S2E07: Beyond Speed

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Episode 7 - Beyond Speed


Episode Data
Air Date February 25th, 2019
Introductions Cheetah, Greater Roadrunner
Previous S2E06: A New Morning
Next S2E08: New Song in Concert

Beyond Speed is the seventh episode of the second season of Kemono Friends.


Kyururu and his group looking at his own blurry drawing which Kyururu's speculated as something move fast on group then suddenly wristband-type Lucky Beast warned Kyururu's group about something apporoaching them fast and it's revealed to be Cheetah who is running before crashed into the group. Pronghorn challenged Cheetah for a race but she refused and then Roadrunner bullying Cheetah. Pronghorn states that she don't care about winning or losing because it feels good running with the others.

Cheetah and Pronghorn race against each other and Serval decided to join the race too. At first Cheetah had upper hand but as the race goes on she get tired from running because she has low stamina while Pronghorn has good stamina. When both of them crossed the finish line, Serval accidentally pushed both of them into the lake. Cheetah and Pronghorn having an argument about who's the winner then Kyururu came up with an idea having relay race in order to make the race more fair with Caracal team up with Cheetah while Roadrunner team up with Pronghorn. Caracal complains because all they wanted just asking for direction then Roadrunner taunts her about being scared to race. Caracal running then she saw Roadrunner flying, she calls her cheater but Roadrunner reminds her that the rules didn't forbid about flying. Caracal and Roadrunner get into a fight with both of them swings their tree branch like a swordfight, Cheetah scolds both of them and tell them to hand over the baton instead of fighting.

Caracal passed the baton to Cheetah, she quickly left Roadrunner behind while claiming that she is the fastest land animal. Kyururu say that Cheetah is amazing before looking at his own blurry drawing. Roadrunner passed the baton to Pronghorn, she quickly able to keep up with Cheetah's pace and asked her to run together. Pronghorn tease Cheetah but Cheetah being tsundere then Pronghorn left her behind. Cheetah passed the baton to Serval and she able to keep up with Pronghorn's pace which she finds very impressive. As they entered forest section of the race, Serval gained upper hand by jumping from tree to tree and managed to left Pronghorn behind. Kyururu noticed that Serval suddenly stop running and tell Caracal, Cheetah, and Roadrunner about something coming to them. They tell Pronghorn that the race is over because a Jeep truck-type Cellien chasing them. Pronghorn tell everyone to race against that Cellien and everyone told her that it's not the time for that, when Pronghorn is about to running she suddenly got tripped which injure her leg in process. Pronghorn is about to admit her own demise to Cellien before Cheetah came to save her by doing princess hug. The Cellien unable to make sharp curve and got flipped before being finished by Serval.

Roadrunner saying thanks to Cheetah for saving her Pronghorn-sama and Kyururu declared the race as a tie. They found Japari Jeep Truck on road and before Kyururu went to the next destination, he give Roadrunner his drawing about what might happened in previous race between Cheetah and Pronghorn had Cellien didn't attacked them. Cheetah don't accept that she finished the race at the same time with Pronghorn and then Pronghorn challenged her to have another race and they have a race again. Kyururu's group then go to the next destination.

Credits Sketch

Toki singing inside Alpaca's Cafe and Tsuchinoko yelled at her to stop singing. Alpaca Suri tell Tsuchinoko about audition is coming up and ask her to help Toki with her recital.

Major Events

  • Roadrunner bullying and taunting both Caracal and Cheetah.
  • Cheetah performs princess hug to Pronghorn.
  • Kyururu's group found a Japari Jeep Truck.

Animal Talk Segments

The two animal talk segments in this episode are voiced by Aya Uchida (Mirai).

Cheetah's animal talk
Greater Roadrunner's animal talk


Major Characters

Minor Characters

Major Characters KyururuServalCaracalLucky BeastGiant ArmadilloGiant PangolinDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)
Minor Characters AardwolfAtlantic PuffinAye-AyeBat-Eared FoxBlack LeopardBlue WildebeestCalifornia Sea LionCampo FlickerCommon Bottlenose DolphinCheetahCommon Vampire BatCrested IbisDomestic PigDonkeyEastern Spot-Billed DuckEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-OwlFennec FoxGentoo PenguinGiant PandaGreater LophorinaGreater RoadrunnerHumboldt PenguinKabanLeopardMargayNorthern White-Faced OwlOkinawan HabuPassenger PigeonPronghornRaccoonRaccoon DogRed PandaRoyal PenguinSaltwater CrocodileSiberian TigerSouthern Rockhopper PenguinSpectacled CaimanThomson's GazelleWestern Lowland GorillaWestern Parotia
Cameos African Wild DogArabian OryxAsian Golden CatAsian Small-Clawed OtterAustralian DevilAxolotlBarbary LionBlack-Backed JackalBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBrown BearCape LionCapybaraChickenDomestic DogEzo Red FoxGolden EagleGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfGreat AukHonduran White BatImpalaIriomote CatIsland FoxJaguarJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaLarge-Billed CrowLionMaltese TigerMasked Palm CivetMeerkatMooseMouflonNorth American BeaverNorthern GoshawkNorthern Sea OtterOkapiPlatypusPumaRed FoxRed KangarooReticulated GiraffeRock DoveSand CatScarlet IbisShort-Beaked Common DolphinSilver FoxSpotted HyenaStoatSuri AlpacaTsuchinokoWhite LionYatagarasu
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