haruka || (contemplating) This card looks I've seen it somewhere......Kingdom Pass!
| Jinri || Haruka-san, you've seen the Kingdom Pass before?!
| Haruka || Mhm, every visitor to Kingdom receives one.
| Haruka || a pretty good name.
| Haruka || It's a clue with regards to your lost memory.
| Weasel || It feels very cool!
| Chevrotain || It'd be nice to have more clues in the future!
| Weasel || Jinri~!!
| Chevrotain || Hehe, hearing me call her name, Jinri smiled~!
| Weasel || Hold on, I'm pretty sure she smiled from hearing me say her name!?
| Chevrotain || It was me, it was me first~!
| Weasel || It was me who said it!
| Haruka || Oh dear you two, we agreed not to......?
| Weasel & Chevrotain ||  ......Fight!
| Haruka || That's better ~
| Jinri || Pf......hahaha~
| Weasel || ......A laugh.
| Chevrotain || Jinri laughed~
| Weasel || W-what's there to laugh about!
| Jinri || I'm sorry, I didn't mean any harm! I-it's only that I felt Weasel-san and Chevrotain-san are so cute, so I couldn't help myself......
| Chevrotain || Eeee, I'm all embarrassed.
| Weasel || I-I'm not cute, I'm awesome!
| Haruka || Great, everyone's back in good spirits. Jinri, how do you feel now?
| Jinri || I feel much better now, thanks to everyone's care.
| Haruka || Quickly drink the hot tea, the tea Lucky Beast brewed just for you is getting cold.
| Jinri || Then I'll be polite.
| Jinri || ......(Gulp, gulp) This tea water is sweet, so delicious!
| Haruka || You're all lucky, Lucky Beast's tea making skills are superior to mine.
| Lucky Beast || No, not that good. I only take 3 grams of tea leaves and empty it in 160 milliliters of hot water.
| Haruka || So......Jinri being a human has been figured out, but the problem now is that the child lost all her memories.
| Jinri || Yes, I can't remember anything......
| Haruka || Perhaps the king will know what events happened around the castle and Jinri's unfortunate history.
| Jinri || Castle......King......?
| Haruka || The castle is where the king lives.
| Haruka || This vast kingdom has quite a few castles, and in every castle lives a king.
| Haruka || By the way, we're in the "Savanna Area". From here the closest is "Jungle Castle".
| Haruka || Ah, right, from the balcony's telescope, you can see the outline of the castle.
| Weasel || that this thing?
| Haruka || Correct. Via the telescope, you can see far away places.
| Chevrotain || I think I can see the thing......uneven, high rocks......
| Haruka || Sorry! Not that castle.
| Haruka || For "Jungle Castle", it's this direction.
| Weasel || Woah, that tree is tall and big! Amazing!
| Weasel || So what's the king of the rainforest like anyways!
| Chevrotain || Looking everywhere, all I see is a mess of trees.
| Chevrotain|| Where exactly is the king?
| Weasel || Seems like I spotted the king! So magnificent!
| Weasel || ......What's that?! That's not the king!'s rushing towards this way!
| Haruka || Everyone get out of the way! That's a Cerulean!
| Chevrotain || Ahhh! Those guys look real weird.
| Haruka || That's because for some reason, these Ceruleans were born fused. Their bodies are a fusion of leaves, sticks, earth, and even remnants left by humanity.
| Haruka || In fact, these guys don't have any self-will. They only wander aimlessly around Kingdom, attacing everywhere and bringing chaos.
| Chevrotain || The Friends who can't beat them, they get eaten......
| Weasel || We're not food  for Ceruleans, seriously!
| Haruka || Fused Ceruleans may be scary, but we have a way to respond......
| Jinri || The patrol plane! It can be used to defeat Ceruleans! / I can operate the patrol plane to help everyone......
| Haruka || Huh, you guys know about the patrol plane?
| Weasel || At the riverbed, Jinri used the patrol plane to strike the Ceruleans with a "whoosh"!
| Haruka || Since you all understand, there's no time to loose, so let's go deal with this Cerulean right away.
| Weasel || Great, another patrol plane ride! I can't wait any longer!

