Pavilion:Installation Guide

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Charlotte - Head Librarian
Kemono Friends Pavilion has now ended service. This page will be left up for archival purposes. In the future, it may be updated with new information for the sake of completion. However, the information on this page no longer has use.

For instruction on how to install Kemono Friends Pavilion, please select the tab for the device in question. If you need more assistance, please join our Discord server and we will be happy to help you.

If you have any questions or concerns with any of the steps in this guide, please contact Skirider7#0995 on Discord for assistance.

Creating a Japanese AppleID

All of these steps must be performed on an iOS device, they cannot be performed on a desktop computer.

  1. Completely log out of any existing AppleIDs on your device.
  2. Go to the iTunes Store app (the app for music, not the App Store), scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Sign In then Create New Apple ID
  3. Change the region from whatever country you live in to Japan on the drop-down list, then hit Cancel. You should now be in the Japanese iTunes store.
  4. Go to the App Store and find any free app (indicated by a GET button instead of a price), then press Get, then Create New Apple ID.
  5. Use a valid e-mail address that has never been associated with an AppleID and select a password you can remember, then accept the terms and conditions and press Next.
  6. Enter your personal information in the fields indicated (you can enter the same name into both the Phonetic Name and Name fields), choose security questions, then hit Next.
  7. Enter a valid Japanese address and phone number. Apple will not contact this address or number in any way unless you contact them first. If you know of a valid address you may use whatever one you prefer, but hotels and universities work well. The following information address is for Sapporo University if you need an "example".
    For a phone number, it is easy to find phone numbers for Tokyo hotels using Google.
    Street: 文京台11
    City: 江別市
    Prefecture: Hokkaido
    ZIP: 069-8555
  8. Hit next, then go to your e-mail and enter the verification code sent to you. Once you have entered it and hit Continue you should be redirected to the App Store, logged in.

Installing Pavilion

  • The easiest way to find Pavilion in the App Store is to either search for "UniqueWave" or “けものフレンズ” using the App Store's Search feature, then scroll through the results until you find Pavilion
  • Simply press "Get" to install the app. You may be prompted to re-enter your password at this step, but once you have done so the app should start downloading.

Changing Between JP and Normal AppleIDs

Once you have installed Pavilion, you may wish to return to your normal AppleID. Simply log out of your new JP account and back into your original account. If the app has an update, you will need to log back into your JP App Store account in order to download the update. This can be done as follows:

  1. Go to Settings, then AppleID settings on the top
  2. Click on iTunes & App Store
  3. Click on your AppleID, then Sign Out
  4. Click on Sign In, then enter your JP account information. You will be prompted to redirect to the Japanese store, where you can download any updates needed
This will only change your iTunes and App Store account while leaving your main account logged in to iCloud and other features on your account. Repeat the above steps with your regular account to change back.

You can download Kemono Friends Pavilion using the QooApp application (a third-party mobile app repository). The app, like other mobile app repositories, can update the game clients as they come out. If you have the APK previously installed, QooApp will detect the previous installation.

  1. Go to the QooApp website from your Android mobile device:
  2. You can download QooApp by tapping on the icon which links to the QooApp APK.
  3. After the download completes, install/open QooApp.
  4. Search for Kemono Friends Pavilion 「けものフレンズぱびりおん 」 either on the app or on the browser to install it.
  5. Download and install the game. You can regularly check for updates using QooApp.

