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Kemono Friends 2

Kemono Friends 2 OST Album Art.jpg

けものフレンズ2 オリジナルサウンドトラック
Song Data
Release Date June 19th, 2019
Price ¥3000
Catalog # VIZL-1606
Publisher Victor Entertainment
Composer(s) Akiyuki Tateyama, Masayoshi Oishi, Jin, Satou Jun'ichi (fhana)
Performer(s) ?
Duration 59:19

The Kemono Friends 2 Original Soundtrack, released 6/19/2019, contains the entirety of the background music featured in the 2019 anime, plus TV-size versions of the opening and ending themes.


An official promotional video was uploaded to YouTube prior to the album's release.

Track Listing

Track # Name Performer(s) Composer Length
1 Koudaina Paaku e! Akiyuki Tateyama 2:07
2 Mori no Naka no Wakuwaku Akiyuki Tateyama 2:08
3 Fukai Umi no Soko e Akiyuki Tateyama 2:17
4 Shizen no Shinpi Akiyuki Tateyama 1:35
5 Furenzu Koushinkyoku Akiyuki Tateyama 1:35
6 Kyururu no Kioku Akiyuki Tateyama 2:18
7 Kyururu no o Ekaki Akiyuki Tateyama 1:49
8 Kossori Kakurete Akiyuki Tateyama 1:42
9 Zotto Torihada Akiyuki Tateyama 1:33
10 Mei Tantei Konbi Akiyuki Tateyama 1:46
11 Fushigina Kenkyuu Akiyuki Tateyama 1:52
12 Kyousou! Kakekko! Undoukai! Akiyuki Tateyama 2:26
13 Tanoshii Mainichi Akiyuki Tateyama 1:38
14 Misuteriasuna Toikake Akiyuki Tateyama 1:17
15 Areta Keshiki Akiyuki Tateyama 2:03
16 Haado na Tatakai Akiyuki Tateyama 2:56
17 Dai Katsuyaku! Akiyuki Tateyama 1:53
18 Hotto Shite Akiyuki Tateyama 1:44
19 Kyururu no Tabiji Akiyuki Tateyama 1:44
20 Kafe de Hitoiki Akiyuki Tateyama 0:35
21 Yuuenchi de Asobou! Akiyuki Tateyama 2:18
22 Ori Kou San Akiyuki Tateyama 1:46
23 Kyou no Doubutsu Wa Nani Kana? Akiyuki Tateyama 0:35
24 Comical na Nichijou Akiyuki Tateyama 1:38
25 Notteke! Japari Beat ~Orgel ver.~ Akiyuki Tateyama Masayoshi Ooishi 1:41
26 Fuan na Kimochi Akiyuki Tateyama 1:38
27 Taanooshi! Akiyuki Tateyama 1:54
28 Tomodachi ni Narete Yokatta Akiyuki Tateyama 2:06
29 Hazumu Ureshi Sa Akiyuki Tateyama 1:42
30 Ah! Abunai! Akiyuki Tateyama 1:09
31 Kawaii Kuchi Genka Akiyuki Tateyama 1:12
32 Notteke! Japari Beat (TV size ver.) Doubutsu Biscuits, PPP Masayoshi Ooishi 1:33
33 Hoshi wo Tsunagete (TV size ver.) Gothic×Luck Jin 1:35
34 Kimi wa Kaeru Basho (TV size ver.) Gothic×Luck Satou Junichi 1:32


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