|title=Welcome, My New Friend
|title=Cabin in the Savanna
Line 644: Line 290:
| Lady in White || N/A || N/A
| Lady in White || N/A || N/A
Boundless Ambitions 0-3
w Where's the castle! Where's the king!
w Ahh!! How come the further we go, the less I can see a shadow of the rainforest.
j Everywhere I look, the grassland is vast.
c At night, this place is pitch black and creeps me out, but during the day it's sunny and a great place.
lb Let me, for clarification.
w Wow, Lucky Beast suddenly spoke! It startled me!
LB The "Savanna Area" is thick with short shrubs, which is said to be a good place for animals to live in.
LB "Silent River" runs through the Savanna Area, and its source is known as "Miracle Lake", one of Kingdom's famous tourist spots.
LB This clear, beautiful water is an oasis for animals to rest at.
j Lucky Beast, amazing! In the future, if there's something I don't understand, can I ask you again?
LB Okay. Whatever it is, please ask away.
j So reliable, Lucky Beast!
w Hey uh, I'm quite reliable too right?
c Me too, me too! I also know about this side of the savanna.
j Of course, you two are also reliable!
c Um......Kingdom is very big!
w Besides the Savanna Area, there are many, many places.
w There's especially many places with lots of growing trees, with cool tree shade.
c And places with many blooming flowers with a sweet fragrance ~
j That's great, I wish I could go see it!
w There are also places where the weather's terrible.
c The kind of place where it's cold, and there's ice everywhere.
w And places where it's very, very hot and sandy everywhere.
w ......Oh no! I remembered something really terrible!
w Stoat-san is going to scold us!
w We......have to run some errands along the way~!
c Uh oh, I completely forgot......
j ......what errands? / Don't panic, speak slowly, and we'll come up with a solution.
c Stoat-chan sent us to the riverbed to collect glowing rocks, and later......we heard a sound from the water, and forgot all about collecting the rocks......
j Sorry! In order to save me, you had to forget about such an important thing.
w ......Ah! No, no! It's no problem, the errands can be completed at any time!
c Is there really no problem? Weasel-chan, have you forgotten how scary Stoat-san looks when she's angry?
w Uh......
w Forget about the unpleasant things! Seeing the King, isn't that more exciting!
w It's useless to hesitate just thinking about what'll happen later.
w It's better to catch the prey in front of us first, let's go!
j That's what I think too! / Weasel-chan, is this really okay?
c I don't think......this is too okay.
c But, as long as it's something decided by Weasel-chan, it'll be done immediately.
j Ahaha, Weasel really moves forward with courage.
w Courage? Courage, courage, courage???
j It means that once you decide to do something, you'll bravely continue forward to do it well.
c It sounds so awesome!
w Hey! Right!? Set a goal and take it in stride, so anyways, let's move on now!
w Well, we'll see to the king, let's go!
j ......wait, wait a second!
w What the heck, didn't you just say it was okay to go forward!
j Look! There's a......!
c Ahhhhhh!! A Cerulean appeared!!!
c Weasel-chan! Save me!!
w My target prey can't escape......leave it to the awesome Weasel!
w Hey! Jump!
j ......Wow! She jumped up!!
lb Weasel is the smallest animal in the Mustildae family, and despite its small size, it has a fierce personality.
lb It can utilize its excellent jumping power to attack birds that are several times larger than themselves.
j T-Thanks for your explanation, Lucky Beast. But now isn't a good time......
w I'm going up! Watch carefully!
w Heyy!!
sources links
tickets / / /
animalgirls / find other one
misc / / / / /

Latest revision as of 17:20, 5 July 2024

Main Story Quests (title) The main storyline for Kemono Friends: Kingdom is divided into [5] sections, called chapters.

The following content may include spoilers.

00 - Journey to the Savanna (Prologue)

0-1 (Boss) Beneath the Baobab Fruit Tree

Tutorial-1 Cabin in the Savanna

0-2 Tour of the Kingdom

Tutorial-2 Bittersweet Farewell

Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a healing nature can heal others. After I bid my farewell to Haruka, I set out on my journey towards Jungle Castle. I wish I would meet her again.


Along the way, Weasel and Chevrotain introduced to me the various landscapes of this Kingdom. I suddenly realized this place was a lot bigger than I had imagined.


Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Guarding Nature can increase others' defensive abilities.

0-4 The unexpected arrival of Ceruleans strikes terror into our hearts, leaving us scrambling for cover. In the nick of time, Serval and Caracal emerge from the grass, coming to our aid with valiant courage.

Tutorial-4 Friends each have their best abilities. Those with a Support Nature can support others and improve their damage output.

0-5 Serval and Caracal are shocked when they heard we're heading for Jungle Castle. So far, many Kemono Friends have asked for an audience with the King to no avail. All of this because of that mysterious Guard...

0-6 Serval leads everyone to the Savanna Village. On a desolate trail, we run into more Ceruleans.

0-7 Serval leads us to arrive at the Savanna Village, where we meet the greatest Friend. To our surprise, though, that friend is a Hippopotamus.

0-8 (Boss) Hippopotamus told us she never fought the Guard of the Jungle Castle... It turned out everything was a misunderstanding.

0-9 The Ceruleans are wandering nearby the river. It doesn't seem like they want to leave any time soon. Hippopotamus is ready to protect her territory... I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.

