Areas are different locales that can be visited within Kemono Friends Pavilion.
Areas are the in-game locations where the bulk of the gameplay takes place; these are where you place your Playthings and observe the Friends that appear.
Their primary function in terms of game mechanics is affecting what specific Friends are more likely to appear, and what Playthings are the most effective when used. Generally speaking, each area has a set of Friends (common and rare) that are more likely to appear there either compared to other areas or compared to other Friends not within that 'set'. Combined with every plaything each having its own 'Effective Area' (typically the area where the item can reliably spawn all of its rateups), the consideration of Areas becomes important when the player wants to spawn or avoid spawning specific Friends as much as possible, either for aesthetic or level-grinding purposes.
Each Area starts with 5 spots to place Playthings, and the player can unlock 5 more for a total of 10 spots by getting a certain number of encounters. Furthermore, out of these 10, each Area distributes these as either Land or Water, affecting what Playthings you can place in them.
When you start the game, only the Savanna area will be unlocked. The player will eventually have to unlock others to make more substantial progress; however, given that there is no other use of coins, it is simply a matter of time and personal choice for the most part.
Savanna | ||||||||
Area Info | ||||||||
The Savanna is a grassland area, and the very first area you'll find yourself in when you start the game. It's based off of the first area that Kaban finds herself in the Kemono Friends anime. This area has plenty of spots on the ground to place Playthings, and a single water spot for any water Playthings you might find. This makes the Savanna a good 'middle ground' area, and a great place to learn how the game works.
Friends Found More Commonly Here
- Thomson's Gazelle
- Plains Zebra
- Lion
- Margay
- Caracal
Mountain Area
Mountain | ||||||||||||
Area Info | ||||||||||||
The Mountain area is based on Alpaca Suri's cafe at the top of a mountain, which was visited midway through the Kemono Friends anime. On the far left is the cafe, while on the right is the logo Kaban draws in the grass in the anime to attract flying Friends. Unlike the Savanna, the Mountain area does not have any water spots, meaning you cannot place water-based Playthings in this area. If you have a lot of ground-based Playthings and hardly any water-based ones, the Mountain makes for a great area to move to. It's also a good place to visit if you want to meet specific ground-based Friends often, such as Alpaca and Brown Bear.
Friends Found More Commonly Here
- Ezo Red Fox
- Silver Fox
- Toki
- Alpaca Suri
- Brown Bear
Waterfront Area
Waterfront | ||||||||||||
Area Info | ||||||||||||
The Waterfront area features a performance stage in the middle of the area, with water all around it. This makes it the ideal area for aquatic Playthings and Friends. While the focus is on water, there are land-based spots for Playthings on the stage area, making it more Plaything-friendly than Mountain. While the area itself is themed off of PPP, this specific area was never shown in the Kemono Friends anime. If you find yourself collecting a lot of water-based Playthings and not many land-based ones, the Waterfront can give you the much-needed room to place all your aquatic Playthings. Similarly, if you have an affinity for PPP, you'll have better chances filling your Friends Archive with them in the Waterfront area.
Friends Found More Commonly Here
- Gentoo Penguin
- Royal Penguin
- Humboldt Penguin
- Southern Rockhopper Penguin
- Emperor Penguin
- Atlantic Puffin
Jungle Area
Jungle | ||||||||||||
Area Info | ||||||||||||
The Jungle area is the first Area to be added to the game post-release, in version 1.1.0. While this area is by-and-large centred around the 7 Friends added in that version, it is still possible to get a wide variety of Friends with the Playthings that are effective there. While identical to the Savanna at face value due to its spot distribution, the player will have many more opportunities for new friends when travelling there after the Savanna (and consequently a good influx of PP).