Kingdom:Comments Mini-Game/Stoat

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Board Notice

I wish to hold one of those "carnivals" in the Kingdom too. However, no one seems to know much about it... In that case, let's have a warm-up event first! What kind of activities should we have? - The white-furred Friend


Seems to be a mustelid Friend with a tuft of black at the tip of her tail.


  1. First, speak with Stoat to initiate the investigation.
  2. Speak with a Friend who enjoys competitions to get Clue #1. This Friend would be Common Dolphin.
  3. Speak with a Friend who enjoys Friends having fun together to get Clue #2. This Friend would be African Elephant.

Ending 1: Never-fading Youth

Clue #1 → Clue #2
(Reward: Stoat +90 Trust)

Ending 2: A Royal Mess

Clue #2 → Clue #1
(Reward: Stoat +45 Trust)

Opening Dialogue

Speaker Dialogue
Stoat What should we do...
Player Character Oh, Ms. Stoat!
Stoat Oh! [PC], what is it?
Player Character Are you planning a festival warm-up event, Ms. Stoat?
Stoat That's right! I want our Friends to learn more about the festival and look forward to it!
Player Character Oh, that sounds great!
Stoat However, I don't know exactly what kind of activities to set up.
Player Character Hmm... For a warm-up event, anything that can attract attention should be good, I reckon?
Stoat That's true, but what kind of activities would our Friends be interested in?
Player Character Well... Let's go ask some Friends together!
Weasel If you ask me, why not hold a sister competition! Everyone can deploy their sisters and-
Stoat Suggestion noted, but let's not mention it again.
Weasel Come on, sis!
Stoat I veto this proposal.
Weasel How could you do this! Boohoo...
Stoat Where are the things I asked you to purchase, Weasel!
Weasel I-I'm going right away!
Stoat What a fuss... (blushes)
Player Character's note A festival, huh... Such a familiar and enticing word! If it's alright, I'll lend a hand!

Clue Dialogues

Clue Friend Hints

  • Go ask the delphinid Friend! → Common Dolphin
  • It's a long-nosed Friend! → African Elephant

Clue #1

The Friend spoken to for Clue #1 is Common Dolphin.

Speaker Dialogue
Common Dolphin A festival? Is it something you can eat?
Stoat No-no... A festival is a wonderous occasion where many Friends gather together!
Player Character We want to heat things up a bit. I wonder if you have any favorite activities.
Common Dolphin Favorite activities, huh?
Stoat Correct!
Common Dolphin Tee-hee, how about a competition for everyone?
Common Dolphin Would be spectacular and fun, right?
Stoat I guess you could say that...
Player Character But don't you think you're overestimating...
Player Character My talent for sports... if there is any...
Common Dolphin It's going to be fine! Having fun is what matters most!
Player Character Alright! I'll take your word for it!
Stoat As you wish!
Common Dolphin Woohoo! I'm getting fired up! Let's go!
Clue When it comes to festivals, a contest is always requisite. —Common Dolphin's suggestion

Clue #2

The Friend spoken to for Clue #2 is African Elephant.

Speaker Dialogue
African Elephant A festival? I think I heard about that when chatting with the Friends.
African Elephant But as to how to prepare for it, I might not...
Player Character No worries, we just want to know what kind of activities you like.
African Elephant That makes it easy then.
African Elephant For me, I really like seeing my Friends having fun together.
Stoat Is that all?
African Elephant Isn't that enough?
Player Character You do make some sense.
Player Character I like when everyone is having fun together too.
Stoat Mm-hmm... So as long as everyone is sitting together, eating and chatting...
African Elephant That'd be awesome already.
Player Character Absolutely!
Stoat Just the thought of it makes me feel like being on cloud nine.
Player Character Indeed. Thank you, African Elephant!
African Elephant You are welcome. Now I'm looking forward to it.
Stoat Sure you are! I won't let you down!
Clue When I think of a festival, I always picture the scene where Friends have fun together. —African Elephant's suggestion

Ending Dialogues

Ending 1: Never-fading Youth

After a thrilling race, the Friends sit down together to chat and enjoy some Kingdom Buns. Alas, such carefree moments.

Speaker Dialogue
Player Character Woohoo, what a satisfying day!
Stoat You can say that again! It feels like everyone is happy.
Player Character After an exhilarating competition...
Stoat When everyone is sweating and panting, sitting down to rest...
Player Character Bring out the drinks and snacks!
Stoat Kingdom Buns!
Player Character Eating buns and singing songs together!
Stoat What a wonderful time.
Stoat If only every day were a festival...
Player Character If only it was not just "if only"...
Player Character But reality is reality...
Player Character Our Friends all have their own duties.
Stoat Leisurely gatherings like this are quite rare.
Player Character So, just enjoy the moment and learn to cherish it!
Player Character Save the unhappy things for another time!
Stoat Exactly. You can say that again.
Stoat All things considered, I'm so happy! Thank you for your help!
Player Character Thanks to Ms. Stoat, I'm very happy too.
Stoat Spending time with all these youthful, energetic Friends is the best!
Reward Stoat Trust Up +90

Ending 2: A Royal Mess

Friends gather around to idly chat and eat snacks. Rockhopper Penguin and Common Dolphin propose a jumping contest, which results in a royal mess... What's worse, everyone suffers an upset stomach due to post-meal strenuous exercises, boohoo...

Speaker Dialogue
Player Character Mhm......
Stoat Mhm......
Player Character How do you feel about today?
Stoat It's hard for me to say...
Player Character Actually, I'm pretty happy.
Stoat It's just that...
Player Character We shouldn't have scheduled the competition right after the party...
Player Character We could have made a more considerate schedule.
Player Character I didn't expect Common Dolphin and Rocker to be so enthusiastic about the competition either...
Stoat Even King Cheetah...
Player Character And then the whole area turned into chaos.
Stoat Hahaha, never mind, as long as we're happy.
Player Character Ignoring the facts, it was indeed a great time!
Stoat Uh, what facts?
Player Character Vigorous exercise right after eating hurt my stomach a bit...
Stoat Well... you might have pushed yourself too hard.
Stoat But it's also my fault for not planning better.
Player Character There's a lot to learn about organizing activities.
Stoat Yes... There's still so much to learn.
Stoat I told you the contest was a bad idea...
Reward Stoat Trust Up +45