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Aardwolf (Gen 2) • African Bush ElephantAfrican Wild DogAmerican BisonArabian OryxArctic FoxArctic HareArctic WolfAsian Small-Clawed Otter (Gen 2) • AurochsAustralian DevilAxis DeerAye-AyeBarbary LionBat-Eared FoxBearded SealBengal TigerBergman's BearBlack-Backed Jackal (Gen 2) • BlackbuckBlack JaguarBlack LeopardBlack RhinocerosBlack-Tailed Prairie DogBlack WildebeestBlue WhaleBlue WildebeestBorneo ElephantBrown Bear (Gen 2) • Brown Long-Eared BatBush HyraxCalifornia Sea LionCapybaraCaracal (Gen 2) • Chapman's ZebraCheetahChestnut HorseChinese White DolphinCollared PeccaryCommerson's DolphinCommon Bottlenose DolphinCommon DeguCommon Vampire BatCoyoteCoypuCrested PorcupineDall SheepDesert WarthogDholeDomestic Dog (Mixed-Breed)Domestic PigDonkeyDromedaryEurasian BeaverEuropean Cave LionEzo Brown BearEzo Red Fox (Gen 2) • Fennec Fox (Gen 2) • FossaGeoffroy's CatGiant AnteaterGiant ArmadilloGiant Forest HogGiant OtterGiant Panda (Gen 2) • Giant PangolinGolden Snub-Nosed MonkeyGolden TigerGray WolfHarp SealHimalayan TahrHippopotamus (Gen 2) • Holstein Friesian CattleHonduran White BatHoney BadgerHuacaya AlpacaIndian ElephantIndian WolfIriomote CatJaguar (Gen 2) • Japanese Black BearJapanese MacaqueJapanese MartenJapanese River OtterJapanese WolfKoalaKodiak Bear • Leopard (Gen 2EX) • Linnaeus's Two-Toed SlothLion (Gen 2) • Long-Tailed ChinchillaMalayan TapirMaltese TigerMargayMeerkatMoose (Gen 2) • Mountain TapirNarwhalNorth American BeaverNorthern Sea OtterOcelotOkapiOrcaPale FoxPale-Throated SlothPallas's CatPatas MonkeyPink Fairy ArmadilloPlains Zebra (Gen 2) • Polar BearPronghornPuma (Gen 2) • Raccoon (Gen 2) • Raccoon DogRed FoxRed Kangaroo • Red Panda (Gen 2EX) • ReindeerReticulated Giraffe (Gen 2) • Ring-Tailed LemurSableSand CatSeal Brown HorseServal (Gen 2) • SheepShort-Beaked Common DolphinSiberian ChipmunkSiberian TigerSilky AnteaterSilver Fox (Gen 2) • SivatheriumSouthern Sea OtterSouthern Tamandua (EX) • Spotted HyenaSpringbokSteller Sea LionStoatSuri Alpaca (Gen 2) • Tasmanian DevilThomson's Gazelle (Gen 2) • Tibetan Sand FoxTsushima Leopard CatTundra WolfWalrusWestern Lowland GorillaWhite HorseWhite LionWhite ReindeerWhite RhinocerosWhite ServalWhite TigerWild Bactrian CamelWolverineWoolly Mammoth
Adélie PenguinAfrican PenguinAtlantic PuffinBald EagleBlack SwanBlack-Headed IbisBlack-Tailed GullCampo FlickerChinstrap PenguinCommon GullCommon OstrichCrested Ibis (Gen 2) • Eastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseEmperor PenguinEurasian Eagle-Owl (Gen 2) • GastornisGentoo PenguinGolden EagleGreat AukGreater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreat CormorantGreater FlamingoGreater HoneyguideGreater LophorinaGreater RheaGreater RoadrunnerGreat White PelicanHumboldt PenguinIndian PeafowlJapanese CormorantKing PenguinLarge-Billed CrowMasked BoobyNew Zealand Giant PenguinNorthern GoshawkNorthern White-Faced Owl (Gen 2) • Okinawa RailOriental StorkPassenger PigeonPeregrine FalconResplendent QuetzalRock PtarmiganRoss's GullRoyal PenguinScarlet IbisScarlet MacawSecretarybirdShoebillSouthern Rockhopper PenguinTufted PuffinWestern ParotiaWhite Stork
African Rock PythonAmazon Tree BoaEmerald Tree BoaFrilled LizardKing CobraKomodo DragonOkinawan HabuPanther ChameleonRed-Eared SliderSaltwater CrocodileSpectacled Caiman
ByakkoCerberusDanzaburou-DanukiGenbuInugami GyoubuJack-o'-LanternKamaitachi (Chi)Kamaitachi (Setsu)Kamaitachi (Ten)Nine-Tailed FoxOinari-samaPeach PantherRaijūSeiryuShisa LeftyShisa RightSkyfishSuzakuTsuchinoko (Gen 2) • Yamata No OrochiYatagarasu