Story-1 "With us pleading and begging, Hippopotamus finally agrees to share the story of her confronting the Castle Guard. Meanwhile, the river seems to be glowing. We don't know what it is."

0-10 (Boss) To unveil this mystery identity, I decided to go to the Jungle. However, before I go, I must get rid of those that stand in my way...

message of chapter completion: You crossed the Savanna with Weasel and Chevrotain, and came to an end for the first leg of your journey. But further adventure awaits! The lot of you continued to travel across the Kingdom, having fun along the way. Who would have known that there would be two Friends in trouble in the way ahead?

Story summary:

Cerulean(s) First 3-Star Clear Rewards Ordinary Rewards Specialty Drops
Horned Warrior (Boss) Stargems (50) Round Mushroom 4 Acacia

01 - Jungle of Adventures

"Challenge awaits, traveler! Enter the thick, lush jungles, and get ready for a sweet tropical fantasy!"

Cabin in the Savanna


Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number Tutorial-1
Friends Least Weasel

Cabin in the Savanna


Quest Data
Quest Type Story
Quest Number Opening-2
Friends Least Weasel

Welcome, My New Friend is a quest in the original Kemono Friends Kingdom. It precedes the story quests and cannot be replayed, even with the Adventure Log. The player gets to choose one Friend to encounter based on a series of questions.


Character English
Weasel It's getting hot as heck out here. I'm melting like a popsicle!
Chevrotain Weasel, don't go wandering off like that! We're lost...
Weasel The savanna isn't even my territory. Everything's looking so weird...
Weasel I wish we could find someone to ask for directions or something...
Chevrotain Hey, look up ahead. There's a friend who seems to be in a rush too.
Weasel Awesome, let's invite her to roll with us!
Chevrotain Yeah, but she's moving so fast she might not even notice us...
Chevrotain What should we do, Jinri?

There are three options here:

  • Blow a whistle
  • Yell out "hello"
  • Give her a big wave

Whatever option is picked here influences the next options.

Character English
Chevrotain Hey, Jinri, it worked! She finally saw us.
Chevrotain But, to be honest, I'm a little nervous. I don't know what kind of friend she's like.
Weasel Jinri, where do you think she's from?

There are two options here. Whatever option is picked influences the last option.

Character English
Chevrotain Jinri, what do you want to do with this new friend?

There are two options here. Whatever option is picked generates the resulting Friend.

Character English
Weasel Hey, she's waving at us! Let's pick up the pace and catch up with our new friend!


First option Second option Third option Friend result
Blow a whistle Cold woodland Run wild and free Gray Wolf
Have a snowball fight Stoat
The vast blue ocean Chase the waves Common Dolphin
Go for a deep-sea swim Blue Whale

First option Second option Third option Friend result
Yell out "hello" A cozy bay Try some Kingdom Buns Humbolt Penguin
Do some sunbathing Saltwater Crocodile
A deep forest Run wild and free Gray Wolf
Build a cabin American Beaver

First option Second option Third option Friend result
Give her a big wave A verdant forest Enjoy the moonlight in the trees Japanese Black Bear
Have a sparring match Golden Snub-nosed Monkey
A dry wilderness Talk about spears Arabian Oryx
Take a chill stroll African Elephant

Friend Result

The Friend Result features the Friend, the Kingdom Tag, which simply tells a little about the Friend's personality, and a short message from the Friend

Kingdom Tag Character Message
Stalwart and caring Gray Wolf Thanks for inviting me, Jinri. We'll run all the way we can together!
Lively and adaptive Stoat You'll make a great buddy, Jinri! Looks like we'll have lots of stories to share between us.
Carefree and inquisitive Common Dolphin It will be real fun to have you on the journey, Jinri!
Wise and romantic Blue Whale I hear you, Jinri. I shall take care of your journey in the seas.
A carefree foodie Humbolt Penguin You like Kingdom Buns too, Jinri? We should share and enjoy more flavors together!
Friendly and wholesome Saltwater Crocodile Jinri, you feel so warm. If you get tired, you can lean on me.
An honest, hands-on team player American Beaver You've an interesting idea there, Jinri. Let's build it together!
Easy going and calm Japanese Black Bear You like the moon too, Jinri? That's great! Finally a buddy to find the closest spot to the moon together!
Resilient and ambitious Golden Snub-nosed Monkey I see that you are determined, Jinri. Let us train together!
Low-key but caring Arabian Oryx I didn't know we think the same, Jinri! I'll join you on the adventure and protect everyone!
Friendly, gentle, and true African Elephant Jinri, you're special. I will learn a lot from you if I get to go on the adventure with you.

