Gastornis/Nexon Game: Difference between revisions

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|envoice1=Gastornis here. to make everyone know that bird is the strongest, Today too I'll go
|envoice1=Gastornis here. to make everyone know that bird is the strongest, Today too I'll go
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|envoice6=This feeling of exceeding your own limit. It's great, I feel like I can fly. Just my feeling
|envoice6=This feeling of exceeding your own limit. It's great, I feel like I can fly. Just my feeling
|enhomeline1=All of bird friends should have more confidence
|enhomeline2=I can't fly but I run fast!
|jphomeline3=うー … … 空でも陸でも最強であるにはどうすればいいかな … …
|enhomeline3=Uh... ... What I should do to become the strongest on sky and land... ...
|enhomeline4=worked up good sweat by running feels good more than anything
|jphomeline5=はーい! 今日もお姉さんと一緒にがんばろー!
|enhomeline5=Alright! Today too, together with big sis let's do our best!
|jphomeline6=あなたのおかげで、自分の力にもっともーっと自信が持てるようになったよ! ありがとう!
|enhomeline6=Thanks to you, I have more and more faith in my power! Thank you!
|jphomeline7=トリが大好きな「 」くんには、お姉さんとラブラブになれる権利をあげよう!
|enhomeline7=For [player name] who really like bird, big sis will give you a right that enable you to get lovey-dovey with her