Large-Billed Crow

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Large-Billed Crow

Large-Billed CrowOriginal.png

Character Data
AKA Jungle crow, thick-billed crow
Romaji Hashibutogarasu
Debut Kemono Friends (2015 Game)
Animal Data
Scientific Name Corvus macrorhynchos
Distribution Asia
Diet Omnivore
Avg. Lifespan ?
Read More Large-billed crow
Conservation Status iucn3.1 LC.svg.png
Large-Billed Crow Season 2 Festival Pavilion KF3 Nexon Game Stage Play Gallery

The Large-Billed Crow is a type of bird Friend that appeared in the original Kemono Friends mobile game.


Large-Billed Crow is shown wearing a full black Seifuku style school uniform, complete with a black knife-pleated mini skirt, a light gray underskirt, black tights, black full length gloves, black, scrunched down socks and black loafers. Her shoulder length hair is also black, with her bangs covering her left eye and fading to a gray-white color. Her eyes are a light, faded blue, and her broad feathered tail is fanned out wide and, like the rest of her coloration, black.

Series Appearances

Appearances In Kemono Friends Media
Media Role First Appearance
2015Nexon Game Minor character, playable character
2018Kemono Friends Pavilion Observable character
2018Kemono Friends Festival Minor character
2018Kemono Friends PicrossAppears on a puzzle
2018Stage Play "Kemono Friends 2" ~Kemonos of the Snowy Night~ Minor character
2019Kemono Friends 2 Background characterEpisode 8
2019Kemono Friends 3 Minor character, playable character
2022Kemono Friends Kingdom Minor character, NPC

In Real Life

The blue-violet sheen of the large-billed crow's feathers is shown off in this photo taken by Daniel Ruyle

The large-billed crow is a common, widespread bird throughout Southeast Asia, with a large population in Japan. They are slightly bigger than the common American crow, with a thicker beak and more squared head making them appear more raven-like. Their nests are normally made high up on trees, usually conifers. While they used to be made with twigs, the crows have adapted to their urban environment using wire clothes hangers instead. However, large-billed crows do not breed during their first year.

Large-billed crows appear black, but have a blue-violet sheen to their feathers. They roost in large flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands. They have a linear dominance hierarchy, remembered based off individual recognition. Their diet is varied, going for pretty much anything edible they can find, be it plant or animal, alive or dead.

Their call is generally the same as most other species of crow, though usually deeper in pitch. They are also occasionally witnessed mimicking woodpecker drumming. There are not many predators for the large-billed crow, with most deaths being attributed to illness or parasites.

The large-billed crow was once known as the jungle crow until it was split into three species, with Corvus macrorhynchos taking on the common name of large-billed crow.


  • Several field fires near Fushimi-Inari shrine in Kyoto have been attributed to crows flying away with lit candles for their wax, which is often made from Tallow.
  • The nests they build out of wire clothes hangers can sometimes cause blackouts when made too close to power lines. Because of this, the governor of Tokyo assembled a task force to locate and destroy crow nests made with this wire.
  • These crows take advantage of cars to crack open tough nuts. They wait for the lights to show it is safe to cross a crosswalk, place walnuts on the road, and after they are driven over and cracked open the crows fly back out at the next traffic cycle to retrieve the nut.
  • Large-Billed Crow is the most iconic crow species known for their cries "kaa kaa kaa" which frequently being used in anime and games.





Bird Friends
Atlantic PuffinGreat AukTufted Puffin
Greater Bird-Of-ParadiseGreater LophorinaWestern Parotia
Birds of Prey Guadalupe CaracaraKing VultureLappet-Faced VultureNorthern GoshawkPeregrine FalconSecretarybirdStriated Caracara
Eagles Bald EagleGolden EagleHarpy EagleMartial Eagle
Owls Barn OwlEurasian Eagle-OwlForest OwletKyushu OwlNorthern White-Faced OwlSpectacled Owl
DodoPassenger PigeonRock Dove
Grey Crowned CraneOkinawa RailRed-Crowned CraneWhite-Naped Crane
Black-Tailed GullCommon GullRoss's Gull
Pelecaniformes Great White PelicanPink-Backed PelicanShoebill
Ibises Black-Headed IbisCrested IbisScarlet Ibis
Adélie PenguinAfrican PenguinChinstrap PenguinEmperor PenguinGentoo PenguinHumboldt PenguinKing PenguinNew Zealand Giant PenguinRoyal PenguinSouthern Rockhopper Penguin
ChickenChukar PartridgeGreen PheasantIndian PeafowlRed JunglefowlRock PtarmiganWhite Peafowl
Acorn WoodpeckerCampo FlickerGreater Honeyguide
Common OstrichEmuGreater RheaNorth Island Giant MoaSouthern Brown KiwiSouthern Cassowary
Oriental StorkSaddle-Billed StorkWhite Stork
Black SwanEastern Spot-Billed DuckEgyptian GooseTundra Swan
Miscellaneous Birds
Arctic TernAustralian BrushturkeyBarn SwallowBlue-and-Yellow MacawCommon CuckooGastornisGoldcrestGreat CormorantGreat Dusky SwiftGreat HornbillGreater FlamingoGreater RoadrunnerHelmeted GuineafowlJapanese Bush WarblerJapanese CormorantLarge-Billed CrowLong-Tailed TitMarvelous SpatuletailMasked BoobyMedium Tree FinchNorthern Carmine Bee-EaterResplendent QuetzalRhinoceros HornbillScarlet MacawSuperb LyrebirdSuzakuYatagarasuYellow-Rumped Cacique