--- Kingdom tag: Stalwart and caring; Gray Wolf --Have a snowball fight ---Kingdom tag: Lively and adaptive; Stoat -The vast blue ocean --Chase the waves ---Kingdom tag: Carefree and inquisitive; Common Dolphin --Go for a deep-sea swim ---Kingdom tag: Wise and romantic; Blue Whale

Yell out "hello" -A cozy bay --Try some Kingdom Buns ---Kingdom tag: A carefree foodie; Humbolt Penguin --Do some sunbathing ---Kingdom tag: Friendly and wholesome; Saltwater Crocodile -A deep forest --Run wild and free ---Kingdom tag: Stalwart and caring; Gray Wolf --Build a cabin ---Kingdom tag: An honest, hands-on team player; American Beaver

Give her a big wave -A verdant forest --Enjoy the moonlight in the trees ---Kingdom tag: Easy going and calm; Japanese Black Bear --Have a sparring match ---Kingdom tag: Resilient and ambitious; Golden Snub-nosed Monkey -A dry wilderness --Talk about spears ---Kingdom tag: Low-key but friendly; Arabian Oryx --Take a chill stroll ---Kingdom tag: Friendly, gentle, and true; African Elephant Story summary:

Cerulean(s) First 3-Star Clear Rewards Ordinary Rewards Specialty Drops
Horned Warrior (Boss) Stargems (50) Round Mushroom 4 Acacia

make table

Cerulean(s) Drop Rewards Specialty Drops
Stinging Cerulean N/A N/A
Lady in White N/A N/A

Boundless Ambitions 0-3

w Where's the castle! Where's the king!

w Ahh!! How come the further we go, the less I can see a shadow of the rainforest.

j Everywhere I look, the grassland is vast.

c At night, this place is pitch black and creeps me out, but during the day it's sunny and a great place.

lb Let me, for clarification.

w Wow, Lucky Beast suddenly spoke! It startled me!

LB The "Savanna Area" is thick with short shrubs, which is said to be a good place for animals to live in.

LB "Silent River" runs through the Savanna Area, and its source is known as "Miracle Lake", one of Kingdom's famous tourist spots.

LB This clear, beautiful water is an oasis for animals to rest at.

j Lucky Beast, amazing! In the future, if there's something I don't understand, can I ask you again?

LB Okay. Whatever it is, please ask away.

j So reliable, Lucky Beast!

w Hey uh, I'm quite reliable too right?

c Me too, me too! I also know about this side of the savanna.

j Of course, you two are also reliable!

c Um......Kingdom is very big!

w Besides the Savanna Area, there are many, many places.

w There's especially many places with lots of growing trees, with cool tree shade.

c And places with many blooming flowers with a sweet fragrance ~

j That's great, I wish I could go see it!

w There are also places where the weather's terrible.

c The kind of place where it's cold, and there's ice everywhere.

w And places where it's very, very hot and sandy everywhere.

w ......Oh no! I remembered something really terrible!

w Stoat-san is going to scold us!

w We......have to run some errands along the way~!

c Uh oh, I completely forgot......

j ......what errands? / Don't panic, speak slowly, and we'll come up with a solution.

c Stoat-chan sent us to the riverbed to collect glowing rocks, and later......we heard a sound from the water, and forgot all about collecting the rocks......

j Sorry! In order to save me, you had to forget about such an important thing.

w ......Ah! No, no! It's no problem, the errands can be completed at any time!

c Is there really no problem? Weasel-chan, have you forgotten how scary Stoat-san looks when she's angry?

w Uh......

w Forget about the unpleasant things! Seeing the King, isn't that more exciting!

w It's useless to hesitate just thinking about what'll happen later.

w It's better to catch the prey in front of us first, let's go!

j That's what I think too! / Weasel-chan, is this really okay?

c I don't think......this is too okay.

c But, as long as it's something decided by Weasel-chan, it'll be done immediately.

j Ahaha, Weasel really moves forward with courage.

w Courage? Courage, courage, courage???

j It means that once you decide to do something, you'll bravely continue forward to do it well.

c It sounds so awesome!

w Hey! Right!? Set a goal and take it in stride, so anyways, let's move on now!

w Well, we'll see to the king, let's go!

j ......wait, wait a second!

w What the heck, didn't you just say it was okay to go forward!

j Look! There's a......!

c Ahhhhhh!! A Cerulean appeared!!!

c Weasel-chan! Save me!!

w My target prey can't escape......leave it to the awesome Weasel!

w Hey! Jump!

j ......Wow! She jumped up!!

lb Weasel is the smallest animal in the Mustildae family, and despite its small size, it has a fierce personality.

lb It can utilize its excellent jumping power to attack birds that are several times larger than themselves.

j T-Thanks for your explanation, Lucky Beast. But now isn't a good time......

w I'm going up! Watch carefully!

w Heyy!!

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