South African Giraffe's Character Quest

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South African Giraffe's Character Quest is a quest in the original Kemono Friends mobile game centered around South African Giraffe. It takes place in the Kyoshu Region of Japari Park.

South African Giraffe


Quest Data
Quest Type Character
Quest Number 86
Friends South African Giraffe, Reticulated Giraffe, Rothschild's Giraffe


South African Giraffe's Character Quest opens up with her deciding that she wants to play with her two sisters, Reticulated Giraffe and Rothschild's Giraffe. However, before she gets a chance, Rothschild's Giraffe approaches Reticulated Giraffe, calling her stupid and accusing her of eating her pudding. Despite this, she still refers to them by sweet names, referring to South African Giraffe as "Sweet Pudding" and Reticulated Giraffe as "Cake Pudding" while speaking to them. However, instead of a sweet name, Reticulated Giraffe calls Rothschild's Giraffe a glutton, angering her, and causing them to fight to the point they decide they are no longer sisters, and part ways. This makes South African Giraffe sad.

South African Giraffe decides to investigate, following Rothschild's Giraffe, and questioning her regarding her accusation. She explains that the pudding that was labeled with her name is missing, and that she saw Reticulated Giraffe passing by with caramel on her mouth. This led her to believe that she was the one who ate her pudding. The two go to find Reticulated Giraffe and talk to her about it. However, when they find her she says that she is confused because her own pudding has also disappeared. However, they soon discover a Cerulean with pudding hanging out of its mouth.

After realizing that the Cerulean is the true culprit, the three fight and defeat it. Rothschild's Giraffe and Reticulated Giraffe apologize and forgive each other, and thank South African Giraffe for being a reliable big sister who helped them to make up, resolving to make more pudding together.


Character English Japanese
South African Giraffe
Oh? I can hear my cute sisters over in that direction… … Fufu, I wonder if they're playing vigorously today, too. {{{jp1}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Reticulated Giraffe-chan totally ate my pudding, I'm sure of it! {{{jp2}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
I didn’t eat it! {{{jp3}}}
South African Giraffe
O-oh my…? {{{jp4}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Like, I was planning on eating it later! Reticulated Giraffe-chan, you're so stupid! {{{jp5}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Wha!? But I said I don’t eat it! I told you earlier! {{{jp6}}}
South African Giraffe
Ah, please calm down, both of you! Tell your big sis what happened, okay? {{{jp7}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Sweet Pudding big sis! Cake Pudding-chan is like, so mean! {{{jp8}}}
South African Giraffe
Eh? Eh? But I’m not a sweet, you see… …? First off, both of you stop fighting. {{{jp9}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Mistaking our names with sweets... Ross-chi is really a glutton! {{{jp10}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
*annoyed!* {{{jp11}}}
South African Giraffe
Y-you're going too far, Reticulated Giraffe-chan. {{{jp12}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Geez, fine! My sisterhood with Reticulated Giraffe-chan is, like, totally over! {{{jp13}}}
South African Giraffe
W-wait, Ross-chi-chan! {{{jp14}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
I really... didn’t eat Ross-chi's pudding. Geez, I know nothing about Ross-chi! {{{jp15}}}
South African Giraffe
W-why must… Something like this… cause a rift in their friendship?… For now, I must bring back Ross-chi-chan! Caring about my little sister is my responsibility as a big sister! No matter what it takes, I must make them make up with each other! Wait, Ceruleans at a time like this!? You're a disturbance, move out! Eei! Big sister power! {{{jp16}}}
South African Giraffe
So this is where you went, Ross-chi-chan. I’m glad you’re safe. {{{jp18}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
South African Giraffe big sis… … {{{jp19}}}
South African Giraffe
What happened? Both of you are fighting… … Please tell big sis about the details. {{{jp20}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Yeah, the truth is… … My pudding that, like, had my name on the cover was totally, completely gone. Then, I saw Reticulated Giraffe was passing by, and she had caramel on her mouth, so, like, I thought she was the one who ate it. But, Reticulated Giraffe-chan doesn't seem like the kind of girl to lie… … Maybe I jumped to conclusions… … {{{jp21}}}
South African Giraffe
I see… … Thank you for being honest. {{{jp22}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Like I thought, the culprit is probably someone else. But, at this point, it’d be pretty hard to apologize… … I dunno... what should I do… … {{{jp23}}}
South African Giraffe
It’s alright, big sis will be there to help you apologize. So let’s go home together, okay? Anyone can have a misunderstanding. Reticulated Giraffe will forgive you, too. Let's go home quickly, and be careful around Ceruleans, alright? {{{jp24}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
M-my pudding! {{{jp26}}}
South African Giraffe
W-what happened, Reticulated Giraffe-chan? You have a scary face… … {{{jp27}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Earlier, my half eaten pudding disappeared! Could it be Ross-chi, getting revenge for earlier… …? {{{jp28}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Eh!? I would never… …! {{{jp29}}}
South African Giraffe
Wait, Reticulated Giraffe-chan! Ross-chi-chan was with me earlier. So, the culprit has to be somewhere else! Let’s search for the culprit, all three of us. Ross-chi-chan, I’m sure they ate your pudding too! {{{jp30}}}
! !
Rothschild's Giraffe
Ah! That Cerulean, their face is, like, covered in caramel! {{{jp32}}}
South African Giraffe
It’s your fault! Big sis will deliver a punishment to the one who ate my sister's pudding! {{{jp33}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
As expected from Ross-chi! An amazing spinning attack. {{{jp35}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Hey, you too, Reticulated Giraffe-chan. Your scarf handling is totally terrific! {{{jp36}}}
South African Giraffe
As I'd expect from my little sisters. Reticulated Giraffe and Ross-chi-chan are cool, too. {{{jp37}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
No, our teamwork is the result of South African Giraffe big sis being here. {{{jp38}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
The three of us can fight so well because of South African Giraffe big sis. Thank you! {{{jp39}}}
South African Giraffe
Both of you… … {{{jp40}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
By the way, about the pudding earlier… … I'm super sorry for suspecting you, Reticulated Giraffe-chan! {{{jp41}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
I'm sorry for earlier, too. I tried to make Ross-chi the culprit… … {{{jp42}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
No, you don't need to be sorry! Hey, we're good friends again from now on, right? {{{jp43}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Yes, of course! {{{jp44}}}
South African Giraffe
I’m glad… … Both of you made peace with each other. {{{jp45}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
South African Giraffe big sis, thank you, too! {{{jp46}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Yes. It's thanks to South African Giraffe big sis that we could make peace with each other. {{{jp47}}}
South African Giraffe
Fufu, I’m a big sister, so this kind of thing is natural for me. But, both of you are acting the same as before, so big sister is happy… … The tears are leaking… … {{{jp48}}}
Rothschild's Giraffe
Jeez, you're so exaggerating. {{{jp49}}}
Reticulated Giraffe
Ahaha. {{{jp50}}}
South African Giraffe
Fufu. Then let's pull ourselves together and make some pudding, all 3 of us. {{{jp51}}}
Rothschild’s Giraffe & Reticulated Giraffe
Waai! {{{jp52}}}
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