White Tiger/Stage Play

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White Tiger
White TigerStage Play.jpg
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WhiteTigerStage PlayJapariStage.jpg
WhiteTigerStage PlayJS2024.jpg
Friend Data
Appears In Stage Play "Kemono Friends", Stage Play "Kemono Friends 2" ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~, Stage Play Kemono Friends "JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~
Actress Ran Sakai (Stage Play), Mao Noguchi (Revival, Stage Play 2, Japari Stage, JS2024)
White Tiger Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery

White Tiger is a Friend that appears in Stage Play "Kemono Friends".


Stage Play "Kemono Friends"

Raccoon Dog portrays White Tiger as having a very boastful and proud character.

Stage Play "Kemono Friends 2" ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~

In this work, the real person herself appeared. She is somewhat rigid and is not a good dancer.

Role in the Plot

Stage Play "Kemono Friends"

White Tiger is actually impersonated by Raccoon Dog. Raccoon Dog sings "I am known as White Tiger" but struggles to stay in character as White Tiger.

Stage Play "Kemono Friends 2" ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~

White Tiger in the first Silver Fox story is a different person of creation. She was dozing in a huge rice cooker in a hospital in the Snow Mountain area. When she learned that Cellien had appeared, she jumped out of the cooker and defeated her with a golf club in hand. She then went to the Botanical Gardens, where she recognized the devil's voice she heard in the Botanical Gardens as the Tasmanian Devil. She then decided to help Ezo Red Fox grow rice in their greenhouse. Just before the Snow Festival, she is surprised to learn from Silver Fox that her weapon of choice is a golf club. Against a giant Cellien that attacked her shortly thereafter, she hits a golf ball with a golf club and succeeds in defeating it.

"JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~

She left, advising of Cellien's presence for the sake of the new-born Bat-Eared Fox. She also moved to arbitrate between Siberian Tiger and Northern Goshawk.

JAPARI STAGE! ~I Could Hear Your Footsteps Once Again~

Despite the advance notice, she has not appeared in this stage play. She appears in a mini live concert after this stage play. Instead, Saber-Toothed Tiger appears in the stage play.


Saber-Toothed Tiger

The two girls, who are also Friends of the Tiger, have one thing in common: they are Cellien Hunters. Therefore, there is a scene in which White Tiger mentions Saber-Toothed Tiger. However, there are no direct scenes of the two together, as Saber-Toothed Tiger is in charge of warm areas and White Tiger are in charge of snowy mountain areas.

Siberian Tiger, Large-Billed Crow

It is unclear whether White Tiger's name recognition by Friends as a Cellien Hunter had any influence, but when Siberian Tiger, as leader of the Friends on land, picked a fight with an army of birds, including Large-Billed Crow, White Tiger took on the role of mediator. In the next film, the two become friends, so White Tiger may be considered a matchmaker.

Stage Play "Kemono Friends"
Major Characters
Black LeopardEmperor PenguinFennec FoxGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinOkapiRaccoon DogRaccoonRoyal PenguinServalSouthern Rockhopper PenguinWoolly Mammoth
Minor Characters
Blue WhaleCheetahEurasian BeaverGreater FlamingoKoalaMalayan TapirManed WolfOkinawa RailSaber-Toothed TigerSheepWhite Tiger
Do-Re-Mi SongEveryone's FriendsI am known as White TigerJapari Bun RapJapari MuseumKemono MichiMammoth's SongOzora DreamerPassionate PPP ŌgiriSavanna Super GirlsSheep's Song
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari Delivery ServiceLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSandstarSavanna GirlsSolar Power System
Savanna AreaJapari Museum
Stage Play "Kemono Friends" 2 ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~
Regular Characters
Silver FoxEzo Red FoxOkapiWoolly MammothRaccoon DogBlack LeopardWhite TigerOinari-samaTasmanian DevilGreater LophorinaWestern ParotiaBald EaglePolar BearReindeer
Version-only Characters
ServalFennec FoxRaccoonRoyal PenguinEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinMargay
Silver Fox and Ezo Red FoxLet's get into a hot springLet's go to the snowy mountainsIn the past, someoneWe want to help youWe play games all the timeI'm a timid Friends, but... Humming ver.Japari Bun Rap Hyper ver.Mammoth is a doctorCourtship Dance of the Bird of ParadiseI'm a timid Friends, but...Raccoon Dog's The "Rice Harvesting" SongThe "I want to hand out" SongLet's take off our clothes and get into a hot springThe "I want my keepsake back" SongIt's delicious when we all eat togetherDance with Kemono Snow Festival ver.I'm a timid Friends, but... Snow Festival ver.
Cellien (List) • Cellien HunterFriendJapari BunJapari Delivery ServiceLucky BeastPenguins Performance ProjectSolar Power System
Snowy Mountains AreaShrineBotanical GardenHot Spring
Stage Play Kemono Friends "JAPARI STAGE!" ~Big Ears and Small Miracles~
African Bush ElephantBat-Eared FoxBlack JaguarBlack LeopardDomestic PigGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGreat White PelicanLarge-Billed CrowNorthern GoshawkOkapiOkinawan HabuRaccoon DogResplendent QuetzalReticulated GiraffeSecretarybirdSheepShoebillSiberian HuskySiberian TigerSouthern CassowaryWhite Tiger
Let's go with KemonoThe Savanna WomenArmy of the BirdsDuel of KemonosStudents' SongI can't flyBUTAAmourTANUKI "Japari Bun for You"Small MiraclesWhat's going on in your world?We do our best for our FriendsHabu Buta Tanuki KinshikouBye-ByeSmall Miracles Ending ver.
Army of the BirdsCellien (List) • FriendJapari BunSolar Power SystemTeam Savanna
Japari AcademySchool
Stage Play "Kemono Friends" JAPARI STAGE! ~I Could Hear Your Footsteps Once Again~
Black LeopardBlue WhaleCaracalCheetahDomestic CatEmperor PenguinGreater LophorinaKomodo DragonLarge-Billed CrowRaccoon DogSaber-Toothed TigerServalShoebillSiberian TigerTasmanian DevilWestern ParotiaWhite TigerWoolly Mammoth
Cellien (List) • FriendJapari BunJapari GirlsLucky Beast
Japari AcademyJapari CaféLake ShoreTower of Japari