Northern White-Faced Owl/Pavilion

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Northern White-Faced Owl

Northern White-Faced OwlPavilion.jpg

Friend Data
Implemented January 26th, 2018
Color Green
Sleep Pattern Nocturnal
Materials Soft Cloth
LB Line
Northern White-Faced Owl Anime Season 2 Festival (Costume) Pavilion (Gen 2) KF3 (V2) Kingdom Nexon Game Gallery

Northern White-Faced Owl is a Friend who appears in Kemono Friends Pavilion.


Northern White-Faced Owl's personality is largely similar to that of her anime counterpart. She is also known as "Professor" in a similar fashion to other media. However, a rather significant difference to her anime counterpart is that she rarely mentions cooking in any of her Kemotalks (apart from reading what appears to be a cookbook in her unique behaviour).


Japanese English

「どうも···愽士です。’’ 知恵の象徴’’ とかいわれてますが、その通りです。パークのことなら何でも聞くといいですよ。わたしたちフクロウは、大変臆病なので···故意に驚かせては、いけません。優しく、丁寧に敬わないと、ぶっとばすです。あ、ワシミミズクのミミちゃん助手は脱いだらすごいらしい、です」

Scops owls are the smallest type of owls. While these owls are on the larger side for their family, their body size is only about 25 centimeters. Their wings have a pattern similar to the surface of a tree, which serves as camouflage.

"Hello... I'm the professor. You may have heard me referred to as the "Symbol of Wisdom", and it's true. Feel free to ask any questions about the park. We owls are extremely timid, so... you mustn't deliberately surprise us. If you don't gently, politely show your respect, we'll fly off. Ah, my assistant Mimi the Eurasian Eagle-Owl is supposed to be amazing when she removes her coat."

How to Encounter

Northern White-Faced Owl, true to her status as Professor of Japari Park, spawns at the Bookshelf plaything very often. The Television appears to be the next best plaything for encountering her, although the Bear Face Cutout and Game Machine have also been observed to work. She appears mainly in the Mountain Area, sometimes on various other playthings.

Unique Behavior

  • 本を読む (Reading Books) - Sits in front of the Bookshelf and reads a book. This animation is almost identical to that of Eurasian Eagle-Owl; however, Northern White-Faced Owl sits in a different spot at the bottom of the bookshelf, and does not have the same 'surprised' reaction when turning pages.
  • 料理を作るのです (???) - Super Unique Behavior, with Eurasian Eagle-Owl on the Cooking Lab.


Northern White-Faced Owl's KemoTalks Kemotalk 010018001 01.png
Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved Kemotalk Name Friends Involved
32 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png 33 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png 43 Kemotalk 010002001 01.png Kemotalk 010003001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 46 Kemotalk 010005001 01.png
62 Kemotalk 010009001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 65 Kemotalk 010011001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 80 Kemotalk 010005001 01.png Kemotalk 010006001 01.png 81 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png
82 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 132 Kemotalk 010002001 01.png Kemotalk 010003001 01.png 148 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010030001 01.png 155 Kemotalk 010003001 01.png
202 Kemotalk 010013001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 221 Kemotalk 010001001 01.png Kemotalk 010030001 01.png 222 Kemotalk 010020001 01.png 271 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010035001 01.png
404 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 405 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 406 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 407 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png
408 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 409 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 410 Kemotalk 010018001 01.png 505 Kemotalk 010008001 01.png Kemotalk 010028001 01.png
536 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010033001 01.png 552 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010029001 01.png 655 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010038001 01.png 662 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010027001 01.png Kemotalk 010043001 01.png
728 Kemotalk 010026001 01.png 762 Kemotalk 010031001 01.png 843 Kemotalk 010065001 01.png Kemotalk 010064001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 891 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010026001 01.png
910 Kemotalk 010031001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 937 Kemotalk 010069001 01.png Kemotalk 010011001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 953 Kemotalk 010079001 01.png Kemotalk 010039001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png 988 Kemotalk 010075001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png
1041 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010076001 01.png Kemotalk 010078001 01.png 1273 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010098001 01.png Kemotalk 010099001 01.png 1366 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010039001 01.png Kemotalk 010108001 01.png 1421 Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010115001 01.png
1526 Kemotalk 010011001 01.png Kemotalk 010019001 01.png Kemotalk 010125001 01.png
Cameo Appearances
311 317 324 357 396 402 411 412
417 545 577 592 599 615 631 756
923 1288 1346 1362 1514
KemoTalk Icons
Kemotalk 010018001 01.png Kemotalk 010018001 02.png Kemotalk 010018001 03.png Kemotalk 010018001 04.png Kemotalk 010018001 05.png Kemotalk 010018001 06.png Kemotalk 010018001 07.png Kemotalk 010018001 08.png

Encounter Lines

Icon chara 0149 04.png This article could benefit from Japanese text.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.
Icon chara 0141 04.png This article could benefit from a translation.
You can help Japari Library by editing the page, or by discussing the issue.
Line Japanese English
Line 1 なるほど。 I see.
Line 2 ほう。 Huh.
Line 3 パークの様子を見ているのです。 I'm just checking on how the park is doing.
Line 4 ふむ。 *fumu*
Line 5 {{{jpencounterline5}}} {{{enencounterline5}}}
Line 6 {{{jpencounterline6}}} {{{enencounterline6}}}
Level 100 {{{jp100line}}} {{{en100line}}}
Holiday Lines
Halloween 2018 今日「とりっく・おあ・とりーと」と挨拶すると、いいことがあるみたいなのです。としょかんの本にそう書いてあるのです。 {{{enholidayline1}}}
Halloween 2018 2 トリック・オア・トリートなのです。 {{{enholidayline2}}}
Christmas 2018 メリー・クリスマスなのです。 「ぶれぜんと」は「せんす」がとわれるのです。 {{{enholidayline3}}}
New Year's Day 2018-2019 謹賀新年なのです。むう、イノシシ年ですか……。いくら調べてもフクロウ年が見つからないのです、助手。 {{{enholidayline4}}}


  • Northern White-Faced Owl was announced to be appearing in Pavilion in a Tweet posted on September 23rd, 2017.
  • The book that Northern White-Faced Owl reads during her Unique Behavior has a picture of curry on the page; this seems to be a reference to her anime counterpart, who tried out Kaban's curry in episode 7.
  • Her description erroneously refers to her species as a type of scops owl. This is no longer common scientific consensus, but the Japanese species name still retains the word for "scops owl".
  • Her description was given a minor change on 8/21/19: the '25cm' was changed from full-width to half-width letters.

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